U.S. Army Warning About Joker


Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
This is stupid. Everyone is afraid of everything nowadays it seems.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
This is stupid. Everyone is afraid of everything nowadays it seems.
I'm not surprised. With the crap Hollywood makes nowadays, I'm surprised they don't ban this type of garbage.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
I don't mean to be fowl but people need to actually get off of their asses and do something to fix violence instead of pointing a finger and making themselves feel good for pointing it

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well it's just that society seems more afraid and more easily offended now, more than ever nowadays for some reason. Not just in this example, but just from all this other stuff going on. Even in movies people see offended by the slightest thing now. How did this all happen to society?

I don't mean to be fowl...

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Well it's just that society seems more afraid and more easily offended now, more than ever nowadays for some reason. Not just in this example, but just from all this other stuff going on. Even in movies people see offended by the slightest thing now. How did this all happen to society?
Did you read the article? It has nothing to do with people being offended.

What happened to the good ol' days when people used to reject labels.

Its the life like shooter video games that is the danger to kids and parents who take there kids to every comic book movie or pg 13 movie. Whats wrong with you people who do crime is years of violence being shown and parents notdoing you cant see this movie or play this game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
IMO, none of these news organizations should be reporting on this, when it's a warning from one single army base and highly speculative. I swear the news will jump on anything just to increase ratings. The sad thing is, this media coverage could spark a nutcase to do just what it is they're warning about.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
IMO, none of these news organizations should be reporting on this, when it's a warning from one single army base and highly speculative. I swear the news will jump on anything just to increase ratings. The sad thing is, this media coverage could spark a nutcase to do just what it is they're warning about.
My husband literally said that as he was heading out the door to work. The sad part is that it's true.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
Its the life like shooter video games that is the danger to kids and parents who take there kids to every comic book movie or pg 13 movie. Whats wrong with you people who do crime is years of violence being shown and parents notdoing you cant see this movie or play this game.
No. The guy that did the thing at the movie theater was a mad man. Movies and video games aren't making people go insane. When's the last time you watched a violent film and thought to yourself, "You know, I was once a rational human being who can tell the difference between reality and movie magic but I think I'm in the mode to commit genocide?" Never. People who are inspired by violent games and films are not mentally stable and the problem at hand isn't that these games and films are being made. It's the fact that people with serious mental issues are being ignored. Are you trying to tell me that before first person shooter games, no one was a serial killer? There were no crimes? No wars? Crazy people are crazy. Point blank. I can not believe I have to spell this out. It's honestly as simple as drunkards on the roads. You don't hear anyone saying, "Oh, it's the 'Cars' franchise that inspires people to swerve around in the streets~!" No, there are people keeping tabs on folks who endangering other drivers. But do you know why you're not hearing such nonsense on the issue? Because elders are only concerned with bullying the younger generations. Old people don't like it that we're thinking for ourselves and evolving into a better America because they want to control every little thing that we do so their grasping as many strings as possible to blame us for everything that goes wrong and that's why people are still dying. Even if I'm completely wrong, you have to admit that every little negative thing that happens is publicly strung back that evil technology that those terrible teenagers use. It used to be funny but the joke is two decades old and I am sick of it. My generation has been trying to help this country and everyone just laughs at us but when **** goes down you're all wondering why everything is so messed up. It's honestly insulting.

When who says what normality is, thinks a film can make people do things they wouldn't normally do, it shows how much they believe is the today's levels of insecurity in our society. They prey on that insecurity, and they create it.

No. The guy that did the thing at the movie theater was a mad man. Movies and video games aren't making people go insane. When's the last time you watched a violent film and thought to yourself, "You know, I was once a rational human being who can tell the difference between reality and movie magic but I think I'm in the mode to commit genocide?" Never. People who are inspired by violent games and films are not mentally stable and the problem at hand isn't that these games and films are being made. It's the fact that people with serious mental issues are being ignored. Are you trying to tell me that before first person shooter games, no one was a serial killer? There were no crimes? No wars? Crazy people are crazy. Point blank. I can not believe I have to spell this out. It's honestly as simple as drunkards on the roads. You don't hear anyone saying, "Oh, it's the 'Cars' franchise that inspires people to swerve around in the streets~!" No, there are people keeping tabs on folks who endangering other drivers. But do you know why you're not hearing such nonsense on the issue? Because elders are only concerned with bullying the younger generations. Old people don't like it that we're thinking for ourselves and evolving into a better America because they want to control every little thing that we do so their grasping as many strings as possible to blame us for everything that goes wrong and that's why people are still dying. Even if I'm completely wrong, you have to admit that every little negative thing that happens is publicly strung back that evil technology that those terrible teenagers use. It used to be funny but the joke is two decades old and I am sick of it. My generation has been trying to help this country and everyone just laughs at us but when **** goes down you're all wondering why everything is so messed up. It's honestly insulting.
My point is there is so much more violence influences when this guy was younger is my overall point. There were kids at the Nolan batman films and I thought they shouldn't be kids under certain ages. A Person doesn't turn crazy by one moment. Its also bad how easy people can get weapons.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Phoenix recently walked out of an interview with British newspaper The Daily Telegraph after he was asked if the film could inspire violence acts.
Good on you, Phoenix. Seriously, what the **** has the world come to when the freaking US Army of all organizations claim a fictional comic book character inspires violence? This is so idiotic it's making my brain melt.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
My point is there is so much more violence influences when this guy was younger is my overall point. There were kids at the Nolan batman films and I thought they shouldn't be kids under certain ages. A Person doesn't turn crazy by one moment. Its also bad how easy people can get weapons.
I still don't think the simple exposure of violence makes people go nuts, even if there's a lot of it. If that's the case, my husband should be a complete and utter psychopath because he grew up on RoboCop level violence in both TV and video games. I'm just not getting the connection between mentally ill people who are neglected, completely ignored and as you said, given easy access to guns and explosives and children who see super heroes beating up bad guys. Because when you get to the meat and potatoes of it, the context of the violence you're referencing is 9 times out of 10, good guys beating up bad guys and for the most part when it's the other way around, it scares children and makes them want to eradicate evil even more. And as I said, the way it becomes the type of violence we're familiar with is when they have a skewed perception of what evil is which isn't the television's responsibility to teach, it's the parents. And if your perception of what constitutes as evil is inaccurate, then you're either crazy or poorly taught. Just like racists, is it because their parents told them that they should hate, not because they watched movies about slaves. I mean, if you ask me, I think it's the exposure of terrible events happening and no one doing anything about it past saying how and when they did it and indirectly, how you can do it better since everyone wants to take away your completely harmless pass time anyway.