

I'm sad to see there is no thread for this show, which means that people aren't watching it and I fear it will be one of the cancelled shows this year.

Forever stars Ioan Gruffudd of the Fantastic Four, as a man who has lived over 200 years. He's been "cursed" with eternity. Every time he dies, he is reborn again, usually in water. Over the 200 plus years, he's developed Sherlock like perception and uses it to his advantage. Death fascinates him as he tries to find new ways to die.

He is a medical examiner and finds himself on a case with a detective. His amazing skills make them a unique "team" and he helps solve murders now (generic I know).

Although, the twist (I'm going to give it away) at the end of the pilot, is that there is another man with the same curse. Two immortals that have a Sherlock/Moriarty feel. I see potential.

This actually sounds better than the trailers made it look to me. Still not sure I'll give it a go, though. I think it's a couple of episodes in over here now.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I'm sad to see there is no thread for this show, which means that people aren't watching it and I fear it will be one of the cancelled shows this year.

Forever stars Ioan Gruffudd of the Fantastic Four, as a man who has lived over 200 years. He's been "cursed" with eternity. Every time he dies, he is reborn again, usually in water. Over the 200 plus years, he's developed Sherlock like perception and uses it to his advantage. Death fascinates him as he tries to find new ways to die.

He is a medical examiner and finds himself on a case with a detective. His amazing skills make them a unique "team" and he helps solve murders now (generic I know).

Although, the twist (I'm going to give it away) at the end of the pilot, is that there is another man with the same curse. Two immortals that have a Sherlock/Moriarty feel. I see potential.
I did watch the pilot but just couldn't get into it...I'm pretty sure the fact that I can't stand Ioan Grufoud didn't help matters.

I'll be skipping this one, partially because this basic idea was done as recently as 2008 in New Amsterdam, starring the guy who plays Jaime Lannister in Game of Thrones.

More people should watch "Forever". Its an interesting Crime Drama.. .with a bit of Sci Fi..... I would hate for this show to be one that is cancelled... they tend to cancel very good shows because they pair them up at the same time slot as other shows just as good....

Edit: Ioan Gruffudd stars in a great drama called "Amazing Grace" and he's in "King Arthur" with Clive Owen and Mads !

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watch "Forever" every week. It's one of my favorite new shows.

Unfortunately most of my favorite shows end up getting cancelled way too soon, so I don't have a lot of hope for this show.

I watch "Forever" every week. It's one of my favorite new shows.

Unfortunately most of my favorite shows end up getting cancelled way too soon, so I don't have a lot of hope for this show.
I watch "Sleepy Hollow".. Im surprised it hasnt been cancelled... Most shows I watch are on for years before cancelled.... I think the last one cancelled was "Warehouse 13".

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watch "Sleepy Hollow".. Im surprised it hasnt been cancelled... Most shows I watch are on for years before cancelled.... I think the last one cancelled was "Warehouse 13".

I've been watching "Sleepy Hollow" every week, but it's not one of my favorite shows. It seems to have some good weeks and some bad weeks, but I won't be upset if it gets cancelled.

I never watched "Warehouse 13", but one of my all-time favorite shows was the short-lived (one season) show "Stark Raving Mad" with Eddie McClintock in a supporting role. I met him at a convention recently and he said that he was very upset when "Stark Raving Mad" was cancelled because he loved that show too.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Glad to see they brought the "Moriarty" character and in an interesting new light. I would love it if he were dozens of unsolved murder cases throughout history: Jack the Ripper, Black Dahlia, Zodiac. It would elevate the season arc a bit more, which is lacking in my opinion.

also, the lead detective chick is hot.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Forever is a very well done show. It's got a great cast and the story lines get interesting each week, aside from just the main plot of the series of him being immortal. A television show everyone should at least watch once, and give it a try.