Power Rangers (2017)


Say goodbye to the "Might Morphin" kids version we're all familiar with... and say hello to a serious Power Rangers movie.

This may end up being a remake/reboot worthy of remakes and reboots.

I was never a fan of the original series, or any of the spin-off series's's's's either, nor of the movies or toys or any of that.
But, I my interest is peaked on this one.

Wonder what the Zords will be like.

Say goodbye to the "Might Morphin" kids version we're all familiar with... and say hello to a serious Power Rangers movie.

This may end up being a remake/reboot worthy of remakes and reboots.

I was never a fan of the original series, or any of the spin-off series's's's's either, nor of the movies or toys or any of that.
But, I my interest is peaked on this one.

Wonder what the Zords will be like.
I was pleasantly surprised by that – they appear to have done really well with the cast; seems like one of the most engaging groups of young actors in a long time. Funny to see something that always looked risible elevated to a completely different level.

Incidentally, on the subject of Elizabeth Banks:

WARNING: spoilers below
she can come and hover over me any day of the week

And a decent cover of

WARNING: spoilers below
Walk the Line

on the trailer. I tell you what though, that reverberating bassline that was being used really reminded me of the Doctor Who theme, especially its Sixties form, which was a bit distracting .

Elizabeth Banks, I'm there. Looks a lot of fun. Just please, no roller skating through the streets like in 1995 film, yikes... Aww memories.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Trailer reminds me of the new Fantastic Four and Chronicle, could be entertaining, but I have little faith in it. I'll still watch it though.

Im not sure how much faith I have...
its something that could potentially be difficult to make serious.
but i am excited none the less
i will reserve judgement until then :P

I like it. The only downside I see, is not much Ranger/ Zords/ Megazord time. Even with trailer cuts, it seems like a lot of exposition parts.

oh hahahahaah i read power puff!

I think the trailer looks pretty good,i dont know much about the power rangers apart from the suits. but yeah,im prob a bit older than who they are aiming this at but it looks good,had i been younger i would have prob loved it. (i might still,who knows)
Britney is my favorite

Wow... this is WAY too dark for this franchise! I was not interested in this movie cuz I am not a fan, but I think a lot of Power ranger fans just cried a little.
Their anguish sustains me.

The people I know are excited. Regardless of tone, this looks like it has a chance to be good. People are scared of the F4 of the world, Trank's and Corman's.

I'm impressed at the decision to try to do something different with the tone and really upgrade the property.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
This actually looks pretty good. It looks alot different to the Power Rangers film i had growing up.
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

This actually looks pretty good. It looks alot different to the Power Rangers film i had growing up.

I think they are going to draw a wide audience with the older crowd, teens and kids. I would have lovedPower Rangers with a little less cheese when I was young.

I think they are going to draw a wide audience with the older crowd, teens and kids. I would have lovedPower Rangers with a little less cheese when I was young.

Maybe that was just your diet?

Registered User
Context of animosity between rangers and other characters in trailer is likely a cliché, but it can make sense that 5 teenagers need a hostile context to be grouped together in the first place.
Power rangers might be great, but I predict it'll be just predictable procedure.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Go Go Power Rangers!

Wow... this is WAY too dark for this franchise! I was not interested in this movie cuz I am not a fan, but I think a lot of Power ranger fans just cried a little.
The majority of people who loved Power Rangers as a kid including myself most likely feel it is unwatchable now so a darker version would be welcome to them i imagine.

Not that i'm going to watch, probably never will. I loved Power Rangers between the ages of 4-6 but by 7 i had totally outgrown it. Think it's something i'd rather stay in my childhood.

The majority of people who loved Power Rangers as a kid including myself most likely feel it is unwatchable now so a darker version would be welcome to them i imagine.
It was unwatchable then ! I mean people will be used to different takes on the tone of a franchise, especially with Batman (amongst others) and I like to see it happening.

It was unwatchable then
To be fair, according to your profile you are 37 which means you were 14 when Mighty Morphin just started. Of course you always found it unwatchable, all of my friends loved it but i don't know a single one that didn't think it was stupid by the age of 8; it wasn't really meant for 14 year olds.