The Sci-Fi Slob's Top 250 Greatest Films

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Something tells me it'll be better than IMDB's top 250.

Master of My Domain
You better do this one fast, or else we'll end up with a Cobpyth and Godoggo 2.0.

Looking forward to the list!

Master of My Domain
Something tells me it'll be better than IMDB's top 250.
Seriously, most Top Films list I've seen on MoFo are better than the IMDB 250. Even honeykid's.

Looking forward to this; hopefully there won't be any Sci-Fi on it
Hopefully there will only be the slobs.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
Looking forward to this Slob. 250 movies wow, this is going to take some time.
Optimus Reviews
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

Dang 250 is quite a tall order. Quite interested in seeing what you come up with!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Seen all three but I don't remember Critters or Enemy At The Gate much. Virgin Sucides was okay for me, with Dunst being the best aspect by far.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Nice layout by the way. I want to come up with something nice for my next 100, which I will probably do next year.

Seen Enemy at the Gates and Critters, haven't seen Virgin Suicides. EatG was pretty good, it reminded me of Saving Private Ryan in where it starts with a historical battle then afterwards goes into a more fictional storyline. The Stalingrad scene was really well done.

Critters was a movie I also watched when I was younger, I remember seeing the first 3 but I have trouble differentiating which scenes are from which film.

Also props for the layout, I would like to do one on mine, but unfortunately I don't really know how.

Three films I can get onboard with, though I seem to remember Critters as feeling a little slow the last time I saw it. I've only seen Enemy At The Gate and The Virgin Suicides once, but I remember liking both, especially the latter, which I remember creating a great atmoshpere.

Good start, SFS. It's nice to have you back around the place again.

The Virgin Suicides seems like a total honeykid film, actually.