Oscar's Best Picture 2020


Which willbe Oscar's next Best Picture?
2 votes
Ford v Ferrari
3 votes
The Irishman
1 votes
Jojo Rabbit
5 votes
1 votes
Little Women
1 votes
Marriage Story
16 votes
6 votes
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
8 votes
43 votes. You may not vote on this poll

The decadence, the banality a movie can have an still win an Oscar, last year was even worse. I still believe we are at a great time for movies, there's a lot of creativity around, lot of honest, personal work being done. Also, any type of personal admiration that I have for an artist normally goes away when I listen to there speeches.

I do look forward to seeing Parasite a lot. I just hope I'm not disappointed. 1917 was just so good.
Hope we’re not hyping you up too much, it is really really good, but it’s not the greatest movie ever made.

If it's permissible for a foreign film to win the Best Picture award, then why is it necessary to have a Best International Film category? IMO Parasite should not have won the former, having won the latter.

I suspect that its double win possibly suggests either an overall weakness in this year's pictures, or an underlying self loathing in Hollywood. Perhaps both.

is a good film, and was this year's love object.

Best International Film exists because this situation is rare, so any year without a Parasite or a Roma would have basically no foreign presence, outside of maybe some of the documentary categories. It obviously leads to some odd situations, like last night, but I suppose that's better than having lots of other years where great foreign films have no presence at the ceremony at all.

It's a tricky situation. I can sort of appreciate, over time, the idea that maybe the Oscars shouldn't even try to pretend to represent the cinema of the whole world, though. I'm not sure it's possible for any organization to do that that well, not with all that's out there now.

I don't get why people are so flummoxed that a film could be both the Best Motion Picture of the Year and the Best International Feature Film.

A square is a rectangle but not all rectangles are squares. If you have a category Best Parallelograms, all squares would be just as eligible as rectangles. As would rhombuses. Think of Best Picture as Best Parallelogram. All feature length motion pictures that meet the release criteria are all parallelograms, most feature films are rectangles, foreign language features are squares, and animated features are rhombuses. To date now after 92 Oscars Best Parallelogram has gone to ninety-one rectangles, one square, and zero rhombuses.

If a feature length documentary ever gets a Best Picture nomination I'll need to find a new metaphor. Until then this will do, I reckon.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I don't get why people are so flummoxed that a film could be both the Best Motion Picture of the Year and the Best International Feature Film. A square is a rectangle but not all rectangles are squares. If you have a category Best Parallelograms, all squares would be just as eligible as rectangles. As would rhombuses. Think of Best Picture as Best Parallelogram. All feature length motion pictures that meet the release criteria are all parallelograms, most feature films are rectangles, foreign language features are squares, and animated features are rhombuses. To date now after 92 Oscars Best Parallelogram has gone to ninety-one rectangles, one square, and zero rhombuses.

If a feature length documentary ever gets a Best Picture nomination I'll need to find a new metaphor. Until then this will do, I reckon.

Are documentaries eligible for Best Picture?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

To give people the benefit of the doubt, I think the best argument the other way is that in every other category they're honoring a subset of the movie's overall quality. It makes intuitive sense to have an award for Cinematography and Picture because the former is just part of the latter. But in this case, Best International Feature Film and Best Picture are both judging the movies as a whole.

Obviously there's no real issue, for the reasons you outline, but that might explain why it feels a little weird to some.

For the record I gave Rhombus just
so I wouldn't have favored it for Documentary. Too slanted.

Yes, several years ago there was a documentary called Hoop Dreams that was getting serious Best Picture buzz.
Hoop Dreams, Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, and O.J.: Made in America all had some talk about why not them as the first to break that barrier? Hoop Dreams was really the first because it was even slighted a nomination for Best Documentary Feature so its legion of admirers inside and outside of the industry were hoping it might get into the Best Picture conversation instead. For the record that was the year Forrest Gump won over Pulp Fiction, The Shawshank Redemption, Quiz Show, and Four Weddings and a Funeral when the category topped out at five nominees. Hoop Dreams did get a nomination for Best Editing. It was its sole nomination (Forrest Gump won that, too).

It hasn't happened yet, and with the acting branch being the biggest voting block you may never see it. But clearly after last night you can comfortably lean on never saying never.

Well, at least I got Parasite right. After that crazy ad campaign on Letterboxd with the whole site going black and white, something clicked, and I just knew Parasite is goin' to nuke 'em all!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Well, at least I got Parasite right. After that crazy ad campaign on Letterboxd with the whole site going black and white, something clicked, and I just knew Parasite is goin' to nuke 'em all!
I dunno how much overlap there is between Letterboxd and Academy voters, but regardless, can you elaborate on the black and white thing? I hadn't heard of it.

Welcome to the human race...
They recently re-released Parasite in black-and-white just like Mad Max: Fury Road or Logan. Still undecided as to whether or not I'll see it like that, though.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Just what he said, plus Letterboxd apparently had something to do with it (perhaps sponsors, or just did it because they paid them, after all Parasite is the highest rated film on Letterboxd ever, imagine, I mean ,yes, OF ALL TIME!!!)

Oh, right, I do recall hearing that actually. Had just totally forgotten.

I'm not nuts about a lot of the re-release stuff, or the talk of a mini-series. It all feels/felt too much like "this is my chance to capitalize." Maybe that won't be the case now that it's won as much as it has. Maybe there's less sense of urgency/more confidence that he'll stick around.

Oh, right, I do recall hearing that actually. Had just totally forgotten.

I'm not nuts about a lot of the re-release stuff, or the talk of a mini-series. It all feels/felt too much like "this is my chance to capitalize." Maybe that won't be the case now that it's won as much as it has. Maybe there's less sense of urgency/more confidence that he'll stick around.
"Snowpiercer" is now a television series. Why not?

That seems like a better fit for something ongoing than Parasite, to me, but hey, could be good. After Fargo I'll never assume something that sounds weird or bad on paper can't be great anyway.

That seems like a better fit for something ongoing than Parasite, to me, but hey, could be good. After Fargo I'll never assume something that sounds weird or bad on paper can't be great anyway.
"Fargo", "Westworld", and "Get Shorty" have all proven over the last few years that you can take the tone and concept of a feature film and expand it to a series where it both feels true to the source material and is very much its own thing. If the right people get involved with adapting Parasite I see no reason it couldn't succeed.