Stephen King's IT (Parts 1 and 2)


This might just do nobody any good.
The casting has been knocking the wind off my sails so far but this is an interesting tidbit: Xavier Dolan will play Adrian Mellon.

For people who haven’t read the book or haven’t seen the miniseries, minor spoilers incoming:
WARNING: spoilers below
Mellon is basically the Georgie of part 2. He’s a character who’s recently moved to Derry with his boyfriend and they quickly decide to leave the town due to its hostility. They’re assaulted and thrown off a bridge, after which they’re attackers witness the resurgence of Pennywise who eats the injured men.

It’s one the hardest parts to read for me and I really thought they’d cut it from the movie. It’ll be one hell of a cold opener.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

Teach Grant is playing the adult Henry Bowers in the film.

Jessica Chastain took to her Instagram to show the look she will sport as Beverly.
It's All About the Movies

Can I just say how unbelievably happy I am Jessica Chastain is part of this?