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Anyone discussed the X-Men Origins Wolverine game yet?
If not, here's a trailer:

Looks really good to me. Think I'll rent it at least.
The Freedom Roads

The People's Republic of Clogher
Has anyone ever played Soul Calibur 4? If so I'd like to have a chat with you about the character creation feature.

Got it on PS3 but the character creation is the same for both systems.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

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Awesome dude.
So I was watching this video of youtube and this dude had made several characters from different videogames. There was Altair from Assassins Creed, Dante from Devil May Cry, Sub Zero, Scorpion etc.
My question is: does they're clothes and accessories come with the game or do you have to download them. Is there a Marvel pack download, for an example, or is the game just packed with that many different clothes that one can make pretty much any character (approximately)?
I ask because I haven't hooked my xbox up to Live yet, and I always avoid it, since it's a fair amount of work.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I would say it's just guys spending a lot of time recolouring stock clothing and accessories that you can get from the game's creation screen. You can get new accessory/clothing sets on PSN so I'd say it's the same with XBL but I think they're just Soul Calibur specific items, not to change anyone's look like Altair etc.

Can't remember the name of it (and this'll bug me now, heh) but there was another game recently where some dedicated guys/people with no life uploaded custom character sets using nothing but the stock tools. Forza 2 has got some amazing custom paint jobs this way, all created in something as basic as MS Paint.

SC4 is a good game. Underrated now that Streetfighter 4 is out and Tekken 6 is on the way - it's not as technical as either but terrific fun. Online is full of hardcore SC players and I rarely venture in there - I'm pretty competant at fighting games (and I'd say I'm good at Tekken, but that's just a decade's practice ) but never lasted beyond a couple of rounds online with SC4.

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Yeah I always stay far away from online gaming, when it comes to these kinda games. Remember venturing into the realm of online Battlefield once... It's just not fair. Playing with the mates is way more fun in my opinion.
Thanks a bunch for the info mate. I'm looking forward to make my own Hulk character. How hard can it be to paint a character green and give him purple shorts... And a badass warhammer... God, I'm looking forward to I get this game.

The People's Republic of Clogher
If you're after a fighting game to tide you over until it arrives, have you heard of MUGEN?

It's a freeware PC game where you can import your own characters. There are some great conversions out there - one is a rip off of Streetfighter with all the characters, moves etc. You'd need a gamepad or arcade stick though - can't imagine playing a fighting game on a keyboard.


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I don't own one of those. The place I order from is very fast though. 2 days max. I hate that waiting period though. Trying to keep the urge down by watching videos of the gameplay etc. I was going crazy while waiting for Warhammer Online. Too bad it turned out to suck.

In the Beginning...
Here in the next hour or so, I think I'm going to pick up EA Sports Active for the Wii. I've been spending a lot of time lately running and doing cardio exercises, and even though Wii Fit is a decent vehicle for working out, I like what this new option has to offer. It looks like it takes things pretty seriously, and keeps you on your toes with quick activities and automatically tailored workouts. Initial reviews are solid.

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Aye, I'd heard Warhammer Online was disappointing.
Well, it was actually OK. The first month the servers were filled with people. Third month, the guild had gone from 125 online or so, to just 5-6 people. What's the point of an MMORPG then? People just bailed on it.

Here in the next hour or so, I think I'm going to pick up EA Sports Active for the Wii. I've been spending a lot of time lately running and doing cardio exercises, and even though Wii Fit is a decent vehicle for working out, I like what this new option has to offer. It looks like it takes things pretty seriously, and keeps you on your toes with quick activities and automatically tailored workouts. Initial reviews are solid.
Interesting. Let me know how that is -- I was hoping Wii Fit would be a decent semi-exercise alternative (though I have no delusions about it ever being genuinely comparable), but by most accounts it isn't. If EA Sports Active can help induce a semblance of light exercise on a regular basis, I'd probably grab a copy. Please, keep us updated.

The People's Republic of Clogher
The only EA Sports title I'm looking forward to is Fight Night Round 4. Round 3 managed something that had never been done before - turn a boxing game into a genuine console fighter.

I've made enquiries on eBay about an old, fat PS2 - I want one to hook a hard drive up to and make use of my network adapter but can't find any (only the newer slim models) in the local second hand stores. The one console I've bought via eBay in the past was a complete POS so I'm wary but this PS2 is a V9 (the best of the old ones, I think - quiet fan and prog scan) and I'm willing to risk the £30 he wants.

If he can confirm that it reads CDs (always a sign the laser is going) we're gonna be in business.

EDIT - Last thing I played was what I think the most underrated PC game since Arcanum, Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines. Like most Troika games it was buggy as heck when released but the large fanbase is continually releasing patches (as they are with Arcanum).

There's nothing quite like it...

In the Beginning...
I was hoping Wii Fit would be a decent semi-exercise alternative (though I have no delusions about it ever being genuinely comparable), but by most accounts it isn't.
It's nicely structured for people who want to do yoga, or who want fun, physical party games to share during get-togethers. But the strength training stuff makes awkward use of the board, and the purported cardio exercises are either half-hearted (timed jogging), or mask their ineffectiveness by appearing more game-like in design.

It's biggest failure is that it doesn't have any automatic workouts for you to follow, so you've got to be diligent enough to conduct your own, and most people who buy these programs aren't (or just don't know how). But Wii Fit does maintain a calendar, and gives you the option to monitor your weight with each check-in, and set goals for weight loss. I'm sure EA Sports Active does as well, as it's plum necessary; but I've read that the latter only makes marginal use of the Balance Board (and it isn't essential to the game anyway).

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
No other game has my attention right now besides Modern Warfare 2. I will be picking up a copy the day it's released.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

In the Beginning...
I had to refrain from getting into an argument with the Gamespot clerk, who was a self-acknowledged "Sony man." After having boasted that he has never - nor will never - own a game console manufactured by Microsoft, he proceeded to lay down why Sony is law.

I'm sorry, but I'm not going to buy a console that's a whole quarter more expensive than an XBOX 360, has an online experience that's barely at a crawl compared to the marathon champion XBOX LIVE, has flagship games that can largely be found on other systems, uses an outdated controller, and is touted by a company that wants to dictate experience quality by how many media enhancers you buy. No, I don't need a $2500 high-definition television, theater standard surround sound speakers, and an expensive collection of Blu-Ray films with every "making of," featurette, and teaser trailer you can cram onto the disc to justify the markup.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
No, I don't need a $2500 high-definition television, theater standard surround sound speakers, and an expensive collection of Blu-Ray films with every "making of," featurette, and teaser trailer you can cram onto the disc to justify the markup.
Amen! I sold my PS3 as a result of the lackluster features it had. Oh, and Blu-Ray, what a waste of money.

I will admit that the PS3's Online Community feature was interesting, but was rather boring when compared with the 360's Party feature along with streaming Netflix movies and the ease of syncing up with online friends.

Yeah PSN is terrible compared to Xbox Live - of course you don't have to pay for PSN : but i'd rather pay for it and have enjoyable online and actually talk to people with headsets than have a terrible one I will never use.

Little Big Planet would be awesome on XBL.