Top 100 of Whobody

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Frankie and Johnny seems like an odd choice, not that I've seen it because I haven't. You've got me curious and I do like the 2 leads.

I only saw Red October once, at the movies when it was out, and I was very drunk. I should watch it again.

I love the whole remainder of that set.

#28: Donnie Brasco
Pacino and Depp make for a helluva duo. Not your typical mob/gangster movie, uniquely awesome.

#27: Silent Running
Influenced the likes of Star Wars, Dark Star, Logan’s Run etc. A real overlooked game changer and personal favorite of mine.

#26: Good Morning, Vietnam
Robin Williams is so good and loveable in this film, an overlooked gem of his illustrious career. (RIP)

#25: Dog Day Afternoon
A basic plot lifted by the superb actings of the entire cast, especially Cazale and Pacino.

#24: The Killer
I’m not one for foreign films but John Woo’s picture is an action ride for the ages, Arnold’s films look obsolete next to it.

#23: Sixteen Candles/Pretty In Pink
Compared almost religiously, I can’t put one over the other. Equally funny, touching, cute, equally perfect.

#22: Bonnie & Clyde
Amazingly good for its time and holds up very well, 60s movies aren’t usually my cup of tea but this one hit all the right notes. Warren Beatty is the shizzz.

#21: The Departed
Enthralling all the way through, performances are top-notch all round and it deserved the Oscar, not just for the constant Scorsese snub but because it’s an amazing (and the superior) remake.

#20: The Dark Knight
A revolutionary superhero film, paved the way for other dark ones of the like. Heath Ledger (RIP) is astonishing in this modern-day masterpiece.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Just about every film in that set I like but none I really love. Actually the one that gets closest to love from that bunch is probably Pretty in Pink of all things

Master of My Domain
Rep for Dog Day Afternoon, The Killer, and The Dark Knight.

I prefer Infernal Affairs much more than The Departed , but still it's a good film that didn't destroy the original like a lot of remakes are doing these days (Spike Lee how dare you f**k up my number 1 fav movie...).

The rest of the movies in the set I've seen were decent for me.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
#27: Silent Running
#23: Sixteen Candles/Pretty In Pink
#21: The Departed
#20: The Dark Knight

+ rep for these movies.

I recently re-watched Silent Running, and it's not as good as I remembered it, but it's still a good movie.

I prefer Sixteen Candles over Pretty In Pink, but they're both great classic teen movies.

The Departed is a bit too violent for my taste, but it's a great movie.

I prefer most of the Marvel movies over the DC movies, but The Dark Knight is by far the best of the recent DC movies, mostly for Heath Ledger's amazing performance.

#28: Donnie Brasco
#25: Dog Day Afternoon
#24: The Killer
Donnie Brasco and The Killer are both 100 for me, too. I really liked Dog Day Afternoon, though I've only seen it a two or three times. I like Good Morning, Vietnam and The Departed was OK, thanks mainly to Damon and Leo.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

The Departed, Dog Day Afternoon, and Donnie Brasco are also favorites of mine.

The Dark Knight, Bonnie & Clyde, and 16 Candles/Pretty in Pink are great too.

Silent Running and Good Morning, Vietnam were just ok for me.

Haven't seen The Killer yet.

#19: Office Space
An awesome black comedy, Gary Cole is my dream boss.

#18: The Deer Hunter
The Best Anti-War Film, every single performance is powerful and the length adds so much overall.

#17: The Breakfast Club
Essential for all high-schoolers, watch with Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink and you have yourself a great marathon.

#16: Picnic At Hanging Rock
Majestic is the word I’d use to describe this Australian masterpiece, the cinematography is just gorgeous.

#15: Up
Cute, funny, emotional. All the ingredients for a spectacular animation.

#14: There Will Be Blood
A mesmerising performance by Daniel Day Lewis, There Will Be Blood is a fantastic tale of greed. A classic in the making.

#13: The Graduate
A stellar picture about future uncertainty. Hoffman is all kinds of great.

#12: Taxi Driver
Robert De Niro produces what I feel is the greatest performance in cinema history. As close as you can get to the seedy-underbelly of New York in this day and age.

#11: Pulp Fiction
Speaks for itself, needs no explanation. Scripting, visuals, acting, the whole package.

#17: The Breakfast Club
#16: Picnic At Hanging Rock
#12: Taxi Driver
#11: Pulp Fiction
Wonderful selection. All on my 100 and it's nice to see another fan of Picnic At Hanging Rock.

Shame about a couple of the others, though. Nevermind, you're still doing better than just about anyone else ever has.

Lord High Filmquisitor
Office Space, The Breakfast Club, The Graduate, Up, Pulp Fiction, Taxi Driver and especially There Will Be Blood are all awesome to varying degrees.
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#17: The Breakfast Club
Essential for all high-schoolers, watch with Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink and you have yourself a great marathon.

#15: Up
Cute, funny, emotional. All the ingredients for a spectacular animation.

#11: Pulp Fiction
Speaks for itself, needs no explanation. Scripting, visuals, acting, the whole package.
Breakfast Club and Up are both in my own top 100, with the latter being in my top ten. I really like Pulp Fiction, but wasn't as enamored with it the last time I watched it so it has slipped from my top 100.

Office Space, The Graduate and Picnic at Hanging Rock were decent but I wasn't too keen on them. I didn't much like Taxi Driver and I can't stand There Will Be Blood.


#10: The Brady Bunch Movie
I never watched the TV show but the movie has a great charm to it and sticking a traditional family into the frantic 90s proves for a extremely fun ride.

#9: Dazed and Confused
A far improved version of Slacker, If you ever wanted proof of Mcconaughey’s acting skills, here it is. Fabulous film.

#8: National Lapoon’s Vacation
A comedy ahead of its time, hilarious. Chevy Chase is unbelievably funny as is the entire family of wackiness.

#7: Tombstone
Unlike any other western I’ve seen, breaks the rules and succeeds greatly. The complete opposite of Unforgiven which was released a year earlier.

#6: Walk The Line
Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon are fantastic, depicting the life of Johnny Cash, Phoenix had some big shoes to fill, thankfully he delivers on every level. It’s his best performance, Her and The Master are often sighted as his best but this one, I feel he really lost himself in.

#5: Scream
Scream is a groundbreaking film, not only did it rejuvenate the slasher genre but it also eliminated the notion of them being serious. I love its self-aware bites at the genre.

#4: Almost Famous
A spectacular portrait of the up and downs of stardom and being famous.

#3: Wall-E
Its beautiful world even trumps those of real life. I was so invested into Wall-E which is remarkable considering he’s just a robot, more than I can say for most human characters.

#2: Boogie Nights
Like Almost Famous, but rather the ups and downs of the porn industry. Wahlberg was awesome in this and the entire cast brought something to the table. I love the camera shots and the song choices.

#1: Gangs of New York
The set-pieces and production design are magnificent. DDL loses himself as Bill Cutting and I found myself rooting for him, not DiCaprio or Diaz. An unusual choice for my fav Scorsese but it’s an absolutely tremendous epic.

#8: National Lapoon’s Vacation
A comedy ahead of its time, hilarious. Chevy Chase is unbelievably funny as is the entire family of wackiness.

#7: Tombstone
Unlike any other western I’ve seen, breaks the rules and succeeds greatly. The complete opposite of Unforgiven which was released a year earlier.

#6: Walk The Line
Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon are fantastic, depicting the life of Johnny Cash, Phoenix had some big shoes to fill, thankfully he delivers on every level. It’s his best performance, Her and The Master are often sighted as his best but this one, I feel he really lost himself in.

#4: Almost Famous
A spectacular portrait of the up and downs of stardom and being famous.

#3: Wall-E
Its beautiful world even trumps those of real life. I was so invested into Wall-E which is remarkable considering he’s just a robot, more than I can say for most human characters.

I hate Boogie Nights and didn't care for Gangs of New York, The Brady Bunch or Scream.

lol, you two don't look like you'd get along judging off the above.

Thanks for the congrats, it's fulfilling to have a list finished.

Nah, MV is one of my absolute favourite people I've ever met on this site. Love that girl.... Some of her movie choices leave a lot to be desired, though.