May Movie release you're looking forward to the most?


May Movie release you're looking forward to the most?
2 votes
Iron Man 3
0 votes
The Iceman
5 votes
The Great Gatsby
5 votes
Star Trek Into Darkness
0 votes
Frances Ha
1 votes
Stories We Tell
2 votes
Fast & Furious 6
3 votes
The Hangover Part III
1 votes
Before Midnight
0 votes
After Earth
0 votes
Now You See me
0 votes
Other (specify)
19 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Seems like a solid month in releases, and is the opener to the summer box office months. And as usual a ton of sequels. I'm going with The Great Gatsby, The Iceman also looks very good.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Star Trek: Into Darkness is the only one I'm going to pay ticket prices to see.

There's some good **** coming out this month, but I really don't have money to travel about just to see limited releases I can access at a later point in time.
~ I am tired of ze same old faces! Ze same old things!
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I'll be seeing 3. Iron Man 3, Hangover 3, and Gatsby. Probably looking forward to Hangover 3 the most. I think it will be better than 2.

Before Midnight. Though The Iceman has possibilities.

I'd really like to see The Look of Love, but that came out in April, so I guess my only reason to mention it is that I'd like to see it this month.
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Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
I am actually looking forward to the vast majority of them. Iron Man 3 is a given, The Iceman looks really good, everyone knows about my Leo issue so Gatsby is out for me, Fast 6 (the one I voted for) just because every time a new movie comes out they get better and better, of course Star Trek, and then After Earth looks like it might be good. Good month for movies!
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

"My name is Psycho but you can call me Stuart."
There are several movies I'm looking forward to in May; Fast & Furious 6, The Hangover Part III, and whilst I'm not overly fond of the book or original movie or a big DiCaprio fan Gatsby is the movie that I'm eager to see...with it's lavish theatrical look.

Iron Man 3 is the last may movie release I would ever go and see. I absolutely abhor Robert Downey Jr and Gwyneth Paltrow.
"Alexander, do you want to stay for tea? My favorite, convict curry. We used to make it in jail."

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Star Trek Into Darkness, and I am not even a big Star Trek fan. It just looks awesome!

I really want to see Iron Man 3, and Fast and Furious 6 as well. I'm really enjoying the Rock in the F&F movies.

Out of those in the poll, The Great Gatsby. At first I was not keen on it but keep seeing a trailer for it and it looks absolutely sublime.

As for others, Star Trek: Into Darkness wouldn't normally get me into cinemas but I'm looking forwards to seeing Benedict Cumberbatch as the villain, adore the actor. Looking forwards to most of the other films but these two are the top ones for me.