Suggestions for future countdowns


The Adventure Starts Here!
And I'd like to add that any future countdown have clickable links to where each movie might be found for streaming, rent, or purchase. The site is great for this...

It would definitely be nice, but the main issue is that every single element added adds up to a lot more work in the long run. In this case I have nowhere to put it design-wise, too.

Now, I can automate more of the process (I wanted to do more of that this time, and I'm open to building more tools for future Curators to this effect), but even then it would either be a) manually collecting each link or b) automated system that just links you to a search results page with the corresponding title.

Unless our data source is linked up with it or JustWatch has an API or something, of course.

And I would like either an index of the countdown threads or simply a link from the finished list in the List section back to its corresponding countdown. Please.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

And I would like either an index of the countdown threads or simply a link from the finished list in the List section back to its corresponding countdown. Please.
Not only shall you get it, but I actually added those along with each list as I went...but I was always Just About to redesign the Lists so I ended up never putting the link up there even though it's basically ready. Yes, that's very stupid. Yes, that kinda thing happens a lot: not making the incremental change because I figure I'll fold it into a bigger one.

Anyway, totally on board with that, basically did the legwork on the backend already, will 100% happen.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I mainly just meant a clickable link to a site like, with search results for that movie. The nice thing about JustWatch is that, if someone saw the countdown a year later and clicked over to JustWatch, it would be *current* places to find that movie, so it would stay fresh and updated. But it would need only a search-results link.

Or even just an occasional reminder in the thread/countdown itself that there is a site to find these movies...

Thanks for all you do!

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I know there were talks about expanding the Top 10 into our Top 20.

Is there a way we can help? For example, going to the individual "Movies" section and entering information on not only where, but when a movie can be accessed, maybe even coordinating relevant threads. Maybe if its not too much work, for the time being, pasting the JustWatch link so people at least know about it.

I know there were talks about expanding the Top 10 into our Top 20.
If we have it's been long enough I don't remember when it was. Anyway, I think this would be unnecessary now that people can make Custom Lists anyway (and do more with them, soon, hopefully).

Is there a way we can help? For example, going to the individual "Movies" section and entering information on not only where, but when a movie can be accessed, maybe even coordinating relevant threads. Maybe if its not too much work, for the time being, pasting the JustWatch link so people at least know about it.
Yeah, outdated information is arguably worse than no information, so it's just a question of whether (and how) to link things up with JustWatch. I think I'll just look into that, see if there's an easy way to do it smoothly. Worst-case I can create an automated link that'll search their site with the title and/or year, which is almost as good with very little effort.

Was this the thread you meant @Yoda?

Fun Fact

As I alluded to a few days ago, this is the last film on the list that isn't on at least 10 ballots: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King cracks the top 30 while only being on nine. It managed that because five people put it in their top three.
Would be interesting to see an average list based on points-to-lists ratio.

So like, say 10 people voted for Movie X..
And they magically voted for it as a first, second, third, fourth, fifth... all the way to tenth on their lists.
Means Movie X had 205 points over 10 lists... average is 20.5 points.

And say, Movie Y appears on say, also 10 lists... but was ranked, magically and coincidentally, 25th, 24th, 23rd all the way to 16th...
Means it had 55 points... average 5.5 points.

Would be cool to be able to see lists based on averages.

It's also mean a movie could somehow magically end up on say like, 35 lists, but was in everyone's 15th place would give it 560 points, but an average of 16 points (if my math is correct).

Yeah, I could even show you the results of the currently-unveiling list in that order, if people are interested. But I wonder if it should always just be a factoid, rather than something that actually determines list order, since it's not clear if highest average is good or not, since it incentivizes being on fewer ballots! There's like a weird game theory thing, where a film needs to be on enough ballots to make the list, but not so many that it inevitably drags the average down.

Please don't change the well established criteria for list orders .... or we'd have to start to redo them all

Oh wait, we already have anyway

I just meant an option to see lists ordered as an average.
Think it'd be a fun thing to see the stats.

How about an all time Comedy Movies Countdown list, I would love to see that sometime
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right

Let's get the kink goin'!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Trouble with a capital "T"
How about an all time Comedy Movies Countdown list, I would love to see that sometime
A comedy movie countdown would be good. Maybe Will Ferrell will rule the day

Though usually we start talking about the next countdown right after the current one ends in a thread specifically for that...I thought this thread was for request to Yoda about tweaking or changing the sites list stuff and built in codes. I could be wrong.

Could do another Comic List.

Someone else can can lead it though, I won't get my fingerprints on that train wreck again

I am definitely not saying Comedy is a bad idea (it isn't!), but I will predict that it would cause more anger and arguing than maybe any list we've done so far.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Could do another Comic List.

Someone else can can lead it though, I won't get my fingerprints on that train wreck again
I think a Foreign Language countdown (non English that is) is a popular choice and I'd be for that. What we need is a rock solid host for the next countdown, someone who is reliable and won't bail. So far all the countdown host have been rock solid.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I think a Foreign Language countdown (non English that is) is a popular choice and I'd be for that. What we need is a rock solid host for the next countdown, someone who is reliable and won't bail. So far all the countdown host have been rock solid.
I think every host has been Rock solid. Ok maybe not me but the rest.