Movie You're Watching Tonight


The Bank Job. Got it for $5 at Target, hoping it's at least a decent film.

Damn, people are seeing Naked all over! I'm jealous! Pussy Galore is watching Mike Leigh's Naked ____. (fill in the blank) but what a sentence anyways!

Naked seems to be such a great intimate and touching experience for many people... I better strip my mind and my schedule very soon...

I also have to find out where to get Naked. I have a local store a few miles from here, I think I will go and ask if I can get Naked in their store. If not I'll just get Naked online. Everything is easier online and much faster too. It's like the new thing I guess. Cheaper too. I can even read about other people who also got Naked. It's just great!

I'm talking about the movie of course...