Rauldc's Journey through the consoles: Best Video Games


Okay, if you want to know how the trail's going, I'll be in the Chill Club.

Heavy Rain was one of the few games I platinumed on the 3, because I enjoyed playing it that much. Some don't like that style, but my gaming roots steer me towards stuff like this. I was always excited for Tecmo games, because they always had "cinema" scenes (cut scenes now). I don't mind setting the controller down and enjoying a little exposition.

Maniac Mansion was absurd. That was a Nintendo Power must have game. Loved it, before weird was cool.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
8. Captain Skyhawk

This is a fun game with many fun levels. My favorite video game that involves planes. Simple, yet oh so effective. Aliens have invaded earth, trying to drain Earths energy and use it for themselves. I like that there are different types of missiles and bombs to use. I don't think I've ever conquered this game as the gameplay gets faster the further you get in the levels, but it definitely was addicting to say the least.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
9. Halo

While I realistically wasn't that great at this game and my friends were both insanely good at the game and equally obsessed with it, I spent many a high school weekends playing this game with them. It was a fun and addicting game certainly. The only thing that I had ever played on this game was the multiplayer, and we would have two groups of four people in each room. We would battle back and forth playing capture the flag (also fun in that one to snipe people) and I don't remember exactly what it was called but the game where you just try to get the most kills. The maps in this game were really solid in my opinion and added a fun touch to the game. While I wasn't as obsessed with this as others, it's no doubt a good game due to the fact that you could round your friends up and have something to do in the middle of the night that would keep you out of trouble.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Heavy Rain was a lot of fun. It did make me go back and try different outcomes, which had different consequences, unlike The Walking Dead game. It was very cinematic and I can see them trying to produce a film out of it.

I always preferred Jet Moto over Wave Racer, sure they are different games, but I never got into that series.

This intrigues me, I might steal it when I get back with my own list....only 25 games for me though.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Winter Calls Thy Name
Not having a PS3, I watched a complete play-though of Heavy Rain and really enjoyed it.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
10. Donkey Kong- Gameboy Version

The thing in common with all these games is having me glued at the hip. I can remember that my uncle actually used to have a Game Boy before me and that I always played this game while at his house. He really like this game as well at the time and had taught me how to play it.

Some of the levels would get insanely complicated as all hell but the thing that drove me batty was when you had the key, would get hit by an enemy and here that music get faster and faster until you couldn't get back to the key in time which meant that the key automatically went back to the place that it originated. Oh and of course it was always tough to build your ladders so that you were able to get to where you needed to go. One always had to remember to get their hat umbrella and (what the heck was that other item?) Donkey Kong was a true video game legend and his importance in the industry should not be dismissed. While I could have chosen a few of his other games for this list (and I still could, potentially), my nostalgia factors in and I decided to go with the one that I first played.

Ever seen The King of Kong Raul? It's about the Arcade version, but i have a feeling you'd like it; it's one of my favourite documentaries. This was probably the first game i ever played, on my uncles old massive grey Gameboy.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
11. Theme Park Roller Coaster (PS2)

I've always been intrigued on the concept of building my own theme part in real life, and I'm a pretty big fan of planning and architecture as a whole, so in a way the design of the game is pretty much made for me. What I love most about this game is that there are many different theme concepts, such as a Halloween theme park, a space theme park, and a dinosaur theme park. I was pretty damn good at building some insane roller coasters and I always made should that my guests loved my theme park by of course providing enough game booths and restaurants. These types of games have always caught my eye, including the first original one on the Playstation console, but I ultimately decided that this was the one that should make my list.