What would u say to someone who says watching movie is a waste of time


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Some people are doers and some are watchers. I've always done both with a leaning towards watching, but my stroke has left me as a definite watcher.
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I hate when people say that. Technically anything can be a waste of time, but movies can be so artistic, so full of meaning, made with such love and labor that when someone says they're "just a waste of time"... I feel insulted.

I wouldn't waste my time saying anything to them.

What would u say to someone who says watching movie is a waste of time?

Honestly, I would just calmly ask them why they felt that way. Then maybe I'd recommend some good movies that they might enjoy.

I hate when people say that. Technically anything can be a waste of time, but movies can be so artistic, so full of meaning, made with such love and labor that when someone says they're "just a waste of time"... I feel insulted.


What would u say to someone who says watching movie is a waste of time?

Honestly, I would just calmly ask them why they felt that way. Then maybe I'd recommend some good movies that they might enjoy.

What if you pick your all time favorite and show to them, and they fell asleep during the movie?

What if you pick your all time favorite and show to them, and they fell asleep during the movie?
That wouldn't bug me, I'd just buy them a triple shot latte and tell to keep their eyes open.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
I would say....it puts the DVD in the player or else it gets the hose again.

....my dad use to say this. Banned us from tv and movies..hence why I love them so much. Yet he used to listen to hours and hours of music and radio. What’s the difference, both leisure activities, both art.

Anyway...if I did talk to him I’d give him the hose.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
What if you pick your all time favorite and show to them, and they fell asleep during the movie?
why on earth would I invite a stranger to fall aasleep on the lounge *scratches head

I would just calmly punch them in the face,push them over the deck and slowly close the door to return to enjoy whatever I felt like

It's my time. I will waste it the way I want. I work from homes sometime. I keep the TV on with some movie running on low volume. Coz I need the rumbling sound of the office to concentrate on work!
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"Get bent"?

It's like that scene in Seinfeld where Jerry and George are discussing the shortness of life and trying to make the most of it and George is like "Well, is this a waste of time too? Can't we have coffee anymore either?!"

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
My response would be to tell that person that they haven't seen the right movies.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
OP: "You're a waste of my time"

That wouldn't bug me, I'd just buy them a triple shot latte and tell to keep their eyes open.
Or do this:
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.