hi de ho


have you visited witchy today???
hi de ho everyone

i've been on here a while now and realised i hadn't introduced myself! how rude!!

i love movies but dont get to the cinema oftenbut i dont do scary movies

hubby and i are owned by 5 mad mutts

and i like and dancing and buying shoes.

the forums great! if theres any 'unwritten' rules i need to know about someone let me know as i am more than liable to put my foot in it! (and don't say posting loads of smilies!!!! )
have you visited witchy today??

monkey business

Don't make jokes about the size of our fonts.
Don't call tpam a weenie.
Don't take any wooden movie passes.
Don't call me sir.
And most of all...don't ever take me seriously

Welcome to the monkey house!
"You have to believe in God before you can say there are things that man was not meant to know. I don't think there's anything man wasn't meant to know. There are just some stupid things that people shouldn't do." -David Cronenberg


The closest thing we have to an unwritten rule is to use the search page before starting most new threads, to avoid starting duplicate threads. Other than that, simply being polite and insightful should earn you the respect of the other MoFos pretty quickly.

have you visited witchy today???
to avoid starting duplicate threads
ha ha! yeah, i've already had a row for that!

thanks for the welcome guys

A system of cells interlinked
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

hi and welcome to the forum

Originally Posted by lady-p
the forums great! if theres any 'unwritten' rules i need to know
Don't use more smilies than me

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

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MovieForums Extra
I didn't think there was anybody out there that could use smilies more than Nebs........I think she may have met her match!! Welcome!!
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons.....for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.