Do you believe that Netflix is 'killing' the cinema industry?


Registered User
This is part of my work with Uni. Not sure if its anything people would be interested in helping me out with but I can no longer do focus groups due to coronavirus so I just wanted to get some movie fans opinions on Netflix. My dissertation topic is to find out if 'Is Netflix is killing the cinema industry?' so just comments around this topic will all be really helpful. For example 'do you still think that cinema is as popular as it used to be?', 'Why may cinema be decreasing in popularity?' ETC. Any thoughts and comments are welcome

I'd recommend posting some more questions to give people more to respond to. It'll help you more, and to be honest the example questions seem too obvious. You can compare the "popularity" of cinema today by looking at box office numbers and doing some simple inflation calculations (or look up total ticket sales relative to population), and the "why?" is kind of bizarre, since the answer would be "Netflix and streaming services." The second question is basically asking the thing the premise is already answering it.

So, yeah, something a little deeper and more specific would go a long way towards people helping you out, I think. People around here are happy to help, but they don't like feeling they're doing homework for someone, so you'll have to meaningfully lead the conversation a lot more if you want helpful replies. Best of luck.

Artists, excuse me, cinematographers are less dependable on the studios, which have enormous advantages on the creative level, but also have disadvantages when they want to sell there movie, which have re-precautions on the box office. For instance, Scorsese wouldn't probably have made his last movie, at least like he did, if it were not for Netflix. I said cinematographers and not artists because artists always have problems, they go to insane lengths to find the money, it's obnoxious. Also streaming services are like social media, it's a totally different interaction, it's like, something made to be amusing, which is okay taking in consideration the movies that are made today. It's a paradox, streaming services grant easier money and more creative freedom, but they remove something very important in cinema, a different sensorial experience.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...My dissertation topic is to find out if 'Is Netflix is killing the cinema industry?'...
If you picked that as your topic I hope the 'mission statement' of your dissertation is more well defined than its written here...Netflix is part of the broader cinema industry. So the answer is: that which Netflix destroys, is that which it creates.

If however you're researching and compiling trends in the overall movie making industry then: yes Netflix's success in the way it creates and releases feature films is causing the traditional movie production companies to change and adapt to the newer trend of releasing new feature movies via streaming. And the coronavirus with forced theater closings will accelerate that trend.

Actually you don't need anyone's opinions. Just google some information, formulate some kind of creative hypothesis that sounds plausible, then throw in a bunch of fancy terms laced with big words, proof read well and you'll be good to go.

Actually you don't need anyone's opinions. Just google some information, formulate some kind of creative hypothesis that sounds plausible, then throw in a bunch of fancy terms laced with big words, proof read well and you'll be good to go.
LOL. Master’s degree or Ph.D. in the making.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
There are many bigger threats to cinema than Netflix. Piracy, Home Setups are now like the Cinema, decline in quality of films themselves.

Netflix is a bigger threat to Network TV than it is to Cinema.

However if we see more top drawer stuff like The Irishman it will become a bigger threat.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I'd be surprised if Netflix is, cause there are hardly any good movies on there, compared to other sources, I find. Even the library has better movies than Netflix.

Here's how I see it:

The drive-in movie theater was abducted, but has just now been returned.

Video rental places were murdered by a robot.

The cinema industry is committing suicide.

Here's how I see it:

The drive-in movie theater was abducted, but has just now been returned.

Video rental places were murdered by a robot.

The cinema industry is committing suicide.

Exactly: the cinema industry is committing suicide with endless remakes, reboots, sequels and the destruction of all franchises by SJWs.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Why does Hollywood listen to the SJWs lately? It's good thing foreign cinema isn't listening, and perhaps independent is not either but why Hollywood?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I watch mostly Korean and Spanish cinema, but have their been a lot of SJW movies coming out of other contries? It's just in a country like South Korea, no one is complaining about a lack of diversity in cinema, and they don't seem to care there.

what is sjw movie btw?
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

what is sjw movie btw?
Not entirely sure but maybe it's any movie with Serena Jameka Williams in it?

But how about Osaka Naomi and
Karolina Pliskova? I don't watch any tennis game but i can tell myself there lack male representation in WTA.

Why japanese people? Why?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I believe in magic.

In a young girl's heart. How the music can free her, whenever it starts. Unless, of course, we're talking about Chris Isaak. Then, in that case, I believe in a beautiful day. Yeah, I believe it's gonna work out ok. But not for me. And ...not for you.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

No, I don't thinks so, Netflix is far different from the cinema industry