20th Hall of Fame


High Noon

My third time watching this, and I think once was for a previous HoF. I was of a positive opinion but still somewhat underwhelmed before, and surprisingly I got much more out of it this time.

I find it to be a very interesting western. I watch so many horror and sick movies, but when I watch a western, I'm often a bit shocked at how cheap life is treated with so many meaningless killings. This movie is really just the opposite and it results in higher stakes and better realism, of course at the expense of action. I became a Gary Cooper fan later on after I first saw this movie. It's a great performance, but it's not by playing a character who inspires any type of awe. Kane is very human and bland, and he's afraid, as he should be. Really I would say that's the ultimate sign of bravery. There's good dilemma; should people help him and should he even be asking? Kane seems like a very good man but it also seems like he's not universally liked in his town. Why is that? I wondered if maybe he was a bit of a snob. His decision is debatable but understandable. A lot in the movie is not cut and dry to it's benefit.

I thought Grace Kelly made very little impact but otherwise the rest of the cast is very good. Strong tension and well shot with a haunting theme. It's still not quite a favorite but it is definitely trending upward.


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Well it's not too late....but there's a late fee for joining. No PayPal please, I prefer Bitcoin, lots and lots of Bitcoins

Hell yeah! of course you can join, glad to have ya Just send me your nom and your in.
Thanks CR! Thank you everyone!!!

nom on the way!

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Have seen 5 of these: Monsters Inc, Ghostbusters, Cool Hand Luke, High Noon and Rear Window, most of them are in need and will be a joy to rewatch except Monsters cause I've rewatched it like a month ago.

High Noon is part of my personal favourites, as well as Cool Hand Luke. Rear Window was always the Hitch I liked the less and I'll be happy to give it another try. I don't remember much from Ghostbusters, cause I've seen it as a kid for the last time. I'm curious about the others especially Elmer Gantry, because I love Burt Lancaster, and Blood Diamond because my ex gf liked it a lot and she used to have good taste in films.

great nom, i've been meaning to rewatch phantom thread since i saw it in the theater. miss vicky is gonna hate it
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

Is Squid and the Whale week up yet? What are we thinking of doing next?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Welcome to the HOF, Neiba!

I don't think I'm going to like your nom though, if my previous experiences with Paul Thomas Anderson films are any indication.
I actually think you will like it, but that may be based off of me liking it and usually hating him as well.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Cool Hand Luke

This was the highest up film from the 60s countdown that I had yet to have seen and I'm not sure why I waited so long on it since I like prison type films. But honestly I never really knew much about the film going in, which seemed to help for it's overall enjoyment.

Really thought Paul Newman did a great job. He had an interesting character to portray and I thought he nailed it. The script itself made the role be easy to be successful, but there was just something about his persona that made this tailor-made for him. Also great was George Kennedy as Dragline, probably my favorite character in the film. Also liked the Captain and good to finally know the context between that "failure to communicate scene". It just has a lot of other cool scenes, like the egg scene and the scene at the end which I won't go into details due to spoilers for now.

Maybe the film was a tad long in the tooth with some scenes, but overall I enjoyed the film as a pretty cool character study of Cool Hand Luke.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Welcome to the HOF, Neiba!

I don't think I'm going to like your nom though, if my previous experiences with Paul Thomas Anderson films are any indication.
I find PTA whole body of work to be very heterogeneous, so I think there's a chance you like it!

In my opinion, it features one of the most perfect acting performances I've ever seen by Daniel Day Lewis. His co-star is also brilliant.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Neiba's nomination is:

Phantom Thread (2017) Director: Paul Thomas Anderson
GREAT film! Slow moving but very, very good!!
Will be VERY happy to rewatch this and WELCOME @neiba!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was positive I reviewed Phantom Thread but I can't find it anywhere. Oh well, I was going to watch anyway, I just wanted to see what my thoughts on it were.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Welcome to the HOF, Neiba!

I don't think I'm going to like your nom though, if my previous experiences with Paul Thomas Anderson films are any indication.
I actually think you will like it, but that may be based off of me liking it and usually hating him as well.
tough call on whether Miss Vicky will like or not. I have SUCH a HUGE track record of guessing wrong. lol
But, from what I remember, this wasn't the usual quirky Anderson but a more serious departure. The attention to detail that Anderson does is there, definitely.

I love how the new nom turns into a guessing game of whether or not Miss Vicky will like it