23rd MoFo Hall of Fame


Just for fun...of those I've seen all but The 400 Blows. I really liked all the rest, except the two Tarantino films.
I do enjoy French cinema and am a fan of Truffaut, for what I have seen of his.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I do enjoy French cinema and am a fan of Truffaut, for what I have seen of his.
I was just thinking the other day I should see more of Truffaut as I haven't seen many. I do have Alphaville ready to watch.

Whoops, Alphaville is Godard.
You have seen a french director's American films... I'm sure you have seen "Fahrenheit 451" (Truffaut) and "Pretty Baby" (Malle).

Sorry I should say English speaking films.

Is that a subtle hint that I should just nominate one of my favourite films? haha
I always do.

Usually I just bring up my top 100 and pick one of them. The film I picked this time isn’t on that list, but if I ever make another one it will be.

Yep, I pick a favorite too. It’s more my “top 150” actually, but this time it was something in my 100.

Trouble with a capital "T"
You have seen a french director's American films... I'm sure you have seen "Fahrenheit 451" (Truffaut) and "Pretty Baby" (Malle).

Sorry I should say English speaking films.
I've seen both of those. Pretty Baby was pahaK's nom for the 21st. It finished last, but I really liked it. We had another Truffaut film, Day For Night (La nuit américaine) in the 17th HoF. It didn't do well either, but it was one of my favorites in that HoF.

I've seen both of those. Pretty Baby was pahaK's nom for the 21st. It finished last, but I really liked it. We had another Truffaut film, Day For Night (La nuit américaine) in the 17th HoF. It didn't do well either, but it was one of my favorites in that HoF.
If I had to pick a french film for a HOF.. it probably would be a French Nouvelle Extémité director.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I think I've barely scratched the surface of any one specific French Director and would love to delve deeper into Jean Renoir. I discovered him along with the actor Jean Gabin at the same time and would LOVE to see more of him, as well.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
1st Psycho
3rd The 400 Blows
7th The Shawshank Redemption
13th Dances with Wolves
17th The Innocents
19th Pulp Fiction
21st Jagten (The Hunt - of course, I was the one who recommended it to @neiba)
2nd Inglorious Bastards
With the generals I've joined in I've really enjoyed or flat out love:

12th Casablanca
13th Dances With Wolves
15th The Station Agent
17th The Innocents
18th Road To Perdition (which also doubled as the first time a nom of mine placed first in a Generals HoF)
19th Pulp Fiction
20th Phantom Thread
21st The Hunt
22nd Inglorious Basterds

With choosing noms, I've done a lot of times with favorites or older favorites I haven't seen in far too long and I've only picked two of my top ten as noms.
I have also came across some great Blind Grabs of unknowns and a few Must Sees.

As far as Cosmic's Top Nine, I've seen them all and love 'em all with The Re-Animator being one I haven't seen in a few decades and should see again.

Legend in my own mind
I picked a favourite of mine.

All of the ones that I considered are in my top 20
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

I could never put together a top 100 film list. It's too hard when you have seen as many I have in my "slightly over a half-century". My parents loved cinema. I grew up watching movies all the time. I can say my HOF choice would be in that top 100 because it is memorable but where it would fit would be hard to say. My top 10 here isn't really my top 10 films of all time, they are just films I enjoy.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I could never put together a top 100 film list. It's too hard when you have seen as many I have in my "slightly over a half-century". My parents loved cinema. I grew up watching movies all the time. I can say my HOF choice would be in that top 100 because it is memorable but where it would fit would be hard to say. My top 10 here isn't really my top 10 films of all time, they are just films I enjoy.
A top 100 would be hard for me to do, hell I can't even remember what all I've seen? I don't keep a log so it's not uncommon for me to totally forget I've seen a movie.

A top 100 would be hard for me to do, hell I can't even remember what all I've seen? I don't keep a log so it's not uncommon for me to totally forget I've seen a movie.
Same! Also, since my favourite films are not necessarily the ones I think are technically the best, I wouldn't know how to approach ranking them. Should you put a perfectly executed film you like a little less above or below one you enjoy more despite its many flaws?

I'd find it hard enough to make a genre-specific list, let alone one for what I consider to be the all-time best, or my absolute favourites. I have a hard enough time ranking the HoF nominations haha.

Should you put a perfectly executed film you like a little less above or below one you enjoy more despite its many flaws?
I always consider personal enjoyment above all else when ranking any list - that goes for favorites lists, countdowns, and the Hall of Fame.

As to not being able to remember favorites, I don't really have that issue. If I love a movie enough to to call it a favorite, then I buy it on bluray or DVD so I just look through my collection and choose from that.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
I use icheckmovies.com to keep a log of the filmes I watched and favourited. Besides, I have my own Top100 done there also, so it's easy to find favourites or to find good nominations to these HoFs.

Regarding the making of a Top 100, my personal preference comes before the inherent value of a film. And while I see why people struggle to order a Top 100, I never find it problematic at all. I just admit from the starting point that the order is not definite and just go film to film. There are definitely entire bits of my Top that I have ordered, like my top 12 are definitely better than the 15 after and so on.

Back to the subject of this Hall of Fame, it turns out that I'm off this Saturday so we're looking at about a 10:00 a.m. reveal (Pacific Time).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Back to the subject of this Hall of Fame, it turns out that I'm off this Saturday so we're looking at about a 10:00 a.m. reveal (Pacific Time).
Sounds good. I like it when 10 am, means 10am (I'm on the west coast too and other time zones usually throw me off)