The Videogames Tab


Just curious: did you know the user was into game development? How did you come across this to make that connection?
I knew him from here, first. Then he became a YouTuber, which I found out indirectly when he mentioned the site on reddit years ago, then I met him at PAX West a few times. Nice guy, he and his wife are both lovely.

Was very excited to see him getting into producing games, and it seems like he picked a real winner here. Couldn't be happier for them, and I'm genuinely excited to play it.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
if i recall, they showed up here doing video reviews of movies and there was some gentle teasing that led them to pivot to YouTube and game reviews. i just recall everyone being very supportive of "yes, go away and do that". but like in a "we love you but don't need/want that here" sorta way. at least, that's how i remember it

so yeah, we made em quasi-famous. they say it takes a village.
That's calling a memory. I vaguely remember, and recently referenced, a user that posted video reviews from two guys but never really any conversation here. I had forgotten the user name, but assumed it had the word "turd" in it for some reason. Was that this name?? Surely not!?
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

You ready? You look ready.
That's calling a memory. I vaguely remember, and recently referenced, a user that posted video reviews from two guys but never really any conversation here. I had forgotten the user name, but assumed it had the word "turd" in it for some reason. Was that this name?? Surely not!?
no, this user has always gone by meatwadsprite around here. i do believe they started their YouTube with that username, but changed it when they realized no one likes meatwads in their sprite, man.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

I remember him. It was a looong time ago when first coming on the forum.

I played the game a little and it is fun, and yes the character looks like a meatball. Im having a problem grabbing vines to swing, only been able to do it twice so Im asking for advice on Steam in the games discussion section. Im sure its me.

Why BioShock: Infinite is Not Great Storytelling:

WARNING: spoilers below
Back when this game was released, I remember its story receiving a great deal of praise, specifically its final half hour which I've seen analyzed numerous times. I'm not sure if it's still held in as high regard now as it was when it was released, but back in the day, I saw plenty of critics and fans describing it as having the single greatest video game story of all time. This is high praise and, while it's important to be careful with your expectations whenever approaching anything with a GOAT status, I do try and see if I can understand where this praise is coming from, regardless of whether I feel the same connection. I like the change of pacing in the final act, some of the imagery (the infinite lighthouses) is striking, and the presence of Rapture made for a cool nod to the original BioShock, but I can't say I share the enthusiasm for the story which some other people do. Initially, I wasn't convinced the game had a great story. Now, I'm not even sure if it's a good story. Over the years, I've come across a couple takes for why the story doesn't work (i.e., it was just competing with the twist in the first game and a few plots holes cause it to fall apart), but while I don't disagree with those people on the quality of the story, I do think those criticisms aren't sound and miss the mark of why the story doesn't work.

When I first played the game, I had a bit of fun putting the pieces of the story together and I did use the game's Wikipedia plot summary to help out with what I missed. After that, however, the story kind of just came and went and didn't linger with me much. Replaying it a couple times since then, I think the problem is the story explains way too much. Aside from the post‐credit scene which I imagine most people miss on their first playthrough (you have to wait through 20 minutes of credits to get to it and skipping the credits skips it as well, at least on pc), it leaves practically no mystery or ambiguity open and wraps up everything into too tidy of a bow for the audience. Once I feel I understand something, I consider it time to move on. After I refreshed my memory on Booker's backstory and his connection to Comstock with my second playthrough, it didn't linger with me much at all afterwards.

Aside from the presentation of the story, the content of the story certainly introduces some interesting concepts (Booker's guilt over his participation in the Wounded Knee massacre, his gambling addiction, and his 20‐year guilt over giving his daughter away), but all I can say about those concepts is they're introduced. The decision to wait until the very end to explore them gives them so little breathing room and practically no time to explore any of them in a significant way. We're told Booker had guilt over the Wounded Knee massacre, but we don't see it. We're told he was a gambling addict, but we don't see that either. We're told he felt guilt for giving his daughter away for 20 years, but we don't even see that. Rather, we're just given a few splices of them. It briefly describes one of his actions, moves onto the next one, then the next one, then it ends. To cut the game some slack, devoting large sections to exploring those story elements in detail might not have been the best idea either, so I don't mean for this to be "They should've made a different game than the one they made" criticism, but what I can say is the approach they ultimately went with didn't work for me either. Compared to some other works of art I love which explore guilt and addiction, this game has far less depth and pales in comparison to them by a long shot.

Therefore, I would say it fails both in regard to the complexity of its story structure and the individual themes of the story.

Back to Animal Well. I think Meat and his crew should make a mobile game out of it, and imo would make a nice chunk of change. If people are willing to overlook the lack of high end graphics on a PC for the sake of fun, I feel the mobile market would do the same.

A system of cells interlinked
Not much time for gaming lately except for a bit of Breath of the Wild with Stella here and there. Things getting back to normal around the house, so should be able to get some more gaming going soon. I also poked around a bit in Horizon: Zero Dawn, but haven't been able to put much time into it.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Ghost of Tsushima has launched. Downloading the last bit right now. Ive been waiting for this game to come to PC for at least 3 years. Now Im at the point of nervous anticipation - Will I like it? Will it run on my laptop? If not, will Steam give my $60 back? All I do know for sure is Im rooting for it to blow me away.

It works, and its awesome Alot of cutscenes, but maybe thats mostly for the beginning part of the game. If not thats fine too as I love the feel.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
It works, and its awesome Alot of cutscenes, but maybe thats mostly for the beginning part of the game. If not thats fine too as I love the feel.
keep the posts up! I'm excited to relive the game reading along!!! this game felt so great on a console controller, btw. not sure if that's an option.

keep the posts up! I'm excited to relive the game reading along!!! this game felt so great on a console controller, btw. not sure if that's an option.
Yeah I bought wired Playstation Dual Sense controller specifically for this game a couple weeks ago. My rig can run it, but if I had a PS5 I'm sure it'd look gorgeous.

Was hitting f12 to take a screenshot and instead my calculator keeps popping up, but Ivr figured how to do it. Will try and post some pics, and tell the tale of the old noob playing this game.

Let the night air cool you off
Anybody here play Balatro? I bought it a week ago and have been obsessed since. In the seven days I've had it, I must have put in at least 20 hours already. Which is an absurd number for me. I don't remember the last time I've played a game this much in that short of a period.

Let the night air cool you off
It's great. It can be a complete time sink but you can also squeeze a quick hand in if you only have a few minutes. I woke up last night around 2 AM and I told myself I'd play a hand or two and go back to bed. Eventually I looked up at the light entering my window and realized it was 6 AM.

Yeah those are the kinds of games I play a lot, too, the ones with variable playtimes. The ones I take forever on are the ones you really want/need to pay a lot of attention to each time. Those are binary, either I become totally obsessed or I play them in fits and starts.

You ready? You look ready.
Shocking announcement, Sony learns that there's these things called PCs and Steam. Apparently they just discovered this magical realm where users flock to buy games. It's wild. I wonder who showed them this sorcery. It had to have been that one guy who said "why are we so ****ing stupid for leaving money on the table all these years"?

And no, I ain't buying Kingdom Hearts when it drops. That game is ass.

Did anyone get into the Sonic Rumble closed beta on iOS? It's their version of a Fall Guys clone.
Last Movie Watched: Shark Bait (2022).
Last TV Show Watched: Shark Week (S36:E20).