movie adverts


I really hate going the movies now, everytime i go its like there are more adverts than ever. I went pics last week and it was 35 mins before the movie started is anyone elese annoyed by this.

I find it alright that there's adverts before the movies, trailers is a must.
But at my local cinema, there's 20 minutes adverts+trailers before the movie, I think thats way too long, so I feel with you LuDiNaToR.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Can't stand paying good money for a film and seeing commercials. This practice is drenched in wrong sauce and should stop!
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

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In general yes, the **** ones are annoying. But occasionally, some of the adverts I see for the first time can be pretty damn funny which makes all the **** adverts worth the trouble. I remember watching one from the Orange mobile network that made me piss myself! I wish I could remember it (it had a famous actor in it that's all I can). .

It completely depends on when they start, and when they end. If the advertised movie start time is the actual start time (or the time when trailers start), that's fine. If they play commercials on top of that start time, rather than before, then I have a problem with it. That's the only issue. If they want to play ads that just show for anyone who happens to get there early, that's reasonable. But not if they list one time in newspapers/on websites, and the actual film/trailers don't start then.

I think that's what they started doing about 5-6 years ago, at least where I am...squeezing an ad or two in during the listed start time. But it seems to have stopped over the last few years, so I have no real complaints.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
It bothers me more when they put adverts on dvds and you can't skip past them. I don't think you should have to watch adverts - or even trailers - everytime you've watched a dvd you've paid money for.

its like it says it starts at 9.20 but it doesnt u have 15 mins of stupid adverts then trailers and then more adverts lol.

Can't stand paying good money for a film and seeing commercials. This practice is drenched in wrong sauce and should stop!

Yes earl, wrong sauce. Wrong sauce I tell you!! I don't like seeing commercials at all in a movie theater, but if it must be done, it should not be after the listed start time for the movie. We've already paid the extra money to see it in theaters, everything about that experience should be about movies. I'm not buying a phone from Sprint.

And I love previews for actual movies. I think because we're on a film forum, most of us here love previews and seeing what's coming out soon. But most people I talk to feel cheated when they have to sit through previews after the official start time of the movie. Not me though.
"I want a film I watch to express either the joy of making cinema or the anguish of making cinema" -Francois Truffaut

It bothers me more when they put adverts on dvds and you can't skip past them. I don't think you should have to watch adverts - or even trailers - everytime you've watched a dvd you've paid money for.
I totally agree with this! Ads in the movie theater don't bother me much (although I expect the ads to stop and the trailers to start at the advertised movie time), but unskipable trailers are so annoying. Please, at least let me use the menu button!

Lud I couldn't agree more. The length of time between the advertised start of the film and the actual start I swear has got longer just this year. On Saturday Cineworld had Inception starting at 10.30, so I was thinking like a probable 10.45 start, it actually started at 11.05, that's 35 bloody minutes later! I love the previews, but now it's adverts, previews and more damn adverts. I'm one of those people who can never be late for things so I have to be there before the lights go down but if it carries on like this I'm seriously thinking of getting there 20 minutes late.

Thurs - completely agree with you about the dvds. I got Red Cliff from Lovefilm at the weekend. It had unskippable trailers for **** films. After the 9th one I just couldn't take any more and chucked it back in the envelope. dammit!

Cant stand them thats why i download all my films illegaly now and watch them at home

I hate movie adverts....i guess most of them are useless.

Yeah, the adverts are annoying as hell. The cinemas really shouldn't say that a film is going to start at a certain time, if it isn't. I can never wait for the trailers though - especially if it's something I know nothing about.
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." - Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park.