Recommend Me Some Movies from the 1960s


Restarting this thread, i had a plan for a movie tonight but stuff got in the way. What should i watch next from the 60s, my lists (as in check-off lists) should be a decent indicator of what i've seen so far; outside of that just make a few suggestions.

Nostromos porn suggestions will be laughed off with a witty "i don't watch porn" remark (then watched before any other suggestions).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Camo have you seen PT 109 (1963). It's a pretty good telling of President Kennedy's famous PT story. I liked it quite a bit, it also has entertainment value as well.

Camo have you seen PT 109 (1963). It's a pretty good telling of President Kennedy's famous PT story. I liked it quite a bit, it also has entertainment value as well.
I haven't CR, thanks for the suggestion. Weirdly for a non American i'm fairly familiar with JFK's WW2 life, i'll check it out .

Sci-Fi Slob & I are on a common wavelength... You won't be the same after Repulsion.

Anyway, Give the original Cape Fear with Robert Mitchum a try. Great flick.

Also, if you're feeling like more Mitchum maybe traverse backward into the 50's and watch Night of the Hunter if you haven't yet seen it.

Psyco and the apartment

Now that the MoFo 70s Countdown is underway, I'd like to get a head start on working on my ballot for the upcoming MoFo Top 100 of the 1960s.

I've got a few potentials for my ballot but I want to hear from you MoFos as to what else I should be watching.

What I've Seen: (obviously not complete, but this is what I could think of)

The Love Bug
The Graduate
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Ruka/The Hand
The Birds
Planet of the Apes
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
In Cold Blood
Dr. Strangelove
Mary Poppins
101 Dalmatians
The Miracle Worker
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Born Free
The Absent Minded Professor
The Sound of Music
My Fair Lady
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
To Kill A Mockingbird

My Current 60s Watchlist:

Cool Hand Luke
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Once Upon A Time in the West
Easy Rider
The Wild Bunch
A Fistful of Dollars
Midnight Cowboy
The Apartment
2001: A Space Odyssey
Lord of the Flies
Rosemary's Baby
The Great Escape
Bonnie and Clyde
Torn Curtain

So, let's hear it, what do you suggest?
What did you think of The Graduate? Did you like it? Do you like Hoffman?

It's one of my all time favorites. The music is great and genially incorporated into the film by Mike Nichols. The acting's also great. Although I do admit I don't actually fully understand it. What's the point? Mrs. Robinson thought he's not good enough for her daughter, so she even seduced or try to seduce him herself. Is that it?

Did you get to see Cool Hand Luke yet? It's one of my favorites. It's really unwined.


I especially like when he said "I can eat 50 eggs." and the whole process. And then George Kennedy (whom I love even more than Paul) says: "Why did you have to say 50? Why not 30 or 40?" And the beginning when he was sawing taximeters. And of course this famous scene with Joy Harmon:

I recommend Point Blank and Funny Girl because I'm not sure they have been recommonded before.

Have you seen Lolita yet? I know it's Kubrick, but it's after Vladimir Nabokov's novel and you might dig him especially if you care more about the story and characters than the director, which I seem to gather (so do I).

I think this is a good list:

What did you think of The Graduate? Did you like it? Do you like Hoffman?
Eh, it was okay. I'm kind of indifferent to Hoffman. He's done some great work but I'm not a fan and his presence in a movie won't sway my decision to watch it one way or the other.
Not sure if I understood the point either.

Did you get to see Cool Hand Luke yet?
Technically I'd seen Cool Hand Luke when I was in high school, but I did rewatch it and enjoyed it.

I recommend Point Blank and Funny Girl because I'm not sure they have been recommonded before.
I'm not so much looking for 60s recs, since that countdown has been over for awhile. Also not a Streisand fan. I may get around to those at some point, but these days I'm just watching whatever strikes my fancy, rather than focusing on any one decade, genre, topic, etc.

Have you seen Lolita yet? I know it's Kubrick, but it's after Vladimir Nabokov's novel and you might dig him especially if you care more about the story and characters than the director, which I seem to gather (so do I).
I had intended to watch Lolita before the 60s Countdown but never got to it. I'll probably eventually get around to it, but being a Kubrick film it's not a high priority for me.

stevegotlen's Avatar
The Terminator
The Collector ~ 1965

stevegotlen's Avatar
The Terminator
Once Upon A Time in The West
Judgement At Nuremberg

Eh, it was okay. I'm kind of indifferent to Hoffman. He's done some great work but I'm not a fan and his presence in a movie won't sway my decision to watch it one way or the other.
Not sure if I understood the point either.

Technically I'd seen Cool Hand Luke when I was in high school, but I did rewatch it and enjoyed it.

I'm not so much looking for 60s recs, since that countdown has been over for awhile. Also not a Streisand fan. I may get around to those at some point, but these days I'm just watching whatever strikes my fancy, rather than focusing on any one decade, genre, topic, etc.

I had intended to watch Lolita before the 60s Countdown but never got to it. I'll probably eventually get around to it, but being a Kubrick film it's not a high priority for me.
Does anyone understand the point in The Graduate? We need help.

Hey, do you like Paul Newman or George Kennedy then? Who's your favorite actress/actor? Mine's Alec Guinness. Do you like him? Well, I fell in love with Daisey Ridley when watching Star Wars, so she's my favortie actress. Otherwise Joan Cusack. Do you like those?

That I'm not a Babs fan, would be a big bang understatement. I'm afraid of her just like everyone else. She's also unbelievably arrogant. Once she said "I know what a director id. It's someone who acts when I have better buisiness," f*!

2001: A Space Odyssey
Look man, I couldn't agree more, it's imho the best film ever made. But be ware, BE WARE! That avatar isn't for nothing. She hates it. She hates many things, but especially 2001 and Kubrick. IMHO

I would like to go with below list

How To Steal A Million
The Swimmer
Lord of the Flies
Midnight Cowboy
Winter Ligh

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I liked Bonnie & Clyde, but I haven't seen any of the other movies on your list, so I really can't compare any of the others.
"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams (1722-1803)

I would like to go with below list

How To Steal A Million
The Swimmer
Lord of the Flies
Midnight Cowboy
Winter Ligh

I liked Midnight Cowboy, but I found Lord of the Flies rather depressing, especially the end, when Piggy has his glasses stolen from him, he's unable to get out of the way of the falling rock, and and ends up getting killed.