Have you ever missed to watch a specific movie at the theater?


Let me clarify my question, have you ever told yourself "Oh this movie seems amazing. I should definitely go watch it when it's released in my movie theater".

Then several weeks later, you realize that you forgot to see it and that it doesn't play anymore in your theater.

How often did that happen to you? What did you do to see this movie?

I hate missing movies because you have to wait forever to get it on DVD/Blu-ray or on the streaming service of Netflix for example. Why on earth do we have to wait months to watch a missed movie?! Seriously.

Welcome to the human race...
Yeah, this is bound to happen from time to time since it's hard to gauge how long a movie may or may not stay in theatres or if the theatres it's showing at are particularly accessible (same goes for the session times). A few recent examples I can think of are Raw, Wind River, and American Made.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I had a near miss with Dunkirk. Just didn't get around to it, and then realized only one theater anywhere near me was still playing it (and it was like a 35 minute drive). Didn't get to see it in 70mm or IMAX (bleh), but at least I got to see it in the theaters.

I'm not sure I've missed anything I really wanted to see that way, though. There've been a few I didn't get to, but I wasn't terribly disappointed when I realized I'd just end up renting them. It takes a weird confluence of events to want to see a film in theaters and not get to it in what's usually a multi-month window of opportunity.

I know I'm in the minority but I didn't enjoy the last blade runner movie. It was so slow and to me a little convoluted without a gripping story. The imagry was also so...weird. But I think that might have been the point. Anyways, like I said I'm just one of the few that didn't "get it." 4/10

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Many times, but happily in every holiday some cinemas in my town repeat movies, which were played whitin whole year. And the tickets are low-priced

That's interesting. Thanks for your replies !

Aren't there any service on the web where I can check "I want to watch this movie" and it send me an email or some kind of reminder regularly so I don't miss it?

No it's usually after I've seen a movie that I think I wish I'd seen that in cinema, like Star Wars Rogue One .

Not by accident, it usually happens when something decent comes out in school holidays and I'm not sitting in a cinema surrounding by hoards of screaming kids. Often the movie is then gone by the time the holidays are over...

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
It’s s good thing now, but remember the days when it took close to 12months for a movie to come out on vhs or even dvd. Now it’s about 2 months and comes on public tv (here in Aus) pretty fast too.

I remember wanting to see "Maximum Overdrive" and "House" in the theaters but could never make it there because I was 10 years old and usually without money. Needless to say that as soon as those films hit VHS I was all over them like a bum on a bologna sandwich.

@Larry: yes but still. 2 months feels like forever to me!

I don't actually wear pants.
Several times. I usually haven't the money, or someone to go with me, or I forget, or I'm too busy. Yeah, those are the reasons I miss specific movies in the cinema.
Thanks again, Mr Portridge.

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The truth is in here
It happens all the god-damn time!
Just recently with War Of The Planet Of The Apes and Logan. And last year I really regret I didn't see Deadpool. Movies leave the theaters ridiculously fast nowadays, you can barely keep track of how long they are running. "Coming soon on DVD" ads arrive mere weeks after a movie's release. Greedy mother ****ers.

But the worst miss for me was Maps To The Stars, which might be David Cronenberg's final movie. Can't believe I missed that!

Welcome to the human race...
It’s s good thing now, but remember the days when it took close to 12months for a movie to come out on vhs or even dvd. Now it’s about 2 months and comes on public tv (here in Aus) pretty fast too.
Most of the time, it seems to take about two years between a movie coming out in theatres and then playing on free-to-air TV.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Most of the time, it seems to take about two years between a movie coming out in theatres and then playing on free-to-air TV.
Yea around 2 years sounds about right. It was at least 3 back in the “day” if I’m remembering correctly.

Thought I'd missed Dunkirk but managed to catch it in the last cinema that was showing in London! So glad i saw it on the big screen. What a beautiful movie!

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
Dunkirk 70mm is the one I can think of.

I was all aboard driving a hour or two for Hateful 8 70mm...but after seeing it