Joker origin Movie


Welcome to the human race...
It's bad, but not quite as bad as I'd expected. Almost want to review it.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

It's all a conspiracy man. There's a dude in the bushes. Has he got a gun? I dunno! RED TEAM GO, RED TEAM GO.

I don't see how it can be that bad, but I will know soon enough.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Critics don't seem to like it (prob not enough trans leads). Audience seems to like it so far.

Is this going to tie in with Robert Pattinsons Batman or is this Joker a standalone?

Welcome to the human race...
Last I checked, it had a 69% certified fresh on RT (nice), so most critics seem to like it...for now.

By all accounts, it's meant to be a standalone.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Admittedly I only briefly checked Metacritic this morning before work and it had 58 for critics and 8.9 audience score.

By no means definitive, and obv small sample size. Most critics seem to like it, but plenty gave it mixed/poor reviews.

My inability to articulate has left me at an impasse when someone asks me to describe this movie and the controversy around it being floated in the media.

Jason Concepcion said this,

"If you are going to start listing down, what are the things that we should worry about that might push someone over the edge into committing a violent act. I would say the Joker is so far down the list as to be absurd."

Don't forget, you'll probably pass a Rambo poster before you go into this movie.

WARNING: "What's next?" spoilers below
People can say there is never going to be a sequel, but there is no absolute. Why put the shot of Bruce over his slain parents and the implied connection between the two characters?
WARNING: "What's next?" spoilers below

Do I believe that is why that scene is there? Not necessarily. I am aware that it could have been there "just in case".

This version of the Joker (just crazy without the mastermind aspect) versus the world's great detective would a fresh take.

Welcome to the human race...
WARNING: "What's next?" spoilers below
People can say there is never going to be a sequel, but there is no absolute. Why put the shot of Bruce over his slain parents and the implied connection between the two characters
WARNING: "Joker" spoilers below
Because it's obligatory.

The critics, or many of them, are wrong.

Joker is a remarkably grim, dark, sadistic film, and one of the most violent I've seen (there is one particular scene that truly shocked me and shook me up). Joker follows the theme of the misfit loner who goes crazy, and it's the best of its kind I've seen since Taxi Driver, which Joker borrows many of its ideas and elements from. It even feels like a Scorsese movie. And Joaquin Phoenix is captivating. I don't see anyone else worthy of the Oscar for Best Actor this year than him. As for the portrayal of the Joker character, it is hard to tell which actor in history played him better. Die-hard fans will probably say Nicholson or Ledger -I doubt Leto has a huge following. I believe Phoenix just entered the debate, and I can understand if many people will now say he's the best actor that played him.

I give the movie

And I sure hope it remains a stand-alone film, and not some prequel to another unnecessary Batman series.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

I'm about to go out again and need to gather my thoughts on the movie, but Phoenix's performance was absolutely stunning. Holy ****.

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
Personally, I'd love to see a sequel to this. They set it up nicely for one... an R rated one, a a Frank Miller one, which we haven't seen since Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. But it could be darker, deeper and bloodier. I think it could revive the practically dead Batman franchise.

It was good, I'd prefer the Wayne's weren't in it tbh, you could take anything Batman out of it and call it "Clown" and it would work better for me

It was good, I'd prefer the Wayne's weren't in it tbh, you could take anything Batman out of it and call it "Clown" and it would work better for me
Just curious: if there were no DC comics references in it whatsoever, and if it were indeed just an independent film titled "Clown," would people walk away saying, "Oh, that was just a rip off of the Joker! Bob Kane's, Bill Finger's and Jerry Robinson's estates should sue!"?


Would they say, "They ripped off Scorsese! That was just a darker version of King of Comedy! It was King of Comedy meets Taxi Driver!"?

This was amazing. Absolutely amazing. Loved every second. My favorite movie of the year perhaps, after all the big ones either disappointed or didn't live up to the hype...

This might be my best movie-going experience since Mother in 2017.

It was good, I'd prefer the Wayne's weren't in it tbh, you could take anything Batman out of it and call it "Clown" and it would work better for me
Just curious: if there were no DC comics references in it whatsoever, and if it were indeed just an independent film titled "Clown," would people walk away saying, "Oh, that was just a rip off of the Joker! Bob Kane's, Bill Finger's and Jerry Robinson's estates should sue!"?


Would they say, "They ripped off Scorsese! That was just a darker version of King of Comedy! It was King of Comedy meets Taxi Driver!"?
Was it Krusty who said everything is ripped off nowadays lol

I dunno man, for me they were the weaker parts of the film

Was it Krusty who said everything is ripped off nowadays lol

I dunno man, for me they were the weaker parts of the film
I guess my question was: take away the comics references & the title and would audiences have recognized this as Batman's Joker, or would it be seen as a stand alone original film having nothing to do with comic books or characters in previous movies?

Critics don't seem to like it (prob not enough trans leads). Audience seems to like it so far.

Is this going to tie in with Robert Pattinsons Batman or is this Joker a standalone?

One of the bigger issues I had with the film was the SJW politics in it. It's a film about violence but the only people who were allowed to be victims in the film were the awful white males. I liked the ambition of the film I felt like it captured 1980's New York well enough (still felt like a movie set unlike say The Deuce). My issue with the film is that it lacked focus, if it was going to be a political story then it really needed to focus on mental health not on wealth and politics. That should have played a much smaller role in the film that you discover on rewatches. This was very much Phillips aping Scorsese and he didn't get a lot of the points and messaging of those 70's and 80's Scorsese films.

That's why I don't think it's a "great" movie. Take Joaquin's performance away and there isn't much here. Phillips just copied a bunch of stuff paid homage to a bunch of stuff. Hell, he even did the cop car window scene.

I gave this movie a
on the performance alone. If there was some semblance of movie behind it, this movie would have been great.