Critique Our Top 10


Master of My Domain

Ink - Never heard of it

The Night Before Christmas - Stop-motion masterpiece.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Has some fun moments, but overall doesn't do much for me. Gene Wilder is amazing though.

Hook - Think I saw it a long time ago, not sure.

Inception - Rough bump you put in there huh?

Final Fantasy - Haven't played the game, so I have no interest in watching the movie. Or vice versa.

Monty Python's And Now for Something Completely Different - A Monty Python film I haven't seen yet. I guess I need to check it out someday.

Dark Knight - Second best thing Nolan ever made. I kinda think I'm overrating it, but nevertheless it's good.

[Nausica� of the Valley of the Wind - There's always a few Miyazaki films I've overlooked despite becoming a huge fan of the man's work over the past few years. Nausicaa is one of them.

Aliens - Entertaining, but the first one is way better.
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Welcome to the human race...
Gatsby - haven't seen Le Cercle Rouge yet, but otherwise that is one very fine collection of favourites.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Oldboy: In my 100. One of the best tevenge thrillers ever made. Great cinematography and genuinely surprising. Still trying to figure out how I feel about that ending.

8 1/2: I think Fellini will end up being a director I love. I enjoy his characters and his cryptic dialogue. His movies look great as well. Definitely seems like I will get more out of his films on rewatch. I really enjoyed this and La Dolce Vita but don't love either as of yet.

Lawrence Of Arabia: One of the best first time watches ever. An absolute clinic on filmmaking in every aspect. High in my 100 and one of a handful of movies that has a legitimate claim on greatest ever made if film can indeed be judged objectively.

Dr. Strangelove: Very funny in parts, drags at others. Definitely a satire but doesn't do much for me in that realm. FYI, Scott is better than Sellers.

The Good, The Bad: Great Western, great story, great characters, and great score. OUATITW is light years better. That's how good that movie is.

Pulp Fiction: Absolutely one of the best things ever put on film. Has everything I love. Second favorite ever.

The Graduate: I like this better every time I see it, so I can see it getting in my 100. Quiet in the best possible way. I love the look and music. Hoffman is one of the greatest.

Originally Posted by Gatsby

Inception - Rough bump you put in there huh?
Whatever do you mean?

Honestly, I'll be surprised if I ever meet anyone who's seen Ink.

Master of My Domain
Still trying to figure out how I feel about that ending.
WARNING: "Oldboy Ending" spoilers below
I think it's great because there's no victor, as everyone payed a huge price, and even though Oh Dae-Su got his hypnosis, his expression hints that it may not have worked. Overall ragic and touching at the same time

Master of My Domain
Whatever do you mean?
Your Top 10 was going well, then Inception gave a slight halt.

Your Top 10 was going well, then Inception gave a slight halt.
You're right, my list would have looked better with Pokemon 3: The Movie.

I've only seen The Adventures of Baron Munchausen and Alien. I like them both and would consider Alien Top 100 worthy.
Could it be Top 10 worthy I wonder?

SeeingisBelieving - I've only seen Alien and that was many years ago. I'm not a fan of Sci-Fi so I doubt I'd like it if I saw it again.

You haven't seen either Pixar movie or Mary and Max? You really need to watch them. I mean, they lack pretty, pretty princesses, but they're great movies. Also, I thought you'd seen Hedwig? If you haven't you absolutely need to.

Out of yours, I love Temple of Doom. Absolutely my fav Indy movie. The rest of your top ten I either hate or haven't seen.

Please hold your applause till after the me.
Gunslinger, you have a fantastic list, all except one, Clerks II. I actually hate that movie, but I'm not gonna judge you, but I will ask, how or why do you like it?

Gunslinger, you have a fantastic list, all except one, Clerks II. I actually hate that movie, but I'm not gonna judge you, but I will ask, how or why do you like it?
Because Kevin Smith has a direct line to my funny bone and he is my second favorite director of all time.

Gunslinger, you have a fantastic list, all except one, Clerks II. I actually hate that movie, but I'm not gonna judge you, but I will ask, how or why do you like it?
Return of the King is great, I liked Kane, Godfather, Empire, and Goodfellas are among my favorites, I love The Dark Knight, and Fight Club i think is overrated, but then again the plot twist was spoiled to me right after learning of the movie's existence.

And Apocalypse Now is a top 10 for me too.

Gatsby's Top Ten

Tried to watch twice. Both times stopped at the octopus/squid/whatever scene.
I don't know what that number describes.
Lawrence of Arabia
A "classic" I have not seen, or been convinced into seeing.
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Kinda funny.
Chungking Express
Dunno what that is.
Le Cercle Rouge
Dunno what that is either.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
I know what that is.
I REALLY like that.
Pulp Fiction
I really don't like that.
The Graduate
I haven't seen it.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

NextScorsese's Top Ten

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Citizen Kane
The Godfather
Started once, stopped a few minutes in out of sheer boredom.
The Dark Knight
In my personal collection.
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Also in my personal collection.
Finding Nemo
Not in my personal collection, but among the better Pixar movies I think.
Still haven't seen since the last person who said Goodfellas. I'm generally turned off by crime movies since I usually don't like the bad guys. Cause they're bad guys.
Fight Club
Seen it, but dances just outside the perimeter of my interests.
Apocalypse Now
No Country for Old Men
Gotta see again. Cause I barely remember it.

Bear in mind that it is primarily on my watch list because I'm extremely curious as to what you consider to be an exceptional action movie.
What? You get that Fist Of Legend torrent going right this instant!

Depends on what they're acting and talking about.
O'Toole played Henry II, Hopkins was Richard The Lionheart, and Hepburn was Queen Eleanor, who was imprisoned for starting an uprising against the King, her husband O'Toole. Dalton was the King of France.

GGR is a sales movie, high pressured sales. If you can hang with either themes as a backdrop, youll enjoy them.

Vicky - Anything with 2 films written by Charlie Kaufman is okay in my book.

Gunslinger - Strangelove might be my favorite Kubrick as well.
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