Anyone else had enough of superhero films?


''You're a big man but you're out of shape!''
For the past 10 or so years there's been every few months or so another superhero film coming out. Man I know Hollywood love to flog to death a franchise but enough's enough.
No more Marvel. No more DC. PLEEEEEZE! As no one so far has ever made a SH film as good as the original Superman, and that was back in 78!
ZX65 on Playstation Network

Nope. And I don't think of it as flogging a franchise, because despite sharing a continuity, as actual films they vary pretty substantially in tone and style. And virtually all of them have been well-written, well-shot, and inventive. As long as that's true, I'll keep enjoying them.

Re: Superman. Couldn't disagree more, but to each their own. But I feel compelled to point out that this specific opinion is almost entirely a generational thing. If you were a kid when it came out, you probably have a much higher regard for it than others, and it's hard not to think those things are connected.

Noone is forcing you to watch them, and if you do you're only helping DC and Marvel get the movies made. With the amount of money TDK Trilogy, The Iron Man Movies and The Avengers made; it's pretty clear that these movies are in demand from the public. So i don't see why they should stop whether the films are crap or not, should have no impact on their goal to make money like any other company. If these start flopping (which is inevitable imo) commercially then we will no doubt see a lot less of them.

''You're a big man but you're out of shape!''
Yep you're correct about the generational thing. I was 12 when Superman the movie came out, but at the time I was a Star Wars obsessive and didn't get round to seeing Superman until 2 years later on TV. I loved it (and still obviously do ) but the reason I dislike the current trend of SH movies is that they are all too dark in tone. even the cinematography uses a dark pallet (Capt America's shield as an example) The last Superman film had great effects, but lacked humour. Maybe its a post 911 thing as most superhero & action movies over the past 10 years are very dark in tone and very very serious.

Or maybe I'm just an old fart ?

Lord High Filmquisitor
Myself, no. I love the subgenre and think that they've churning out amazing films since around 2000 (and especially since 2008). I'm stoked about the possibilities for growth in the coming years and characters like Flash, Green Lantern, Shazam, Wonder Woman, Doctor Strange, Ms. Marvel and Ant Man, among others, finally getting their own good movies.

My girlfriend however, despite also loving them, is admittedly starting to burn out on them and would rather that they slow down their output for a while.
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The Marvel movies are the anti DC for me. The Nolan Batman movies were dark (but it was Batman so it worked). But then they did a lazy cut and paste for Man of Steel and it was crap.

But Marvel has been lighter and more fun. Some get dark, but not too dark and still plenty of fun.

Yes, but you're wrong about Superman. That was boring too and, were I to watch these films, as much as I'd dislike them, they'd have to go some to be more boring than Superman. I'm sure some would manage it, though.
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No. They are great. And if they aren't great they are at the very least entertaining. Plus I've become a big comic fan because of them.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
HK you rip on more movies you haven't seen than anyone I know. I thought I was bad dismissing an entire genre, horror, I think you have dismissed about a dozen.

I'm definitely tired of them.
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I love most of the superhero movies, and I hope they continue with them for a long time, as long as they can keep up the quality of the movies. The casting has been fantastic in most of the movies too.

I even agree about Superman (1978). It's one of the first of the superhero movies, (if not the first), and still one of the best. Christopher Reeve was fantastic in that movie. It's not as action-packed as the more recent movies, but that's probably because the growing trend has been towards more action in these movies.

I seem to be a bigger fan of most of the Marvel movies over the DC movies. I thought the 1989 Batman movie with Michael Keaton would have been a great movie if they had just cut out all the scenes with Batman. I liked the Bruce Wayne character better. And I'm not as big a fan Nolan's Batman series as most people are, but Heath Ledger as The Joker is probably the best villain in all of these movies. (My second favorite villain is probably Loki from The Avengers and Thor.)

I love all of the X-Men movies, and I even love both Fantastic Four movies that nobody else seemed to like.

I still have a bunch to watch, but when I do watch them, I find they're a great break from everything else. I love them and say keep them coming.

I'm tired of them as well but each time I actually stop being lazy and download one of them, I actually like it. Soo... yeah.
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I'm sick of the spider man movies. And the only one I've wanted to see was something with Carnage instead they keep putting out virtually the same story over and over and over again. Enough with these terribly unimaginative spiderman films