The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Generally, the times I watch films more than once without liking them much the first time, it's because it has a reputation and/or a pedigree, so I assume there's some aspect of it I'm missing or under appeciating. But that's about it.
That's what I thought with Cries and Whispers, but the second viewing did it no luck. Well and 8 1/2 too.

I think there is only one movie on my list that I've only seen once (my #25). I generally watch movies repeatedly, both ones I dislike, ones I'm completely neutral on, and all of my favorites. I barely even consider having watched a film at all if it's only been once. To me it's like dismissing a song after listening to it a single time. Until I understand the rhythm and the textures of a film, until I can figure out what beat its dancing to, who am I to say if it's good or bad yet. I don't know ****.

Except for my #25. That mfer was mad bonkers brilliant. And it was clear from the first ten minutes.

At this point, I've know idea what's coming. Even the stuff I would think is coming I am wondering if that's the case.
The ones I'm thinking of are coming, I have no doubt.

Newman & Redford are bosses, #6 from my Western ballot.
Glad Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid made it without my help.

Haven't seen 8 ½, is Kim Basinger in it?

Seen: 15/20

Suspiria, The Seventh Seal, The Castle of Cagliostro, A Man For All Seasons, Irreversible, Army of Darkness, The 10th Victim, Malena, Sunday in New York, Ikiru, Cabaret, Harold and Maude, 8 ½

Late response to a question posted a few pages ago.. Next Wilder I'm viewing is Stalag 17 because; Ed + Holden + Real Holden; should be good.

There are no films from my 25 I've seen only once.

Trouble with a capital "T"
So do I, but a lot of times I'll watch movies when I'm really tired or really stressed or am otherwise in no mood or condition to really focus on a film. This is when I'm most likely to just pick a movie that I've already seen enough that I don't need to focus and that I already know I love so it won't sour my mood any further.
That makes senses, I do that too sometimes but with favorite TV shows.

I barely even consider having watched a film at all if it's only been once. To me it's like dismissing a song after listening to it a single time.
I would join in this philosophy if the movies I was talking about were 4 minutes long and I could throw them on in the background at work or in the car.

That makes senses, I do that too sometimes but with favorite TV shows.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. That's what The Office and Seinfeld are for.

BTW, we've topped 2,000 replies in this thread, which already makes it busier than a handful of the threads for a half-dozen other lists, and it should pass three or four more within maybe a week. It's also 40% of the way there towards the busiest of those, whose record I think might be doubled when all is said and done.

BTW, we've topped 2,000 replies in this thread, which already makes it busier than a handful of the threads for a half-dozen other lists, and it should pass three or four more within maybe a week. It's also 40% of the way there towards the busiest of those, whose record I think might be doubled when all is said and done.
Still only 44 'likes' for the first post though

I would join in this philosophy if the movies I was talking about were 4 minutes long and I could throw them on in the background at work or in the car.

No doubt, it's a huge commitment and one I'd hardly imagine most have the time or the inclination to do. And for good reason. There is a level of sadomasochistic obsessiveness to attain this kind of movie watching zen. But it's amazing how much you can inject into your brain if you deny sleep for decades. At my worst I watched Andrei Rublev two times in a row one night, and the first thing I did when I woke up. It's ridiculous, to be sure, but it was the only way I knew how to get inside the movie, and that clearly was my only goal during that 12 hour stretch.

So, I know not all of you get the clue now, so who wants to be the one to admit it and ask another member?
Okay, no one wants to ask, so I'll just explain (slight spoilers):

In 8 1/2, the main character (seemingly; the film's reality is pretty blurry) commits suicide by shooting himself, and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is famous for its final freeze frame shot.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I really need to watch more old movies (pre 1980 or so). Going to try catch up with those I've missed from this list.

Master of My Domain
Also one of my favorite non-cinematic countdown facts is that in my spreadsheet I copied some formatting around and it changed 8 1/2 to 8.5.
Letterboxd Profile:

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid I saw when I was younger. I'm sure I watched it with my parents. 8 1/2 I have not seen.

Master of My Domain
Nah, the OpenOffice imitator.
Ah ok, asked because Excel's auto-formatting is pretty darn annoying sometimes