Next Countdown: decade, or something else?


What kind of countdown should we do next?
28 votes
Decades List (2000s, 2010s)
30 votes
Anything Else (Comedies, Noir, Foreign, etc.)
58 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Per the discussion in Suggestions for future countdowns, we're holding a simple vote to determine whether the next countdown should be a Decades List or Anything Else

The outcome of this poll will determine which options go on the next. For example, if Decades List wins, the next poll will probably have options like "The 2000s" and "The 2010s." In fact it might have only those two. If Anything Else wins, the poll will have options like Foreign Films, Comedies, Noir, or even something offbeat like Sequels or Remakes. In that event, I might institute some kind of ranked choice option, since the vote could be really split otherwise.

Obviously I expect people to advocate a little, but please be cool about it. We're gonna have a good time no matter what the next list is, and if your first choice doesn't make it this time it stands a good chance of being the next one selected. So no getting worked up at people for voting differently than you would, and no cajoling, even indirectly with the "take my ball and go home" threats not to participate if it doesn't turn out the way you want.

I'll leave this up for at least a week, probably more like a week and a half, depending on how quickly we get something close to a quorum on the results.

A system of cells interlinked
I would vote for the decade of the 2000s or Noir.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Welcome to the human race...
Here's the real question: does the All-Time Top 100 count as a "decade" list or an "anything else" list?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I would vote for the decade of the 2000s or Noir.
Good to know, but initially we're just deciding type, and then there'll be a second poll based on the outcome of this one.

Here's the real question: does the All-Time Top 100 count as a "decade" list or an "anything else" list?
I was wondering this, too, and decided it's kind of a half-point for both, which is why I think we should make the choice this time (rather than counting it as one and going right into the "second" choice of what specific list to go with, with the "type" already decided for us).

A system of cells interlinked
I would vote for the decade of the 2000s or Noir.
Haha, as usual I voted for both choices.

Under Duress to choose one, I would go with Decades.

Welcome to the human race...
I voted decades. Per my earlier question, my take is that if it's not about a specific 10-year span then it quite simply doesn't qualify as a "decade" list, so the all-time list is an "anything else" list in my view - therefore, the next list should be a decade one.

Makes sense. I also think "we reset after the all-time countdown" is a reasonable position, as well. I think a reasonable case can be made for all these, at this point, which is kind of fun/exciting.

I voted for decades, 2000's ftw, I wouldn't mind 2010's but it makes sense to do the movies from the 2000's first
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

I threw a vote behind Anything Else. Decades doesn’t really excite me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
My vote? It really doesn't matter a lot to me. I'm more interested in what countdown does the most good for the entire community. I do think switching countdown styles keeps it fresh.

The Top 100 countdown was a blast, like a big party. I didn't watch any movies for it in preparation of my ballot and I image many people didn't either.

The Western countdown was a grand learning experience as many of us delved into the varied world of westerns watching a wagon load of westerns. We did two Western HoFs to support it and in the end a lot of us learned and expanded our knowledge and appreciation of the western genre.

To me the 'learning part' is as important as the party part. We just had a party and so I think a Foreign Countdown would benefit the expansion of our movie knowledge here at MoFo.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Do we have a confirmed Host yet?

Remember the Directed by Women Countdown? It almost died as we as a group choose that as the next countdown one wanted to host it. Luckily Iroquois volunteered and the countdown was finally done.

The lesson there is: we also need to talk about Host as a countdown ain't happening without one.

Who wants to Host? And what do they want to Host? (I think that's important to know.)

We don't have a Curator picked out, but I know in many cases the type of list helps determine that, IE: the person best suited for (and most interested in) doing that would presumably be quite different from genre to genre, in particular.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't want to host...I just want to say that so people don't think I'm jockeying to be the next host.

It's rewarding to host, but sooo much work and responsibility. I just don't have the time. Maybe someday I'd host and I'd like to host a Noir Countdown. But not this time.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I voted decades but I'm game for anything. I had a fairly strong opinion about the all time one so I'll go with the flow.

Voted decades because of weakness with some genres.
Amusingly, this is also the argument people would use for genres. The lists are a great excuse/impetus to shore up gaps in viewing!

Amusingly, this is also the argument people would use for genres. The lists are a great excuse/impetus to shore up gaps in viewing!
Agreed. It would be a learning experience, but you'd be a student and not really a participant.