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2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Beat Super Mario Galaxy too now, great entry of the Mario series.

I'd have to rank my conquers like this this far (all are good though)
1. Super Mario 3
2. Super Mario Galaxy
3. Super Mario Bros
4. Super Mario Odyssey
5. Super Mario Sunshine

Now to play through 64 or just chillax with some portable Crash Bandicoot games. Or try Breath of the Wild. Decisions.

A system of cells interlinked
Today's fare is Morels: The Hunt. It's a Steam game about, yes, mushroom hunting. You pick a location in the U.S., head there, and then walk around some lovely scenery looking for mushrooms.
Avoid trying this in real life. I once did this and ended up with 4 bouts of severe food poisoning and also had a rather odd experience where I woke up in some tree hut with a weird hippy lady wearing a bunch of beads and my vision had all these weird trails and shimmering everywhere I looked.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The Adventure Starts Here!
Avoid trying this in real life. I once did this and ended up with 4 bouts of severe food poisoning and also had a rather odd experience where I woke up in some tree hut with a weird hippy lady wearing a bunch of beads and my vision had all these weird trails and shimmering everywhere I looked.

In the game, if you play on the difficult setting (yes, there are actually different settings for this game!), you have to worry about bugs, the elements, some of the animals, and also eating the wrong mushrooms to restore your energy.

Naturally, I'm playing on the easy setting, so no issues with bugs and my energy level stays fairly even. I did get attacked by a wolf once and my energy dipped down. Good thing I had bought an energy bar at the general store before starting out that morning.

So, no worries about the mushrooms... in the game or in real life. Not a huge fan of mushrooms in real life.

Unpopular opinion: Cyberpunk 2077 looks like an uninspired pile of trash.
Different things for different folks. I personally am looking forward to it soo much even though I almost never play RPGs and avoid open-worlds. This and Bloodlines 2 could be exceptions (have quite lowered expectations from Bloodlines after latest news about some people leaving studio).

I mean proper big AAA cyberpunk open world. I can't remember seeing anything like it. Cyberpunk themes are just really interesting to me and this seem like one of the largest scale productions in recent memory (Last of Us 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2 could be other two). My crazy waiting doesn't mean having some unrealistic expectations. It just means feeling really excited about game.

You ready? You look ready.
Different things for different folks. I personally am looking forward to it soo much even though I almost never play RPGs and avoid open-worlds.
I suspect it’s going to fail miserably on the open-world part, and I’m also willing to bet that most of the reviews will be high 9s. It doesn’t take much to buy good press these days. I think a lot of people are going to be severely disappointed.

A system of cells interlinked
Curious as to the reasoning behind this assertion, since this developer delivered one of the best open worlds in a game with The Witcher 3, one of my favorite games of all time.

I suspect it’s going to fail miserably on the open-world part, and I’m also willing to bet that most of the reviews will be high 9s. It doesn’t take much to buy good press these days. I think a lot of people are going to be severely disappointed.

Welcome to the human race...
Of course, one could argue that its notoriously high and protracted level of crunch just to get the game finished at all is so at odds with the more anti-capitalist aspects of cyberpunk as to make the whole thing suspect (and that's assuming they're done right in the first place), never mind if it falls prey to the same fault as RDR2 and just adds in open-world complexity for its own sake.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I think the math behind this production and previous success from the studio almost guarantees it won’t be bad. I can see it being like RDR II, but I wouldn’t say bad.

Have we talked about the crunch stuff before? I don’t want to be dismissive, so maybe I don’t understand.

A system of cells interlinked
If I recall, the Assassin's Creed stuff gets a fair amount of flack for slave driving their employees to hit deadlines for games. I have seen that studio under fire when people review stuff like AC: Odyssey and AC: Valhalla...

You ready? You look ready.
Curious as to the reasoning behind this assertion, since this developer delivered one of the best open worlds in a game with The Witcher 3, one of my favorite games of all time.
Well, for starters, the majority of the developers behind Witcher 3 left in mass, so it will not be the same team that brought you Witcher.

Another reason is the footage I’ve seen of gameplay has only been on the rails play. If the open world experience was worthy of wowness they would lead with it, but so far we just have “it’s gunna be an open world” to go on. Experience has shown me that is typically the sign of a half baked idea or an element that is not the primary focus of the development team.

Finally, the writing I have seen and heard in the cutscenes and rails gameplay has been awful. I mean, seriously, f words ever other word and some seriously cheesy usage of it. It has made me laugh more than anything. Language and writing is used in world building and they have already shown it to be lacking.

These are just primarily thoughts of course. But I do believe this game is a train wreck waiting to happen. Perhaps even has bad as MGS:5’s let down was...and yet that game still got 8s and 9s across the board. An unfinished mess of a game for one of the greatest franchises ever and it still got rave reviews.

Gaming is broke.

A system of cells interlinked
Well, for starters, the majority of the developers behind Witcher 3 left in mass, so it will not be the same team that brought you Witcher.

Another reason is the footage I’ve seen of gameplay has only been on the rails play. If the open world experience was worthy of wowness they would lead with it, but so far we just have “it’s gunna be an open world” to go on. Experience has shown me that is typically the sign of a half baked idea or an element that is not the primary focus of the development team.

Finally, the writing I have seen and heard in the cutscenes and rails gameplay has been awful. I mean, seriously, f words ever other word and some seriously cheesy usage of it. It has made me laugh more than anything. Language and writing is used in world building and they have already shown it to be lacking.

These are just primarily thoughts of course. But I do believe this game is a train wreck waiting to happen. Perhaps even has bad as MGS:5’s let down was...and yet that game still got 8s and 9s across the board. An unfinished mess of a game for one of the greatest franchises ever and it still got rave reviews.

Gaming is broke.
Fair. TBH, I haven't paid any attention to this game beyond a cursory glace, as I am pretty sure my machine won't be able to run it, and I don't see an upgrade on the horizon anytime soon.

And lately, whenever I play a game that isn't a Soulsborne game, I get bored and set it down fairly quickly, so I have a **** ton of other games I need to eventually get back to and finish, including two massive open world games, RDR2 and AC: Odyssey.

Someday I may play 2077, but it won't be soon.

Sounds like You have some unreasonable expectations out of games. If story is interesting to push forward, if world is cool to look at and immersive and if I'm having fun it's enough. Some of my fave games had plenty of issues, but I look at them as a whole experience. If it doesn't have best gunplay, won't care. Actually gameplay department is most questionable thing to judge in my eyes. Can't remember game with dowright bad gameplay. It needs to be simply broken to make me not enjoy it. Have played so many 90s and early 2000s games and still do time by time that small clunkiness here and there would only make game cuter. I remember Doom Eternal's marauders and reading how it's worst thing ever, but damn I loved them. So oldschhool, gave a bit sweet pain. Ok, yea I know that I probably look at thing differently, but Im super sure this will be far from bad game. I have been there too long to smell incoming disasters and questionable stuff.

Well, for starters, the majority of the developers behind Witcher 3 left in mass, so it will not be the same team that brought you Witcher.

Another reason is the footage I’ve seen of gameplay has only been on the rails play. If the open world experience was worthy of wowness they would lead with it, but so far we just have “it’s gunna be an open world” to go on. Experience has shown me that is typically the sign of a half baked idea or an element that is not the primary focus of the development team.

Finally, the writing I have seen and heard in the cutscenes and rails gameplay has been awful. I mean, seriously, f words ever other word and some seriously cheesy usage of it. It has made me laugh more than anything. Language and writing is used in world building and they have already shown it to be lacking.

These are just primarily thoughts of course. But I do believe this game is a train wreck waiting to happen. Perhaps even has bad as MGS:5’s let down was...and yet that game still got 8s and 9s across the board. An unfinished mess of a game for one of the greatest franchises ever and it still got rave reviews.

Gaming is broke.
It's right thing to genuinely believe in Your own opinions which every person does, but it's still Your opinion. The reason why MGS 5 got high scores is because it was good game in lots of aspects. Seems like You can't go outside Your own box and see why people and critics liked it. One of the worst games I played was Max Payne 3, but I still understand that it's highly rated game and it's just had all things which I personally dislike. Won't go try to change fact that many people love that game. If many people do, it deserves scores.

A system of cells interlinked
Sounds like You have some unreasonable expectations out of games. If story is interesting to push forward, if world is cool to look at and immersive and if I'm having fun it's enough. Some of my fave games had plenty of issues, but I look at them as a whole experience. If it doesn't have best gunplay, won't care. Actually gameplay department is most questionable thing to judge in my eyes. Can't remember game with dowright bad gameplay. It needs to be simply broken to make me not enjoy it. Have played so many 90s and early 2000s games and still do time by time that small clunkiness here and there would only make game cuter. I remember Doom Eternal's marauders and reading how it's worst thing ever, but damn I loved them. So oldschhool, gave a bit sweet pain. Ok, yea I know that I probably look at thing differently, but Im super sure this will be far from bad game. I have been there too long to smell incoming disasters and questionable stuff.
This is below my post, but I assume it was directed at McClane?

You ready? You look ready.
There’s a big difference between liking a game and a game being objectively good. We do the same thing with films here. Games are art for some and cash cows for others. Cyberpunk 2077 is a cash cow.

Cash cows can be fun, though, but I have a distinct feeling that Cyberpunk will be far more concerned with making its budget back than making an objectively good game. Why else attach an icon of cyberpunk to it? I’d argue that’s a sign that the interest is not in making a good game but rather making a game that sells well enough to warrant its price tag and earn back its budget.

Is this all my opinion? Certainly. Do I think my opinion is a fair lay of the land and more right than wrong? Most definitely.

I love that games are more mainstream and viewed as forms of art these days, but that very same fact is what’s responsible for the bastardization of the medium and the polarization of the industry. You are either a revolution or a rehash. There’s been a collapse under the middle ground, and it arguable makes for more bad games than good ones.

EDIT: For the record I am a Halo fan, so I’m probably just talking out my ass. I only bring it up because it’s an example of a formula that has, largely, remained unchanged since the first title launched 20 years ago. At this point no one honestly cares about the gameplay because so few changes are made (much like Assassin’s Creed) that each game blurs into the next. What does bring people back, though, is story/writing. An objectively good game, IMO, makes you suspend reality and believe in the impossible. For me, Cyberpunk just makes me laugh, and you can’t suspend reality when you’re laughing.

I’m not saying this to rile anyone up. Just pointing out that the industry response to the Cyberpunk is something I have seen time and time again, and I can count on one hand how many times it has been right.

I had an epiphany about how these games aren't an exact science. I think about the Fallout/Bethesda games, like how can people play games with this many issues. Then I realized how, in varying degrees, I have enjoyed all the GTA games. By design or not, the controls are always bad and they seem prone to glitch. Maybe with me, if I get sucked in, that's a salve to heal all wounds. RDR II didn't do it. The last MGS didn't do. CP77 looks like a FP GTA game and that gives me hope for being a game I would enjoy.

You ready? You look ready.
I’ll probably buy it if for no other reason than it’s the closest thing I’ll get to a Dredd sequel. That’s good enough for me. Go team Xbox.