MoFo Movie Roulette


Women will be your undoing, Pépé

The Nightingale (2018)

Knowing full well that, at its core, this is an extremely brutal film to watch and, even steeling myself, it still was an emotionally harrowing ordeal to get through.
In fact, this has been THE hardest of @pahaK nominated films that I've experienced to date.

BUT, it is also thoroughly worth it. As a pahaK film usually is. Due to the prose and beauty to be discovered beneath the off-putting subject matter.

In this instance, it is the raw violence that remains a permanent, horrifying entity all it's own; there remains, though ofttimes dwindling, an exquisite light whose fragility is also it's conviction. Propelling our central characters forward. Even when they are unable to do so of their own accord.

A heart wrenching tale of senseless violence and the struggle for retribution that delves far, far deeper into who and what we are, in the most visceral sense. While giving a microscopic peek at what we could be. And should be.

Nowhere near the kind of film I enjoy, but one I truly applaud.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

The Nightingale (2018)

Knowing full well that, at its core, this is an extremely brutal film to watch and, even steeling myself, it still was an emotionally harrowing ordeal to get through.
In fact, this has been THE hardest of @pahaK nominated films that I've experienced to date.

BUT, it is also thoroughly worth it. As a pahaK film usually is. Due to the prose and beauty to be discovered beneath the off-putting subject matter.

In this instance, it is the raw violence that remains a permanent, horrifying entity all it's own; there remains, though ofttimes dwindling, an exquisite light whose fragility is also it's conviction. Propelling our central characters forward. Even when they are unable to do so of their own accord.

A heart wrenching tale of senseless violence and the struggle for retribution that delves far, far deeper into who and what we are, in the most visceral sense. While giving a microscopic peek at what we could be. And should be.

Nowhere near the kind of film I enjoy, but one I truly applaud.
Very glad you liked it. I did check your last few HoF votes before deciding my picks and got the gist that I can go with somewhat brutal films for you. Seems that I wasn't wrong

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Very glad you liked it. I did check your last few HoF votes before deciding my picks and got the gist that I can go with somewhat brutal films for you. Seems that I wasn't wrong
Which is something I continually owe to @cricket and the films he had nominated in past General HoFs to where, after a number of them I was able to turn that lurid corner and began to see beyond the more brutal subject matter, into the artistry.

Though, of course, like TUS states:
It's the type of film you watch once.

Recommended by jiraffejustin

Watched this last night and just finished a second viewing. Subtitled films, I have to revisit once or twice to get (and not get) the message. The message I get is that dad is one damn fine shoplifter.

I liked it, a lot. A film that intrigued me from the start then built on it gradually. Knowing zero about the living conditions of the poor in Japan, I found it kind of reminiscent of an American film, The Florida Project. Different subject matter, but watch both and you can see the parallels.

Trouble with a capital "T"
If any of the people who expressed an interest late want to take my spot feel free
Oh, I was just going to watch your film tonight, but I guess I should hold off? It's cool if you've changed your mind

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
My partner has yet to recommend me a movie. @Daniel M do you want to take that spot? If so, I repeat the three films.

Blue Ruin
Perfect Blue
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Trouble with a capital "T"
The next round is Monday the 25th. @JayDee, are you dropping out?
I'd like to do this but it sounds like JayDee is out. Suspect can you match me up with someone else? I looked at the 1st post for a list of match ups and movies chose but didn't see it.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I'd like to do this but it sounds like JayDee is out. Suspect can you match me up with someone else? I looked at the 1st post for a list of match ups and movies chose but didn't see it.

Me and you. My partner hasn't responded and Daniel can get in another match.

I'll change my nominations:

Sing Street
Your Name
The Shop Around the Corner

Trouble with a capital "T"
Me and you. My partner hasn't responded and Daniel can get in another match.

I'll change my nominations:

Sing Street
Your Name
The Shop Around the Corner
I've seen The Shop Around the Corner. Great movie.

Your Name, looks really cool! So I'll go with that.

I will post your choices tonight when I get home. Is there anything you hate or won't watch?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I've seen The Shop Around the Corner. Great movie.

Your Name, looks really cool! So I'll go with that.

I will post your choices tonight when I get home. Is there anything you hate or won't watch?
good film. Intriguing story

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I've seen The Shop Around the Corner. Great movie.

Your Name, looks really cool! So I'll go with that.

I will post your choices tonight when I get home. Is there anything you hate or won't watch?

I'm down for anything really.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I think I watched Sing Street on your rec TUS, very good flick.
Glad you liked it. It was my number one the year it was released and have seen it I think three times now.

My partner has yet to recommend me a movie. @Daniel M do you want to take that spot? If so, I repeat the three films.

Blue Ruin
Perfect Blue
I know I'm not in this game/challenge, but this is a great little list of recommendations. I consider two of them great and one of them really good.