Foreign countdown's done: what's next?


What should our next countdown be?
35 votes
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7 votes
Something else (specify in thread)
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Trouble with a capital "T"
Up to Thief, but I suggest he keeps the recommendations in the preliminary thread. That way the countdown gets spammed to the maximum number of MoFos, so we don't have to hear in the future. "I didn't even know a countdown was going on."

Thief or someone probably ought to start a recommendations thread for 2000s movies.
Ball is rolling already. Settling some things and everything should come up some time between today and tomorrow.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Up to Thief, but I suggest he keeps the recommendations in the preliminary thread. That way the countdown gets spammed to the maximum number of MoFos, so we don't have to hear in the future. "I didn't even know a countdown was going on."
Personally I think a separate thread is better, so that people's questions don't get buried under recommendations. But the parameters of this countdown should be pretty straightforward, so I don't know how many questions there will be. But yes, it's up to Thief.

When I hosted the animation countdown, I just used the tactic of harassing people to avoid the "I didn't know about it" excuse. I periodically bumped the preliminary thread with reminders, posted announcements in the shoutbox, put a reminder in my signature, and periodically sent out mass PMs to remind people. I kept a list of who I sent PMs to and crossed them off once I'd gotten a ballot (as well as anybody who asked not to receive PMs).

Trouble with a capital "T"
...When I hosted the animation countdown, I just used the tactic of harassing people to avoid the "I didn't know about it" excuse. I periodically bumped the preliminary thread with reminders, posted announcements in the shoutbox, put a reminder in my signature, and periodically sent out mass PMs to remind people. I kept a list of who I sent PMs to and crossed them off once I'd gotten a ballot (as well as anybody who asked not to receive PMs).
Yeah I did that too, I think mass mailings aka super-spamming, helped get more ballots to the 1930s countdown...Thief? are you taking notes?

Yeah I did that too, I think mass mailings aka super-spamming, helped get more ballots to the 1930s countdown...Thief? are you taking notes?

Ball is rolling already. Settling some things and everything should come up some time between today and tomorrow.

I'm ready. Exhausted from whittling the list from about 80 films to 25.Brutal on what was left on the cutting room floor.

I'm ready. Exhausted from whittling the list from about 80 films to 25.Brutal on what was left on the cutting room floor.
I quit whittling at 75. Haven't been able to bear going down to 25 yet. I started with a little over 100. I may even rethink some I've cut already. I definitely need to rewatch a lot of them before I can finalize anything.

I'm nowhere near ready.

Edit: I really hope Quills was one of the survivors. It'll break my heart if it doesn't make the cut.

The trick is not minding
I really hope Quills was one of the survivors. It'll break my heart if it doesn't make the cut.
There is a better then 99.999% chance that Quills will be high on my list as well. 😎

I got multi-quoted there in gbgoodies post and sure is three months a decent compromise? Anyway I think it's up to the host.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

I did a really rough list of 2000s films and...yeah, gonna be tough. I don't think it'll be too tough getting it down to 25, but ordering the top 10 looks absolutely brutal already.

I did a really rough list of 2000s films and...yeah, gonna be tough. I don't think it'll be too tough getting it down to 25, but ordering the top 10 looks absolutely brutal already.
Seven of my all-time top ten movies are from the 2000s, so unless something drastic happens in the next few months, I at least have that part set. It’s the other eighteen slots that I am agonizing over.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Seven of my all-time top ten movies are from the 2000s, so unless something drastic happens in the next few months, I at least have that part set. It’s the other eighteen slots that I am agonizing over.
I think my 100 has over 25 from the decade, if not it's close.