The MoFo Millenium Top 100 Countdown

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I'm totally down for doing a few paragraphs on any of my favorites. And I do think TUS' suggestion to just do it when it shows up is probably simplest. But either way, it's a great idea, and I'm down.

When you see something you wanna talk about, talk. How hard is that?

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Don't quite understand your reasoning there. More than half of these films were released before 2006...
My reasoning is simply that films released in the second half of the Millenium so far are fresher in the mind and more likely to be voted for whereas older films from 2000-2005 are more likely to be overlooked.

Hence why I believe that Apes made the cut.

Looking back at my own list 17/25 come from 2000-2005 and only 8 films from 2006-2011.

My reasoning is simply that films released in the second half of the Millenium so far are fresher in the mind and more likely to be voted for whereas older films from 2000-2005 are more likely to be overlooked.

Hence why I believe that Apes made the cut.

Looking back at my own list 17/25 come from 2000-2005 and only 8 films from 2006-2011.
I understand with movies from 10/11 but there can't be much difference in "freshness" between movies from 2000 or 2006. Besides, most will have been seen much later than their release date, either for the first time or as a rewatch.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I understand with movies from 10/11 but there can't be much difference in "freshness" between movies from 2000 or 2006. Besides, most will have been seen much later than their release date, either for the first time or as a rewatch.
Aye, suppose your right there.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Now that I have a class assignment, I don't feel like wriiting up anything. I'll go sit in the corner, teacher.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

I think there will be plenty of paragraphs when we get farther in, when the films made a lot of lists, I'm down for the idea of doing a write up when one of my top 5 make it
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Look, you dogs can do it whatever way you like. This discussion can go on a bit or you guys can start sending in write-ups of your top 5 and then I'll add them to the posts once a film pops up a write-up was done for.

The internet is asynchronous, posts can be made at any time without anyone but you having to be present. None of mine have been posted but I've still complained, you all can join!

I see no point in doing a formal write up. If you were one of the voters and a movie is posted that was on your list, write it up if you want to.

Anyway, we're due for another two today. I really want to see what they are.

I've not seen either of these, but I doubt I'd like them.

I'm not one for super hero movies and really didn't care for the first Spiderman in particular. This type of movie falls too far into the whole sci-fi/fantasy realm for my tastes.

As for Darjeeling, I didn't like The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, or Fantastic Mr. Fox. I don't think Wes Anderson movies are for me.

The whole Spider-Man trilogy was a childhood favorite- hell, I still read the comics. I think I only voted for the first film, though.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

Still none from my list. I like Spider-Man 2, but I'm iffy on Wes Anderson's work. I like The Royal Tenenbaums but really, really disliked Bottle Rocket. I think I'll give Moonrise Kingdom a shot before Darjeeling.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
So far, I give every film either
, so they're still all as far as I'm concerned. None on my list, but obviously I have a weird list. Darjeeling seems to be the most-moving Anderson film yet (haven't seen the new one) although it's light on plot. I can't especially keep the three Spidey movies straight, but I think S-M 2 was probably the best.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Love me some Spider-Man 2. The second film from my list. While I love Wes Anderson The Darjeeling Limited didn't immensely grab me right away like his other films have. But that's just on one viewing still

Would have been nice (though probably a lot of work) if for each entry, the member that ranked the film the highest did a write up of it. Just to emphasise the community element of the thread and make it a bit more interesting for each film.
See all the trouble and arguing this idea has had!!! This is all on you Tramp, you and your big ideas!

I have a weird list.
Weird is good.

I voted for a number of movies that I am nearly certain won't make the final cut, but their chances of making it were not really something I considered when choosing my list. I figure if I don't vote for the movies I like the best for fear that they won't make it anyway and my vote will be "wasted," then they'll have even less chance of making the top 100.

Besides, weird lists make for more surprising outcomes.