The Block- and Ignore-Button in Forums?


If someone participates in a "discussion" and leaves with saying "Feel free to have the last word." then this doesn´t really look like "taking issue" to me.
I don't see why. Makes perfect sense to me. It would be accurate to say that person maybe doesn't want a discussion, however.

My motherlanguage is german, we always talk aggressively.
Fair enough, but if so, you must be used to people occasionally misunderstanding you, yeah? I think that's probably all that's happening here: the first post sounds fairly aggressive, even if you maybe did not intend it that way. In that case I think the thing to do is to simply clarify that, mention the language barrier, and I suspect you'll get a friendlier response.

I am questioning the block/ignore feature in forums, of course i am also giving my personal opinion about it, also regarding certain types of users who think they have to inform the public community about when they are blocking which users.

This in fact means, i am not talking about those users who just block users and move on with their life as they are supposed to, without making it a big deal.
Oh, it's perfectly fine that you gave your opinion on it, and perfectly fine that you questioned it. I'm just saying that that opinion is tied up with "the topic" and so I don't think there's anything unfair (or even unusual) about someone replying primarily to your opinion.

In other words, I don't think anybody's making you "the target." I think the post itself does that.

Why do people make threads?

To get responses maybe?
Indeed, but if we decide to be controversial or provocative (or even just blunt) in order to get responses, we have to be ready for those responses to reflect that.

Personally, I think any topic that "needs" that kind of extra push to generate discussion is probably not worthwhile, in part because the discussion it generates is usually, like this, about itself more than the topic. But that's just my opinion.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
I don't see why. Makes perfect sense to me. It would be accurate to say that person maybe doesn't want a discussion, however.
And here comes the interesting part about psychology into the game:

Why do people participate in a discussion, they actually don´t really want to participate in?

It´s the same with people who go into a thread, just to rant about it while telling forum-moderation to close it. Why can´t they just IGNORE the thread (as well as certain users?)?

Fair enough, but if so, you must be used to people occasionally misunderstanding you, yeah?
Oh, that can happen for sure, but unlike in reality, there are no (real) consequences to me, if that happens. People seem to take this whole internet-forum-stuff a little too serious, in my opinion.

I think that's probably all that's happening here: the first post sounds fairly aggressive, even if you maybe did not intend it that way.
Oh, i was completely aware of using just one stupid word ("mentally weak", actually two words!) to get more attention and motivate people to participate!

In other words, I don't think anybody's making you "the target." I think the post itself does that.
If i am becoming the target, that is perfectly fine (who says it wasn´t my intention, to become the "target"?), but people tend to behave "funny" (the Joe-Pesci-Funny way! ) as soon they log into the WWW and also tend to say things, which are looking pretty contradictory to how they behave, which i in turn find pretty amusing at times.

Indeed, but if we decide to be controversial or provocative (or even just blunt) in order to get responses, we have to be ready for those responses to reflect that..
Do my posts look like the one from a person who has trouble "defending himself" while being scared of being "attacked" let alone being the "target"`?

And yes of course, i can be a real ass-hat at times, but everyone who logs into the WWW should be old, adult (or "mentally strong") enough to handle a certain "heat". Especially in times like today, with toxic-places growing like crazy, certain people should really stay miles away, i in fact even told close friends that i wouldn´t suggest them to register on certain places and if so, they should be aware of a few things.

Personally, I think any topic that "needs" that kind of extra push to generate discussion is probably not worthwhile, in part because the discussion it generates is usually, like this, about itself more than the topic. But that's just my opinion.
A forum thrives on discussions and users who actually PARTICIPATE in discussions rather than to just read and move on. So to make long things short:

If i would own a forum, i would in fact "hire" trolls from time to time, to cause several controversial and heaty discussions, to make users participate who would otherwise just read and move on.

Or in other words:

There is nothing more poisonous for forums, than users who don´t participate in discussions while the actual "work" of moderators should be trying to hold the right balance of BOTH forum-regulars and so called "trolls".

Moderators who "ban all trolls" haven´t understood a thing and are mostly those kind of forum-moderators who only do the job to "have something to say" at least once in their lives, while actually hurting the forum more than they help it. Also, there are already more "trolls" within forum-moderators (REDDIT is the best example) than it could be acceptable.

LMFAOROFL this made my day.

I don't have anyone on this site blocked. If I did, I likely wouldn't announce it in public since this could potentially cause more drama. In regards to people who do announce it though, I just view it as a coping mechanism. If someone legitmately made you uncomfortable and put you through something uncomfortable, letting them know you blocked them is just a way of finding catharsis from whatever they said or did to you. I suppose it could come off as annoying to some people (honestly though, if you willingly treated someone like crap and acted surprised or that you were the victim when you were blocked, you're honestly not acting in good faith), but if that helps them with recovery, it's understandable.

To connect this with myself, before I blocked a former abuser I knew at college a couple years ago, I thought of bringing up a former incident to him before I'd do it, but a friend recommended against doing that since rubbing it in his face before blocking him would be done more out of retribution rather than healing and may cause more harm than good in the long run. This was a fair point, so I decided against doing it and just blocked him without saying anything. Looking back though, I don't know if I made the right decision. On some days, I regret not bringing it up to him since he was of the "the people I abuse/bully are actually in the wrong" variety. On other days though, I acknoledge that he likely wouldn't have cared. In short, it's a difficult line to call.

I don't think I have anyone blocked in this site (maybe at the time?), but I have tons of people blocked in Twitter. In forums, it kind of doesn't feel worthy at all; mainly because of the format, because I feel like I miss out a lot more if I ignore certain people from the lengthy discussions in a forum format than in vapid tweet responses. You should be an absolute inflammatory bastard -like, reproducing nazi talking points explicitly or being obnoxiously aggressive- for me to take that step, and you probably wouldn't be welcome under the forum rules anyway if you go that far.

But honestly it's not about strength of mind. I've spent too much energy on people that were not worth one second of my time over the years at the internet. I've been in anime forums so I know well what I'm talking about . And as said in forums I don't mind, if I encounter a crappy post I just scroll and hope to find an interesting one below, but if I can curate my presence in social media and not read enervating stuff... you know, why not.

What you wrote tells me that you have a fear of not being heard and are overly concerned that some might block you turning you 'invisible'.
I think you got him.

The block/ignore feature is very civilized. If one wants to pick up one's ball and go home, one should be able to do just that without the game following one home. If one wants to cut someone out of their life for whatever reason, that is their prerogative. Not everyone relishes the fray or wants to pwn someone.

I block/ignore because I have very little patience and do not like being jerked around. I will join an argument and give my two cents occasionally unless someone has already said what I intended to say. . I have been dragged merely for asking questions. Its not the best use of ones time to move forward with an argument if there is no chance of consensus or understanding. And often there isn't.
I don't think it is weak minded to say the heck with an argument or a person. If you ain't getting satisfaction, why not block?

I have one active user on my ignore list and this person has been on ignore for years.

This person has not done anything especially egregious to me, but I find my experience on the forums to be a much better one without their input.

I liken the ignore feature to having screens on the windows of my house: it lets me enjoy fresh air at home without letting mosquitos and other bugs in. If not wanting to deal with bloodsucking, disease spreading insects getting into my home makes me mentally weak then I guess I'm mentally weak.

I liken the ignore feature to having screens on the windows of my house: it lets me enjoy fresh air at home without letting mosquitos and other bugs in. If not wanting to deal with bloodsucking, disease spreading insects getting into my home makes me mentally weak then I guess I'm mentally weak.
We have screens to prevent bats flying in. I’m pathologically terrified of bats in the house.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
We have screens to prevent bats flying in. I’m pathologically terrified of bats in the house.
Did you ever hear about the time I was cleaning a gutter downspout and stuck my face right up to it to see if it was clogged...a bat flew out and hit me right in the face! Now I like bats, they're little and cute and I like to watch them fly around at dusk in summer but I don't want any in my house.

Did you ever hear about the time I was cleaning a gutter downspout and stuck my face right up to it to see if it was clogged...a bat flew out and hit me right in the face! Now I like bats, there little and cute and I like to watch them fly around at dusk in summer. But I don't want any in my house.
How horrible. I would have freaked. A friend of mine went to inspect a house she was interested in. The realtor opened up the attic & about 5 million bats flew out. What amazes me to this day is that my friend bought the house.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
I don't have anyone on this site blocked. If I did, I likely wouldn't announce it in public since this could potentially cause more drama.
Those individuals who are spreading the (rather irrelevant and completely uninteresting) news, are nothing better than "trolls" begging for attention, in my opinion.

I think you got him.
LOL, sure, you got me too. It is too obvious that i am so scared of ending up on someone´s block-list.

The block/ignore feature is very civilized.
A shame you can´t block people in reality out there.

So, what are you doing with real people in the real world, when you find yourself unable to "handle" them or what they are saying?

Are you running away or are you holding your ears, closing your eyes and instantly start singing a song?

I block/ignore because I have very little patience
I think you just feel butthurt way too easily, that is also very typical for people who tend to block/ignore everyone as soon they can´t live with certain responses.

Hey, take it down a notch. "Butthurt" is edgelord Internet speak. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume, like some of your other word choices, that the language barrier is making things come off harsher than you intend. But now that you've been informed about that, I expect you to exercise more caution in your word choices.

I also disagree, regardless of word choice. Time is finite and sometimes a person can have ample evidence that someone on a forum is not worth their time. You say people who block others are just too sensitive, but consider the alternative explanation that maybe some people dislike blocking because they have abrasive personalities and don't like that they can't force people to listen to them.


LOL, sure, you got me too. It is too obvious that i am so scared of ending up on someone´s block-list.

Well actually, you misinterpreted both me and Citizen Rules. Citizen Rules wasn't trying to start a fight. He made an observation about why you might have posted this thread. and I think he got it right. I think your response to his slight jab was overkill which seemed to prove his assumption.

A shame you can´t block people in reality out there.

I know. It really is.

So, what are you doing with real people in the real world, when you find yourself unable to "handle" them or what they are saying?

Well most people don't go on the offensive unless they are at a bar and have been over served. Also most people look for those who are like-minded to talk to. The kind of behavior that I believe you are referring to is generally saved for the the internet.

Are you running away or are you holding your ears, closing your eyes and instantly start singing a song?

I have shared beliefs that run counter to the person with whom I am speaking. They usually don't engage with me again because they are looking for like-minded people.

Anybody who comes after me in real life with the intention of starting a fight will probably regret it. Some have and did. As I said before, I have very little patience and don't like to be jerked around. As for an argument....well, here I am arguing.

I think you just feel butthurt way too easily, that is also very typical for people who tend to block/ignore everyone as soon they can´t live with certain responses.

I think most of us are easily hurt in that regard. I don't usually block unless I feel the person is a danger to my standing on the platform I am posting on. I ignore a lot what is posted. Most of which I believe comes under the heading of "nobody's got time for that."

@Miss Vicky @Stirchley @Citizen Rules

When I was in my late teens my sisters and our boyfriends were playing blind mans buff with lights out in the living room. One of the boys said he thought there were spirits in the house as something flew by him. It was a bat. We all saw it and went running out of the house shrieking as we went. Once outside, we laughed like maniacs. Fun times.

So people who can't just ignore other people on the internet are weak minded, and yet people who can't ignore how some people use the ignore button, and then whine about it for multiple pages, are big tough guys?


Kinda have to categorically reject all comparisons to real life. There really isn't any comparison. In real life you don't have a mechanism to easily engage in (and then walk away from) conversations moment to moment. And people are generally more careful about what they say in person. You wouldn't "block" people in real life as much because you wouldn't have to, because people in real life are, in aggregate, more thoughtful about how they talk to you.

The ability to block on the Internet is a direct response to the fact that abuse is easier to fling around on the Internet.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Time is finite and sometimes a person can have ample evidence that someone on a forum is not worth their time... internet time is limited and so I prefer friendly conversation that is rewarding. I won't waste much time with someone who is disingenuous or just looking to get a response and keeps harping away ad nauseam until I'm exasperated. internet time is limited and so I prefer friendly conversation that is rewarding. I won't waste much time with someone who is disingenuous or just looking to get a response and keeps harping away ad nauseam until I'm exasperated.
Some folks live for negative attention. ‘Nuff said.

Il learned a new word today from Yoda:
Man, I love this word! Sounds like a character from Guardians of the Galaxy or something!

(If my single-panel comic that I called "Edge of Reason" had ever come to fruition, I would have had to declare myself the Edgelord!)