The MoFo Top 100 of the 1970s: Countdown

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At least I don't have to use my gong for the rest of this countdown! Yay no more Asian films!!

Yeah, so Coppola's got 4 in the top 20. That's something.
One of them stole Coffy's spot. Just an absolute outrage!!

I'm surprised at the people who are surprised that The Long Goodbye showed up as high as it did. Were they somehow oblivious to all of the MoFo buzz that had been surrounding it in the months leading up to the countdown?
It's because of that buzz that I thought it would show up in the 40's or 50's. It's just my personal viewpoint as to how overall history views some of these movies. There are many other movies that I thought were more well known, acclaimed, and respected; movies like Nashville, Annie Hall, Mash, The Deer Hunter, Dog Day Afternoon, All the President's Men, The Sting, The Last Picture Show, American Graffiti, Caberet, Network, The French Connection, and many others. And I like The Long Goodbye more than some of those, but I'm trying to look at it objectively. I just googled top 100 70's movies and I didn't find The Long Goodbye until the 5th site I looked at had it at #74. I expected the buzz here to get it on the list, but top 20 is amazing to me, looking at it purely objectively.

Ha! See, I'm not the only one who didn't like Halloween! It may be popular, but you can't just go around taking for granted that it's a great movie when it's full of implausibilities and superficial characters and dialogue.

I expected the buzz here to get it on the list, but top 20 is amazing to me, looking at it purely objectively.
Yeah, I didn't quite word it right. I'm a little surprised myself at just how high it made it, but I knew that there was absolutely no way that it missed the list completely. Some people are saying that they didn't expect to see it at all at this point, but surely they must have known that it would rank higher than Logan's Run.

As the days pass, the more I get mad about Coffy not making it. I mean Jeanne Bruxelles!!??? Fantastic Planet??!! Autumn Sonata!?!?

The Warriors really ticks me off now, even more then when it was first announced!

The latest entries conclude the films that I voted for in my list and they happened to be the bookends, The Conversation being my #1 and Halloween my #25. 14 total films made it from my list, pretty good.

When I began getting interested in films, The Conversation was really the first film to really blow me away, I'll never forget that viewing. I was hooked on this film from the start, there is an eeriness in the opening scene that transfers through the rest of the film. This is accentuated by David Shire's piano compositions for the film which don't get enough credit for the film's success, the haunting and lonely piano only belongs within Harry Caul's world. I remember I used to walk home from high school everyday and I'd be listening to the main theme, imagining Harry cautiously stumble through San Francisco with his briefcase. It amazes me how little dialogue this film has and how even though it has it's thrills, remains a quieter film, at least to me. Harry simply won't open up or express himself in his personal life and is obsessed in his work, he's the best and instead we learn the most about him within his mind or more specifically in his dreams or nightmares. There is something in the way Gene Hackman says "I'm not afraid of death but I am afraid of murder" that can't escape me...

I revisited it not too long ago, I wasn't sure if I'd like it as much as the first few times I saw it a few years ago but I fell in love with it further. The commentary tracks with Coppola and Walter Murch are great as well. I enjoy Coppola's other films, but I've always felt a little distanced from them however this one is maybe his most personal and also my most personal.. this is my favorite of his and one of my favorite films. Glad it's up so high on the list.

The Long Goodbye fell at number 8 on my list, it could have placed a spot or 2 higher, but it gets very tough to choose at that point. A film I always watch if I catch it on. Here is my review.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Winter Calls Thy Name
I expected the buzz here to get it on the list, but top 20 is amazing to me, looking at it purely objectively.
Are you saying MoFos are '70s challenged? Maybe people voted by preference rather than by some more objective standard.

At least I don't have to use my gong for the rest of this countdown! Yay no more Asian films!!
Aww come on SC there's only been 2 Asian films on the whole list!

To be honest, I found The Conversation kind of dull, especially in the first half. It's been four or five years since I've seen it, though, so I owe it re-watch. At least the ending has stuck with me.

If I had been alive in the 70's to watch Halloween, especially before I had seen a gazillion other slashers, then I'm sure the move would've made a bigger impact on me. As it stands, though, I'm not really a fan. The score is by far the best part of the film, and Jaime Lee Curtis can scream with the best of them, but the movie itself is average, in my opinion. Give me Leatherface or Freddy Kruger over Michael Myers any day.

There are so very many awful movies you could have gone to, if you just wanted to be sure to be the only one to vote for something (because that's fun???). Shaft in Africa. I Spit On Your Grave. Starcrash. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Empire of the Ants. The Boatniks. Trog. Frogs. The Shaggy D.A. The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. Rocky II (oh, wait).

When I used to visit the video store every weekend as a kid, I always found myself drawn to this movie because of the awesome cover. I mean, a half-naked woman, her butt-cheeks hanging out, a big ass knife in her hand, markings all over her backside--- this looked like must-see cinema to eight-year-old me. It was a long time before I eventually got around to watching it, but the film itself didn't live up to the box-art or the title. (Although I still prefer it to a few of the movies that have appeared on the countdown.)

The People's Republic of Clogher
It's funny how words like 'hipster' and 'objectively' are getting thrown around at this stage...

Can you be objective about something you love? In the case of a ranked list of films, of course not.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan