Are there older movies that 24's concept is derived from?


For my class, my assignment is to take a current TV show and find an older movies (from the 80's or earlier), that has a similar concept. I really like the show 24, but I cannot think of any older movies that share the same idea, or have striking similarities. Any help/insight you can provide me is hugely appreciated. Thanks!

You're a Genius all the time
Well, I can't really think of any flicks pre-1985 that would fit the "government agency combats far-reaching terrorist syndicates" mold. That sub-genre in the action film really started to hit its stride in the early 90's. Other than maybe the James Bond series with Connery?

But if you're just looking for movies that transpire in "Real Time", similar to "24", check out High Noon or Hitchcock's Rope for some early examples.

A system of cells interlinked
It was a pretty original concept, as far as the presentation. I liken the character to Bond, but with a darker, anti-hero slant. I think Bond films are your best bet. I would focus on stuff like The Spy Who Loved Me, A View to A Kill, For Your Eyes Only and perhaps Golden Eye... At this point in the films, they started to adopt a more slick production aspect that matches up better with 24, as opposed to the pre-1976 films...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

To a very minor extent, 24 follows the idea of the old serials where over 12-15 episodes, heroes and villains battle it out in continuous time.
All secrets are safe with this man, because none are as deadly to him as his own. His secret is that he is Richard Kimble. (The Fugitive - Conspiracy of Silence)

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I know this movie is not that old, but it has same idea.

Nick Of Time
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

You're a Genius all the time
Yeah, I was gonna mention Nick of Time, but he said he was looking for stuff before the 90's. Plus, Nick of Time kinda sucks, even though it has some tremendous Walken-moments. Johnny Depp shouldn't play regular dudes anymore, he should stick with pirates and other flamboyant weirdos.

Yeah, for real time was gonna say look at High Noon.

As for government conspiracies and twists and double agents i'm sure there's plenty of films out there, must be. All the Presidents Men springs to mind just because it was about the Watergate scandal.

Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
for the moments in 24 when there are parts of action happening in different locations at the same time - im reminded of Timecode, constant split screen film divided into 4 pictures.