Oscar's Best Actress (2009)


Who will win Best Actress?
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2 votes
Angelina Jolie, CHANGELING
1 votes
2 votes
Merly Streep, DOUBT
11 votes
Kate Winslet, THE READER
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Here are the Academy Award nominees for Best Actress: Anne Hathaway (Rachel Getting Married), Angelina Jolie (Changeling), Melissa Leo (Frozen River), Meryl Streep (Doubt) and Kate Winslet (The Reader). Who will win? Who should win? Who got snubbed? Vote and discuss.
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You're a Genius all the time
The fact that Sally Hawkins wasn't nominated makes no sense to me whatsoever and, ridiculously, I'm legitimately upset by it. The only one of these films I have seen is a so-so copy of Rachel Getting Married and I was pretty indifferent towards Anne Hathaway's performance. I've written this in another thread, but I've always felt Winslet and Streep were genetically engineered in a lab to win acting awards, however good at what they do they may be. And I don't think Angelina Jolie is a talented actress. She's fine in popcorny stuff like Mr & Mrs Smith (which I liked) and Wanted (which I didn't), but not much else. I haven't seen Changeling, but I'm a big fan of judging movies and performances by how they come off in the trailer and lemme tell you I was not ecstatic over that Changeling trailer. Also wrote this in another thread, but the line "I want MY child back!" has become such a gigantic running joke for me and a friend of mine that I will never be able to take that movie seriously. I realize that's stupid, but who am I trying to impress here? Melissa Leo I'm not all that familiar with outside of Melquiades Estrada, but she seems to be popular among the right kind of people so I suppose I'm rooting for her. I'd guess Winslet takes this in a walk, though.

Can't think of many egregious, non-Hawkins snubs, but my favorite lead female performances from 2008 remain Mena Suvari in Stuck and the chick from Let the Right One In.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The only legitimate Reader nomination should win this category.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Since Sally got the shaft I'm rooting hard for Melissa Leo. She probably has no shot but she deserves some recognition for all of her years as a fine actress.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I think Jolie really deserves it. Her performance in Changeling has been the best of her career so far, and the best of the entire year from what I've seen.

oh wow. toss up between streep and winslet for me, but its a quandry - hate the premise of both movies.

so..kate winslet depressed, or meryl streep as evil conniving nun? ive seen both in RL, and frankly, how do we know that kate winslet didnt just play "herself"? streep nailed it in my book. I have always been impressed by streep though!

i am blown away that someone couldve chosen melissa leo in that movie. why?
something witty goes here......

Surely it's Winslet this time isn't it? I hope so. I must say though, that I thought that Anne Hathaway would win the GG for Rachel's Getting Married and I still think she could take this one too. It's a classic 'modern Oscar' role.

As I've said somewher else, the only performance here I've seen is Jolie's and, if that's the best of the year, then it's been a worse year for films that I thought. I wouldn't agree it's her best performance either. I thought she was decent, but nothing special. Personally, I thought that Jeffery Donovan stole the film from everyone, but then, he had a great role, that really let him rip.

I haven't seen The Reader but I like the other four performances.

Rachel Getting Married definitely shows the maturation of Anne Hathaway. It has only been eight years since The Princess Diaries, and while she still gets her mainstream work in such as last year's Get Smart and the current (dreadful looking) Bride Wars, its in the more indie-flavored Brokeback Mountain and Havoc where she showed she hoped to be more than "just" a young movie star. Rachel is her most challenging role yet. For my taste I didn't think she was quite up to the task. I thought she nailed the vulnerable moments of the character, especially in the last half of the movie, but I found her flat and out of her range in the sarcastic, caustic bits that open the piece. It was the stellar supporting cast that made the movie to me, all of whom went unnominated. So while I don't think it is one of the very best female performances of the year, there's enough good to see she is growing. And despite my personal feelings, the Academy may well decide she is Oscar-worthy on her first attempt. But she's only twenty-six and should have more opportunities down the line.

Melissa Leo was one of my favorites on the terrific TV series "Homicide: Life on the Street", and while she hasn't had a lot of first-rate chances in film she has turned in some memorable supporting performances in the likes of The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada and 21 Grams. With the northern border crossing drama Frozen River she got her shot as the star and she made the most of it. Desperate but determined, it's good work. She doesn't have much of a realistic shot at actually winning, but given her career and her age she can truly say it is an honor to be nominated. She was named Best Actress by a couple of the critics associations and she may well win the Independent Spirit Award she's up for, though she'll have to get past both Anne Hathaway and Michelle Williams to do it.

Angelina Jolie is one of the most famous women on the planet these days. Between her humanitarian works, adoptions, births and relationship with one of the biggest movie stars of the day it's sometime hard to look past the cover stories on the rags at the checkout stand and easy to forget she's also an actress. When she picks up paychecks in slick big budget actioners like this past summer's Wanted or lends her voice to the animated blockbuster Kung Fu Panda it's also easy to forget she can actually be a good actress. I still think she was robbed last year when she didn't get a nomination for A Mighty Heart, but I thought she was almost as good in Eastwood's Changeling so I'm glad she made the cut. I gather some critics and audiences alike are less then enamored with her performance for whatever reason, but I thought she handled it expertly. However I doubt this will be the year that gets her a second Oscar (having won early on as Supporting Actress for Girl Interrupted, her only other nomination).

Meryl Streep is the most-nominated actor not only of her generation but ever. Doubt marks her astounding fifteenth nomination, already besting Kate Hepburn's total of twelve. And Streep is only fifty-nine so she should have many years left to add to her total. But with all of those nominations she "only" has the two wins: Supporting Actress for Kramer vs. Kramer (her second nomination) and Best Actress for Sophie's Choice (her fourth nom). It has been twenty-six years since the Academy has honored her with not just another nomination but an actual Oscar. Due to her age (in Hollywood terms ancient) she probably won't have a whole lot of shots left at Best Actress before she is relegated to supporting roles. She is good, as usual, in Doubt, playing a character who is almost entirely unsympathetic until the final act. Will it be her year to walk on stage again?

Kate Winslet may wind up battling Cate Blanchett to be the Meryl Streep of their generation. Winslet is only thirty-three and this is already the sixth nomination of her career, the fourth this decade. But for all her acclaim and noms she hasn't won yet while Hilary Swank has won twice, Reese Witherspoon got one, movie stars Julia Roberts and Nicole Kidman too, even Charlize Theron. Since I haven't seen The Reader I can't say whether or not it is among Kate's best performances or if the movie around it is worth a damn. I haven't seen her give a bad performance yet, but I have a feeling that the relative quality of her work this year hardly matters. It seems as if it may be Kate's "turn". Awarding Oscars mostly because they haven't done it before is not the most endearing voting pattern of the Academy, but it is a reality. Whether Winslet got her nomination for The Reader or Revolutionary Road, it probably didn't matter much...though it might have been nicer to see her share the joy with her Revolutionary director and real-life husband Sam Mendes for their work together, but so be it.

Had I a ballot I'd flip a coin between Leo and Jolie, but I think the folks with the real voting power are going to give it to Ms. Winslet.

As for some of the great performances that didn't get nominated, obviously the snub of Sally Hawkins in Happy-Go-Lucky is insulting, but I also loved Kristin Scott Thomas in I've Loved You So Long, Kate Beckinsale was fantastic in Snow Angels, Michelle Williams very strong in Wendy & Lucy, Summer Bishil was near perfect in Towelhead and I fell hard for Rebecca Hall in Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

I'm probably going to catch Towelhead this weekend. It looks pretty interesting. I've Loved You So Long and Snow Angels both also look good to me. I'm going to add those to my list. And I completely agree with you about Rebecca Hall, she was terrific. The whole movie was pretty damn good actually. I'm probably ridiculously irrational when it comes to my disdain for Woody Allen films. But Vicky Christina Barcelona opened my eyes a bit and I think I'm ready to dig deeper into his filmography.

I plan to see The Reader and Doubt this week and that will just about finish me up for all of the main films that I need to see before Oscar night. Based on a lot of the buzz though it sure seems to me anyway that this is Winslet's to lose. Oh well, that's fine I guess. Real movie buffs know that Sally was the Queen this year.

In the Beginning...
I think it's Winslet here. If the Academy continues awarding this fine woman with nominations and not statues, it'll start looking like sadism. She's phenomenally passionate, and sensitive to what really makes people tick. She has been more than deserving of Oscars in the past, and while I generally hate the "sorry we fracked up" Oscar handouts, I don't particularly care if the Academy gives her one for The Reader only because she should have won before now. Just as long as somebody gives this lady a damn Oscar.

I am the Nightrider!
This is Winslet's year, but beware of Streep.


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I believe that Winslet will win for both performances this year and for all her previous performances. However, if there's some kind of anti-The Reader backlash, and I'm not saying there is, then Meryl Streep could sneak in for another win. After all, Kate is still very young.
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\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I voted for Angelina as I thought her performance was awesome, sadly I havent seen Kate Winslets film but she is a great actress
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