What are you doing at this very moment?


....wanting a bite of Caity's peanut butter fudge ice cream

I would have shared.... 'twas delicious and fast becoming my favorite flavor...

wishing I could disappear...

What's wrong Gummie?

Vacilating on getting a tree today (because they smell so good and look so pretty), but let's face it, by Christmas it will just be needle-less, dried-out branches and a fire hazard. Decisions, decisions...

A rather sad way for a tree's life to end... I've always thought they should be sold in pots so they could be replanted....
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I had friends over again last night and I am a bit sick today Since I have moved into my new house people keep calling over with a bottle etc, because i am a 2 glass drunk I am not coping with this partying well
My friend and her Hsb went home and they drank even more She was fine this morning, maybe I need to build up my tolerance or not drink
You need some Irish blood Nebbies… 'tis said we can drink anyone under the table… and can even be found under there keeping 'em company quiet often....

Right now I'm eating dinner... a PB&J and Diet Dr. Pepper....

You need some Irish blood Nebbies… 'tis said we can drink anyone under the table… and can even be found under there keeping 'em company quiet often....
Thats for sure
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Welcome to the human race...
Feeling bad and thinking about the week ahead (including an impending trip to some country, United States of something-or-other...)
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I opened the back door to go outside for a cigarette and about a foot of snow rolled into the living room. I am not impressed. So now I am sitting here wondering if I should just stay inside today or go to my last class...you see if the city busses are even running it will take an hour to get to school even though on a normal day it would only take 10 mins. Plus I need to get to Lens Crafters to get my new glasses today...and this will likely take up most of the day. Don't get me wrong, I love snow, but this is a rediculous amount of snow!

Oh and so far we have about 2-3 feet of snow and it's still coming down and is supposed to keep coming down for the next 3 days. hmmmm and I heard it is supposed to be the harshest winter since 1994...

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

Right now I'm checking out MoFo and playing with my kitten from hell....
You've got one of those too? Mine just happens to be female.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

I miss the snow at times.... stay warm Gummo...

Right now I'm checking out MoFo and playing with my kitten from hell....
How old is this kitten because I seem to remember you had a kitten from hell years ago...lol or maybe it was someone else.

I just got home from Lens Crafters...because I am getting smaller frames they have to send them away because of the way it will stick out (idfk) anyway...in a week or two i will have new glasses. I better not look like a dumbass in them! lol

You've got one of those too? Mine just happens to be female.

Mine is a male who thinks he owns the place... and that my curtains are trees....

How old is this kitten because I seem to remember you had a kitten from hell years ago...lol or maybe it was someone else.
That was only a couple of months ago... My bad boy is about 4 months now... bigger than my grown female... and if he grows into his feet, I'm in trouble...

I just got home from Lens Crafters...because I am getting smaller frames they have to send them away because of the way it will stick out (idfk) anyway...in a week or two i will have new glasses. I better not look like a dumbass in them! lol

Only dumb arses look like dumb arses.... you don't qualify...

going to watch Shrek the Halls in 20 minutes

today i fell asleep on the bus, so i had to walk
i was crossing the exit to get onto the main road, it was slippery.....i landed on my butt...i was a little embarassed..

Lets put a smile on that block
Sitting at work with and hour and half to go and getting reacquainted with an old friend...MOFO, that's RIGHT, I'm talking about YOU.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

The People's Republic of Clogher
Saint Blibbulus!

Welcome back!
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

This is it, I am never, ever drinking again.

I say that every once in a while myself....

Right now I am looking for a Christmas avatar but still haven't found one that feels right....

EDIT: Think I found one I like....

sitting i my pjs....don't feel like getting dressed....scared to watch Ju-On 2....cannot get that staircase scene out of my head.... ..... i have a bit of a vivid imagination...