Sell me Mofo


How much do you want for it?

Everything's for sale. I'll give you $100 for it. What say?

I'll give you ten dollars

You ready? You look ready.
You know, this thread just gave me a crazy idea. Want to hear? I will tell. Movie Forums merchandise such as T-Shirts to start with. That would be so freaking awesome. I'd most certainly buy a T-Shirt that had the Movie Forums stamped on the front with "You Can Almost Taste The Popcorn" stamped below it.

That's a very crappy slap together but, we could make one look really, really cool. All the money spent on the T-Shirts that makes a profit could go to a foudation or pay for the T-Shirts themselves. You could make to order. Dude, that would be really neat. I'd be willing to help out with getting cash to front the project. Just think how many people would see us wearing the T-Shirt and most likely check the site out. What do you think, is that possible? I'd be willing to help out with getting cash to front the project. You could make a thread to create the shirt design.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Someone Save Us College Kids
Originally Posted by Yoda
Ya'll been drinkin' the crazy juice.
NO not crazy juice Jesus Juice

You have to think bigger than that John.

I'll give you $115 for MoFo. I have plans for it. And you don't have to leave Twt. Nobody does. I need you for updates and stuff. Unless you don't want to do that, then just give me somebody who can update all the little doohickeys. I'm not a programmer.

My options are limited in regards to t-shirts, unfortunately. The only quick, convenient, inexpensive way to create custom t-shirts, at least online, is Cafe Press, which doesn't really allow for the kind of color scheme we'd be looking at with this logo. Also, I don't have a high-res version of the logo (and haven't really been able to get in touch with the designer, who might), without which any t-shirt design would come out pretty fuzzy.

So, really, all I'd be able to offer is a plain t-shirt with the website name and a slogan on it, at this point. Not even black, for that matter, which is kind of what I'm waiting for Cafe Press to start offering.

The Adventure Starts Here!
sunfrog, please tell me you're not seriously trying to offer $115 for all of MoFo...? I think you're a few decimal places off on that guesstimate, buddy.

I'll buy a T-shirt that says, "I went to MoFo and all I got was this lousy white CafePress T-shirt with the lo-res logo."

Well, maybe not.

You ready? You look ready.
Originally Posted by Yoda
My options are limited in regards to t-shirts, unfortunately. The only quick, convenient, inexpensive way to create custom t-shirts, at least online, is Cafe Press, which doesn't really allow for the kind of color scheme we'd be looking at with this logo. Also, I don't have a high-res version of the logo (and haven't really been able to get in touch with the designer, who might), without which any t-shirt design would come out pretty fuzzy.

So, really, all I'd be able to offer is a plain t-shirt with the website name and a slogan on it, at this point. Not even black, for that matter, which is kind of what I'm waiting for Cafe Press to start offering.
Ah, so you have thought of it, eh? I'll look around for ya. See if anything looks good.

A few decibles off? It's only code. I mean I wanna buy the website and all the pages and stuff. You can get a good website on ebay for less than that and this one doesn't even sell anything. Like dropship I mean. How about $150?

Why do you want a hi-res t-shirt? Have you seen what people do with silk screen? It's not a hi-res medium

Ha! Check this out! This is better than a t-shirt! lol

Originally Posted by sunfrog
A few decibles off? It's only code. I mean I wanna buy the website and all the pages and stuff. You can get a good website on ebay for less than that and this one doesn't even sell anything. Like dropship I mean. How about $150?
Sunfrog, you're obviously not in tune with IT prices, dude! A website like this one costs way, way more. But if you want a forum on your website, those are easy to get. You can buy a domain name pretty easily for a very reasonable price and buy the software for a forum of your own and set up and configure your own Movie Forums! (You'd have to call it something different, though, as Yoda probably has the name copyrighted). Anyway, there are hundreds of forums on the internet and several forums dedicated to movies. It's easy enough to set up your own forum website, if you're willing to make the investment in terms of time and money! I'd be glad to give you more information if you care to IM me! Best of luck on your forum endeavors!