New Moon in November??


Since no one seems to be talking about the Twilight Saga I thought I would bring it up.....I have just finished the 4th book and have fallen in love with them. I have seen the first movie and look forward to New Moon even though I felt that Kristen Stewart(Bella Swan) had all the emotion of a rock in the first movie I heard a rumor there is a different director on the upcoming movie New Moon....Can anyone fill me in on some great sites I can get some info on this?
"Your All going to Die down here."
Red Queen83

"Resident Evil 2:Apocolypse" Mila Jovavich
"Phone Booth" Colin Ferrel, Keifer Sutherland (2003)
"Pay it Forward" Haley Joel Osmond, Helen Hunt(2000)
"American Wedding" Jason Biggs, Alyson Hannigan(2003)
"Dogma" Ben Affleck, Matt Damon(1999)
"LOTR" 1,2 & 3 Vigo Mortenison, Elijah Wood (2002-2003)
"Thirteen" Holly Hunter, Nikkie Reed (2004)

Yeah but I was thinking of a site with trailers that type of thing

I don't think there are any trailers out yet except for fan made ones... my cousins are all in love with Twilight so I'm sure I would have already gotten the links to them in an email if there were...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Yeah but I was thinking of a site with trailers that type of thing
Yeah, IMDB does that, too. Then again, there actually has to be an official trailer out before you can see one. That's usually how it works.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

Great well if your cousin do send you any info please be sure to send it on to me lol

If Martin Scorsese is directing there is a hope for the rest of the Twilight series of movies!

I have seen the first movie and look forward to New Moon even though I felt that Kristen Stewart(Bella Swan) had all the emotion of a rock in the first movie.
I feel the same way. Hopefully she'll be better in this movie.

Welcome to the human race...
If Martin Scorsese is directing there is a hope for the rest of the Twilight series of movies!
You ever heard that old adage about how you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear?

The Elected Movie Eliminator
Twilight is ridiculous.
A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.
Stanley Kubrick

RagingBull are you having a bad day? Some people can't just watch a movie for the entertainment value at all....when did everyone stop using there imagination all of a sudden...I am not saying its the most wonderful movie made, but it is being creative, taking the vampire story that is traditionally chowing down on any human in their path to survive. Every vampire movie I have seen has always portrayed the vampire as a purely instinctual creature and as beautiful as they were described, no one except for Louis in Interview with a vampire has ever ponder the more human side. I disagree with you totally Ragingbull, but again everyone is entitled to there opinion regardless of what you think is ridiculous, the series made tons of money as the books, no doubt it will do the same in theaters.

Welcome to the human race...
The entertainment value I got out of Twilight was at laughing at how bad it was. Using some creativity does not necessarily make it better - lots of people can't take the idea of vampires that not only manage to survive during the daytime but actually sparkle when sunlight hits them seriously. Twilight is indeed ridiculous. Popular and profitable, but still ridiculous.

But you were still entertained and that is the whole point...have you even had a chance to read the books? Just out of curiosity Iroquois do you have any plans at all to see the up coming movies?

Welcome to the human race...
I've had a chance to read the first book, couldn't even finish the first chapter. Very few books have had this effect on me. I'll probably end up watching the sequels because if they're anywhere near as freakishly bad as the first, I should enjoy their crappiness.

Not going to pay top dollar at a cinema, though.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
I haven't been able to bring myself to read the books or watch the first film. That may be because I love all things Buffy and I keep thinking how Joss Whedon told this story 10 years ago!

OTOH, I teach a bunch of kids who tell me "I don't read." It's heartbreaking. But when the last book came out, I suddenly saw a bunch of the Meyer books at school with girls so into reading that I had to tell them to put the books away. That's a good thing, right?

yes I finished all 4 books in the span of a week I couldn't put them down either trust me read the books first if your thinking about watching the movies.

There are no trailers as of yet...much too early. Go to the Twilight Lexicon. They have posted youtube clips from Entertainment Tonight that had some behind the scenes of New Moon.
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