Kevin Spacey sexual advance accusations


how does someone support spacey who is gay yet also say being gay is on the level of pedophilia. Like what??
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

I'm completely indifferent to this supposed scandal for the following reasons:

5. Kevin is bisexual or homosexual. I don't see much of a difference between those and pedophilia, which I don't even think this is a case of anyway.

6. The alleged action is exactly what I'd expect of a gay man, so do we now hate Kevin just for being gay!? That seems hypocritical.

these dont go together

You can't win an argument just by being right!
how does someone support spacey who is gay yet also say being gay is on the level of pedophilia. Like what??
And a gold emmy presented to him as everyone else is trying to figure out wth is going through that guy's mind. Just shaking my head. Cries about Spacey making a kid feel creeped out then puts him right in the dirt claiming he's a pedo. Does not compute.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Well look at that. Not what some on here and social media were carrying on about what they decided happened but definitely happened.

Lol i dont see that point 5 and 6 coming, the heck

Btw it seems tabloid news already circulated another harrasments

I hope Kevin Spacey's career isn't affected too much by a mere allegation. It is crazy how someone's life can be ruined just by an accusation without any evidence.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
When did that come out, TUS? Probably long after Spacey cme out as gay (not a rock spider)
I think 2004-ish.
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And a gold emmy presented to him as everyone else is trying to figure out wth is going through that guy's mind. Just shaking my head. Cries about Spacey making a kid feel creeped out then puts him right in the dirt claiming he's a pedo. Does not compute.
probably a homophobic libertarian 'christian'. just a walking contradiction of the worst kind.

and sadly, it sounds more and more that this could just be the tip of the iceberg for Mr. Spacey. From what Im hearing this is an example of a pattern throughout his life and not simply a single drunken episode in an otherwise respectable life. But Ill wait to see if those shoes officially drop before condemning him further.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

You can't win an argument just by being right!
well i'll reserve my commentary, my friend.

Outstanding to play Wolfie with only 3. I managed 2 but sounded like a cat being massacred. Not funny even remotely

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I hope Kevin Spacey's career isn't affected too much by a mere allegation. It is crazy how someone's life can be ruined just by an accusation without any evidence.
Trial by media.
disgraceful allegations.

entourage now.
Just no!

This might just do nobody any good.
Is there a general sexual harassment thread? ‘Cause Dustin Hoffman is getting some accusations:

Oh, and Brett Ratner but we all knew that one was coming, right?

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
"I would have rather been the girlfriend of one of them, but if it was a choice between being molested or being ignored, I chose their hands on me."

Damn. That has to be one of the saddest things I've ever read.

It's very unfortunate to read about Hoffman's creepy behavior, but sadly I can't be surprised. Older actors especially are used to getting away with acting a lot slimier since it largely got passed off as "Just something you gotta get used to". The fact that she was in danger of getting fired and not him is unbelievable.
Of course everyone can change (I don't think Hoffman today is the same as Hoffman 50 years ago), and there are a lot of older actors who maybe always were nice people as well. But the more people we have speaking out about these events, the bigger chance we have of preventing this from happening as often as it has, depressing as it is to hear about.

This might just do nobody any good.
We got over a century to go through so hold on tight.

Hoffman is basically saying "youre not getting any hush money. Run your story. Ill apologize."

This is getting ridiculous.

" I loved it until I didn't".

Enough said. 32 years ago. Butt grab.

Very sad.

i came in here thinking this thread couldn’t have possibly gotten any worse today and then i saw that leonchats post and boy was i wrong
You'll be happy to know it got even worse. Let's shoot for the stars gang!

And pointing the finger at the LGBT community because he cant keep his paws away from male children?
Assumption of guilt.
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