The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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I liked Black Swan a long time ago, when I saw it, but I didn't connect to it more than that.

Did not care for Ex Machina at all. It felt like another one of those movies where it's, quote unquote, about robots, but the robots look and act like humans in every way. Not super interesting.

30/52 seen
3/52 on my ballot
I have seen both Black Swan and Ex Machina but neither is on my list.
I think Black Swan probably should have been but it didn't come up while I was creating my list.

Black Swan is a wonderful examination of paranoia and psychosis with beautiful dancers. I can't even remember what Ex Machina was about theme-wise, which is probably why it is not on my list. I enjoyed it, but it didn't it stick with me.

General question: any plans/desire to do a smaller one of these just for 2022?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
General question: any plans/desire to do a smaller one of these just for 2022?
Nah I doubt we would do anything official. I know Suspect has run small things by the year in the past though.

@TheUsualSuspect would you be doing something like this again?

I forgot the opening line.
The top 50! Two films that could have made my ballot on a different day, and two very worthy of being up here.

50. Black Swan - I've seen this a good few times and it's amongst my favourite films - for sure top 50 ballot-making, and a great film with a powerful performance from Natalie Portman. A kind of "down the psychological rabbit hole" film where one of those people who are the best in the world at something, and have to work super-hard at it, starts to crack under the pressure of being number 1. I can see myself somewhat there, for I suspect that if I'd worked at being the best in the world at something my fragile mind would have probably broken too - it's a lonely, terrifying, intoxicating and exhausting place to be. I'm not big on ballet - but my lord both The Red Shoes and Black Swan turns the discipline into a riveting allegorical spectacle. Sexuality plays a huge part in this - as some might say, it does in everything. I'm overdue another go at watching Black Swan, which is always a thrill to see.

49. Ex-Machina - I've only managed to get to Ex-Machina recently, and have only seen it once, but I really enjoyed it a lot and look forward to seeing it again, for it's definitely a film I want to see again. I must admit to being a big fan of Domhnall Gleeson - he elevates any film he appears in, and should be appearing himself in more films down the road in this Countdown. Oscar Isaac and Alicia Vikander round out a film where sex plays another prominent part, along with an interesting meditation of the 'Turing Test' and beyond whereupon an artificial intelligence could possibly prove it has attained consciousness. It fascinates me, because I know this is where we are heading, and as such it's an issue humanity is going to confront - perhaps with trouble - one day down the road. I also like Garland's Annihilation and Men, but I seem to be in the minority there.

Seen 44/52
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Nah I doubt we would do anything official. I know Suspect has run small things by the year in the past though.

@TheUsualSuspect would you be doing something like this again?
I haven't done it in the last couple of years, mainly due to low voter turnout, amount of work it takes and how much time I've got available. If someone wants to take it over, they are more than welcome to.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I forgot the opening line.
1. Black Swan (50... you gotta be f'ing kidding me)
Hey, my #1 film, which I honestly thought might be in contention for the #1 spot on the countdown showed up at #96. If it hadn't of scraped in I'd still be expecting it to the very end of this thing.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
8. What We Do in the Shadows (2014)
-Hilarious. One of the funniest movies I've seen with smart writing, performances, and unique humour.

9. Nightcrawler (2014)
-A Brilliant performance robbed of an Oscar.

18. Prisoners
-A tad long, but haunting and depressing to the point of brilliance almost.

23. Ex Machina
-Smart, engaging, and one hell of a dance sequence.

I forgot the opening line.
48. Burning, Incendies and Portrait of a Lady on Fire seem too easy. And they've been taking. I'll say Mad Max : Fury Road
47. I'll go with First Reformed

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I tried watching Black Swan a few years ago, but the only thing that I remember about it was that it was something about a ballerina, and there was something that I didn't like about it enough that it made me turn the movie off about 30 minutes into the movie. I don't remember what I didn't like about it, and I've never had the desire to attempt to watch it again to find out.

I saw Ex Machina a few years ago. I liked it, and I considered it for my list, but it didn't make the final cuts. I didn't have time to rewatch it, but I think my taste in movies has mellowed over the years to the point that it probably would have just missed my list even if I had rewatched it. However I'm not surprised to see it made the countdown.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
My list so far:

1. Black Swan (50... you gotta be f'ing kidding me)
10. The Cabin In The Woods (88)
(11.) Ex Machina (Would have been my No.11 if I hadn't forgotten it)
11. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (72)
25. Zero Dark Thirty (would have been bumped off the list by Ex Machina)

I feel like I don't belong here.

Welcome to my world. I've only had two movies from my list show up so far, and one of them was my 1-pointer, and the other one was my #24.

24. Avengers: Endgame (2019)
25. Nine Lives (2016) - (my one-pointer)

In addition, I only expect 2 or 3 other movies from my list to show up on the countdown.

But for me, the key to enjoying the countdown is not whether or not my movies show up on the countdown. It's the fun of watching the movies and ranking them.

Just because most of the movies on the countdown didn't make my list, it doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy watching them. It only means that there were at least 25 movies that I liked more than those movies.

I haven't seen Black Swan but who knows? Maybe someday but I'm not much of an Aronofsky fan. Am looking forward to The Whale though.

Ex-Machina is one I have seen a like very much. Just saw it a few months ago and in time for the countdown but I didn't include for some odd reason I can't remember. Oh well.

List so far:
#10. Hell or High Water #73
#11. Zero Dark Thirty #58
#15. Edge of Tomorrow #68
#24. Gone Girl #65
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

If someone wants to take it over, they are more than welcome to.
I might consider it.

I always made time to watch a lot more movies I otherwise wouldn't have, and it was nice having our own Oscars-like awards. I've missed them the last few years.

We have newer, active members who weren't around the last time they were held, so maybe there would be more interest now?