Movie You're Watching Tonight


No, please don't! Stop before it's too late!
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Finished here. It's been fun.

Blood and Black Lace

Spending this spooky Halloween night watching some Bava.

I've never quite understood the Apple fascination. I get the high quality build and aesthetic, but other than that .

I do love Fassbot and I am excited to see the way this movie was shot. Jeff Daniels will always be a guy that drove a carpeted dog van and I love seeing him in serious roles.

I've never quite understood the Apple fascination. I get the high quality build and aesthetic, but other than that .

I do love Fassbot and I am excited to see the way this movie was shot. Jeff Daniels will always be a guy that drove a carpeted dog van and I love seeing him in serious roles.
That poster.

"mushroom enthusiast Aaron Sorkin"

Im going to be watching a classic tonight. "Back To The Future" after all it was made 30 years ago!
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