Family Guy: Something, Something, Something, Darkside on DVD/Blu-Ray Nov. 25th


Family Guy: Something, Something, Something, Darkside on DVD/Blu-Ray Nov. 25th

Family Guy
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment will launch Family Guy: Something, Something, Something, Darkside at retail on Dec. 22, marking the second made-for-DVD spin-off from the series after the studio’s runaway hit Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story.

Something, Something, Something Darkside will bow on two-disc standard-definition DVD ($22.98 SRP) and Blu-ray Disc ($29.99 SRP). Pre-orders are due on Nov. 25.

Something, Something, Something Darkside is a retelling of The Empire Strikes Back installment of the Star Wars franchise. Family Guy’s Stewie plays Dark Vader; Chris, Luke Skywalker; Herbert, Obi-Wan Kenobi; Carl, Jedi Master Yoda; Lois, Princess Leia and Peter, Han Solo.

The title also serves as a follow-up to Fox’s 2008 Family Guy Star Wars spoof Blue Harvest.

Something, Something, Something Darkside’s Blu-ray version contains a digital copy which is absent on the standard DVD edition. Otherwise, the bonus features are identical between the two versions, including audio commentary, deleted scenes and ‘The Darkside of Poster Art’ featurette.

Source: Video Buisness

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I cannot wait for this! I loved Blue Harvest
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

A system of cells interlinked
More uncreative twaddle from MacFarlane.

Dear Seth -

Maybe one day, you will have even a tiny piece of an original idea...


Worst show ever.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

OK, I love the show Family Guy, however, the "Blue Harvest" episode was a yawnfest for some reason. I dunno why ~ I've done forgot about the episode, but I remember being very disappointed after buying the DVD, which I no longer have.

I facepalmed so much at the horrendous-ness of Blue Harvest my palm actually got stuck to my face. For 90 minutes.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I cant believe there are so many people saying Blue Harvest was bad, it is one of the best episodes of FG and I am sooo looking forward to this new Star Wars epic. Cheers for the pics Jrs they are great

Registered User
agreed. i cant stand this.

Holy ship! The Family Guy empire strikes back with another hilarious parody of your favorite sci-fi saga! May the laughs be with you as (Chris) Skywalker joins forces with (Peter) Solo and Princess (Lois) Leia to battle (Stewie) Vader and his Imperial minions. A host of new characters comes along for the wild ride, including Mort Goldman as Lando Calrissian, Chris’s boss Carl as Yoda, and the Giant Chicken as the nefarious Boba Fett. It’s an outrageous, out-of-this-world experience you’ll “saber” for light-years to come!