Vote on the next countdown (Oct. 2023)


What should our next countdown be (Oct 23)?
17 votes
Films not on previous lists
13 votes
Underseen films
17 votes
26 votes
16 votes
Some decade refresh
6 votes
Other (specify below)
56 votes. You may not vote on this poll

The trick is not minding
No matter what decades or years we try to restrict this to, I am putting Blade Runner on my ballot. Just sayin!
Blade Runner would work for Neo noir, although it is more often referred to Tech Noir.
But yes, it would work

Still?! 10 pages?! Isn't voting supposed to circumvent this? Oh wait, I forgot what century I'm living in, my bad.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Think about this: the poll shows Noir winning, not Neo-Noir. There's no mention of Neo-Noir anywhere in that poll.

As Holden has pointed out they are two different things and not interchangeable. Noir is only 40s-50s. When I voted for Noir I was voting for 40s-50s Noir and I'm sure so was a lot of other people.

Neo Noir only got into the conversation because I said in the 3rd post I would host and run one countdown with two different ballots (which won't work with the board's software)...It's not really fair voting to have people vote for Noir and then change the idea to include Neo-Noir, hence the solution is what Thursday Next said, two countdowns one done after the other.

...or maybe a 90s/refresh to circumvent this mass hysteria.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Lets not forget if you do the noir and neo-noir list...that's it it's done we can end this 3+ year conversation
Best post on the page.

If people didn't go on about making it just one countdown, we wouldn't have to have this long discussion. I wanted to start a noir countdown on Nov 1st....of this year! Not next

Can you lead me to the post where you explain the logistics of your idea to make two lists/countdowns? Just want to see how it would work. Thanks
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Trouble with a capital "T"
Can you lead me to the post where you explain the logistics of your idea to make two lists/countdowns? Just want to see how it would work. Thanks
Like I said it was the 3rd post on this thread.

Like I said it was the 3rd post on this thread.

I would say that you should wait until you get the ballots before deciding on 50-100 lists, You are likely going to have 50 noirs but 100 neo-noirs which is going to look and feel like a normal countdown.

Whatever gets this going, sure.
I have a page saved from a year ago that has top 1000 Noirs but also includes Neo Noirs.

It’s from the site They Shoot Pictures, Don’t They?
I think this is a pretty good list to set boundaries.

TSPDT - 1,000 Noir Files

It is a list curated by an expert, it's fairly open to include classic noirs and neo-noirs (which, to be honest, is the case with most list of noirs), but still not so loose as to allow for people to vote for "Jurassic Park or Lord of the Rings" Why don't we use it as our metric? If it's on this list, it's valid.

What's the score here? What's next?
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Ok, in an effort to break out of this "impasse", I *might* be interested in hosting this. That is if Citizen and sean are out. Like I said, I currently have a lot on my plate, both professionally and personally, but I would really love to see this being done.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ok, in an effort to break out of this "impasse", I *might* be interested in hosting this. That is if Citizen and sean are out. Like I said, I currently have a lot on my plate, both professionally and personally, but I would really love to see this being done.
I believe Sean is still in and I'm talking to him by messages. I'm still trying to put something together too so maybe I just might return. Stay tuned.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I’m sorry to do this, but what I am really interested in is watching Noir for the next couple months. I will totally participate no matter how this shakes out, but it seems like we have a couple other mofos who want to do the hosting more, and would be much better suited.

I am here if the eventual host needs behind the scenes help.

Sorry if this causes more commotion, but I feel it’s better than me doing a lousy job.


I think this is a pretty good list to set boundaries.

TSPDT - 1,000 Noir Files

It is a list curated by an expert, it's fairly open to include classic noirs and neo-noirs (which, to be honest, is the case with most list of noirs), but still not so loose as to allow for people to vote for "Jurassic Park or Lord of the Rings" Why don't we use it as our metric? If it's on this list, it's valid.
Because then why makes our own? Just to reorder his?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

I assume the idea is that that's a list representing the genre, not a ranking itself. And I think that's an important distinction because, otherwise, you could say any list we do is just a reordering of the "list" that contains all eligible films.

Trouble with a capital "T"
OK Sean is out, I'm back in. But I can't host two countdowns because one of the countdowns has to have the ballots done the old way where they're sent to the host and the host tallies them up. I can do the ballots the old way for the Noir countdown. The Neo Noir countdown would use the new ballot software which is easy for whoever host it.

So we need a host for the Neo Noir countdown it ain't hard to do. @Thief or anyone else, wanna volunteer???

I assume the idea is that that's a list representing the genre, not a ranking itself. And I think that's an important distinction because, otherwise, you could say any list we do is just a reordering of the "list" that contains all eligible films.
Exactly. Any list that we make is working on a finite amount of films, so technically they're all a "reordering" of someone else's list. Heck, if we went for classic film noir, as some of you are requesting, I'm sure we'd be working on a much smaller list of possibilities. Here you have 1,000. Even for such a niche subject, that's quite a lot to choose from. It's curated by an expert, and I think offers a fair middle ground for those that want classic film noir represented, and for those that are not that versed in the topic but still would like to participate.

Think about this: the poll shows Noir winning, not Neo-Noir. There's no mention of Neo-Noir anywhere in that poll.

As Holden has pointed out they are two different things and not interchangeable. Noir is only 40s-50s. When I voted for Noir I was voting for 40s-50s Noir and I'm sure so was a lot of other people.

Neo Noir only got into the conversation because I said in the 3rd post I would host and run one countdown with two different ballots (which won't work with the board's software)...It's not really fair voting to have people vote for Noir and then change the idea to include Neo-Noir, hence the solution is what Thursday Next said, two countdowns one done after the other.
What if half the votes for Noir were because of the two different ballot idea with neo noir which is why I voted for noir. But now the idea isn't going to work, so I guess were just going to be stuck with movies only in the 40s and 50s?

I believe the wrench has already been thrown in, so why not just do an all noir countdown.
Noir and Neo Noir may have their differences but it's still in the same genre.
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