Denis Villenueve seems to be trying to be Christopher Nolan so hard


Unless you are talking about premium chocolate, the appeal of it eludes me. Whereas I'm even into vanilla and strawberry when they are trash (a la neopolitan ice cream)

As for vanilla in general, especially of the French variety, pretty much tops in the dessert flavoring. And it's funny that for the most popular flavor in the world, its always in need of constant defending.

But everyone should be happy I no longer defend white chocolate, or claim it to be the superior chocolate as I did when I was a kid. That is clearly an untenable position. I'm surprised other kids let me survive to adulthood

I remembered my images wrong. I remembered this as only having the slice of strawberry ice cream left.

The issue with white chocolate is similar to the issue with vanilla ice cream (actually, it's more the strawberry ice cream that's the issue) - it's made with less and less actual vanilla.
It's why the phrase "vanilla" went from meaning something really sweet/good to meaning, "really bland."

Good white chocolate is made with cocoa butter and actual bits of vanilla bean. Most white chocolate is pure palm oil, milk, and sugar - which is waxy, flavorless, and gross (okay, not gross, but waxy and flavorless). Good white chocolate is superior to bad chocolate (such as chocolate flavored sugar), but it is not the superior type of chocolate. Much like the ice cream.

The key thing here is, the strawberry ice cream in generic, Neapolitan ice cream is gross.

I mean..look at this video....this dude is pathetic...copying the same talking points from Nolan. Practical effects...natural light. I wonder how he is able to sleep at night knowing that he has zero originality once he started making movies in Hollywood.

Both are hacks but Nolan never made a film as good as Arrival.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Both are hacks but Nolan never made a film as good as Arrival.
As much as I like Nolan I think this is probably true. To be fair, Nolan's best films scratch a different itch than Arrival does, but it's probably still the best film either has made.

That's based on a short story by Ted Chiang, and while it's obviously beautifully made, I do have to dock Denis a little given how much of the film's quality comes from its tremendous concept.

My theory is that if you had a bunch of monkeys and you gave them all cameras, much of what they would film would be roughly as coherent as the average Nolan/Villaneuve film - and probably a lot more compelling!

I mean..look at this video....this dude is pathetic...copying the same talking points from Nolan. Practical effects...natural light. I wonder how he is able to sleep at night knowing that he has zero originality once he started making movies in Hollywood.

I mean look at that face, it screams hack in an obvious way.

One important difference between the two is that one is French-Canadian and the other one is English-American.

That's based on a short story by Ted Chiang, and while it's obviously beautifully made, I do have to dock Denis a little given how much of the film's quality comes from its tremendous concept.
It's not like anybody's stopping directors from adapting/stealing from other works. It's their decision to either adapt something brilliant or come up with their own ideas. That being said, Nolan steals, too. For one, he stole a lot from Satoshi Kon's Paprika for his Inception.

But at the end of the day, this doesn't matter because EVERYONE steals.

It's not like anybody's stopping directors from adapting/stealing from other works. It's their decision to either adapt something brilliant or come up with their own ideas. That being said, Nolan steals, too. For one, he stole a lot from Satoshi Kon's Paprika for his Inception.

But at the end of the day, this doesn't matter because EVERYONE steals.
ooh the old paprika nonsense. Keep'em coming. How about chipotle.

You have to give Villeneuve credit. He's clearly doing nothing but stealing from Nolan, just straight out theft, clearly not an original idea in that dumb ****s head, but somehow making movies that are actually good.

Like, how do you even do that?


You have to give Villeneuve credit. He's clearly doing nothing but stealing from Nolan, just straight out theft, clearly not an original idea in that dumb ****s head, but somehow making movies that are actually good.

Like, how do you even do that?

see, you couldn't stop yourself from adding "but somehow making movies that are actually good. " part because you worship at the alter of Denis. I am pretty sure he will appreciate your contribution.

You ready? You look ready.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

The distinction between trolling (or, if we want to be charitable, indirect attention-seeking) and actual discussion is whether the person engages with counterarguments. And I'm seeing virtually none of that. There's plenty of good counterarguments in this thread, but they've been mostly conspicuously ignored in favor of pointless volleys of sarcasm and unfalsifiable assumptions about people's motives.

Your opinion has been duly noted and substantively countered. Your choice, then, is to engage with those counterarguments or move on. There's no third option for ignoring them, waiting a while, and then repeating the opinion yet again.

It's not like anybody's stopping directors from adapting/stealing from other works. It's their decision to either adapt something brilliant or come up with their own ideas.
Sure, I just give a little more credit to a director, specifically, when they also conceive and write the story. Particularly in this case because the concept in Arrival is an outsized part of its quality, for me, compared to most other films.

A system of cells interlinked
see, you couldn't stop yourself from adding "but somehow making movies that are actually good. " part because you worship at the alter of Denis. I am pretty sure he will appreciate your contribution.
Ah yes, Crumbs the Villeneuve fan. His entire film log/journal thread is just chock full of shrines to Denis. Can't read more than 4 posts without running across a big banner of Villeneuve love. It's all right there alongside the rainbows and the happy little elves in cheery land posts.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

see, you couldn't stop yourself from adding "but somehow making movies that are actually good. " part because you worship at the alter of Denis. I am pretty sure he will appreciate your contribution.

on a scale of 1 to 10, how well does your brain work?