Movie Theme of the Week!


Originally Posted by spudracer
I don't think there would be too many guests during that week for fear they somehow stumbled into the wrong site.

But the MoFo church will still welcome all visitors.

What is the next theme?
It will not be named until Saturday-Sunday. That's how I've always done it. It's best not to have them all posted at once. Besides, patience is a virtue.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
But the MoFo church will still welcome all visitors.
I'm sure you'd welcome a few "choir boys."
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

martian leader's Avatar
RightUpTheLittleTramps@ss !
It will not be named until Saturday-Sunday. That's how I've always done it. It's best not to have them all posted at once. Besides, patience is a virtue.

Thank you!
Arnie Cunningham - All of this because some drunk ran over that sh*tter Welch?

Arnie Cunningham- Right up the little tramps @ss!

Originally Posted by spudracer
I'm sure you'd welcome a few "choir boys."
If they're of legal age, perhaps...

Hopefully there won't be a scandal that week and MoFo turns into Doubt.

But if I go with my drag queen idea instead, MoFo will turn into Mrs. Doubtfire.

But if I go with my drag queen idea instead, MoFo will turn into Mrs. Doubtfire.
That wasn't who came to my mind, but the one that did will probably be used before I got to this. My bad taste in film, my love for cheese, and the 80's, always helped me out with this game. Something always came to mind.

Don't forget, if you would like to tell me the theme a couple of days in advance, I'll make some spare avatars. I'd rather not wait until after the theme is up. That last set was a rush job, and I hate to rush.

Also, if you are worried about your theme being OK, again, let me know.

WTH u guys yakkin' 'bout?

“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's my job.
Hey question, So anyone can change their icon to match the theme? but only the top posters pick the theme? is this right?

I'm cool with that, I'd like to play along, but without the responsibility of making theme decisions *smile*
>twitter :::: >tumblr

"And our credo: "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words."

Everyone picks a theme, eventually. This is the list, so far . . .

nebbit - Posts: 21,938
Caitlyn - Posts: 12,094
spudracer - Posts: 8,601
Sedai - Posts: 8,290
mark f - Posts: 8,135
7thson - Posts: 6,869
Iroquois - Posts: 5,568
Pyro Tramp - Posts: 5,537
Ðèstîñy - Posts: 4,931
Sexy Celebrity - Posts: 4,739
n3wt - Posts: 3,969
Lennon - Posts: 3,472
Powdered Water - Posts: 3,367
TheUsualSuspect - Posts: 3,327
Austruck - Posts: 3,242
Sleezy - Posts: 1,923
mikeython1 - Posts: 1,649
B-card - Posts: 1,545
Justin - Posts: 1,344
Swan - Posts: 1,316
mack - Posts: 1,302
MovieMan8877445 - Posts: 1,228
Used Future - Posts: 1,214
TheDOMINATOR - Posts: 1,134
FILMFREAK087 - Posts: 826
rice1245 - Posts: 680
Godoggo - Posts: 409
igor_is_fugly - Posts: 255
Dill-man - Posts: 215
zenderella - Posts: 77

You are at the end, because of your post count. Now, although I've said that you have to join in on a more-so regular basis, if you want to choose a theme, anyone who doesn't want to choose a theme, can simply let me know, and I'll take them off the list. There's a good 6-7 months of themes before your's. If you like, I can leave you there for now, and you can decide for good, closer to the time that you would choose your own theme. Would that be OK?

Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's my job.
That sounds fine. I'll have my iPhone in a month and will be posting a lot more as I won't be chained to a home computer when ever i want to catch up on my MoFo-ing. Changing my icon to match the theme now

i totally just gained on Swan. Watch it Swanny - Im coming for you baby!
something witty goes here......

Sorry to be a pain, so the game is to change your avatar to the theme of the month? I'm guessing it's Star Trek this month?
I'm confused (which isn't hard lol)
Oh leggie blonde you got it goin on
wanna see you wearin that thong thong thong,
see you get it on till the break of dawn
mermermer... panties on.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Sorry to be a pain, so the game is to change your avatar to the theme of the month? I'm guessing it's Star Trek this month?
Don't be so quick to sell yourself short fishy. There's still one person that has been around longer and still doesn't get the concept. I'm sure, with you, this will only take one post.

Back on the first page, in the second post, there is a list of all who are participating. We're basically going down this list and every Saturday-Sunday, whomever is next on the list picks the theme for the next week. It can be anything movie related.

So, if you wanted in on this, which it'll take a while to get down to you with you being a new member, you could pick Cowboys as your theme. Everyone would find a Cowboy-related avatar and use that until the next week. Nebbit, who was first, chose Star Trek. If you want to use a movie series that has a lot of characters to choose from, that's fine as well.

Caitlyn is up next with hers, which will probably be announced tomorrow. Regardless of how long it takes before its your turn is really not important. The important thing during all of this is to HAVE FUN!!

So, are you in?

i totally just gained on Swan. Watch it Swanny - Im coming for you baby!
Now that you mention that, I guess I better decide when to recheck the post count. Mark could pass Sedai. Iroquois could pass 7thson. Once we get past Spuds, I'll need to double check that more often.

Sorry to be a pain, so the game is to change your avatar to the theme of the month? I'm guessing it's Star Trek this month?
I'm confused (which isn't hard lol)
Thanks for getting that, Spuds. Yes, it's Star Trek, but it's just for a week. Today is the last day for this theme, and my bet is that Caity will have her avatar up in the morning. Anytime Saturday or Sunday is fine, though. No pressure at all.

I'll go ahead and add you in, before I go. If you aren't interested, just let me know.

A system of cells interlinked
Oh, Cait is up next!

*Runs to find his Magua avatar*
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I'm a tad tempted to take this huge list, and stick it in a locked thread, like I did the grill thread links. Then I'll let this thread float about in the game section. Most people don't know to go back to the first page for the list, and/or the instructions.

Yeah, this one is in it now, but I will edit it out.

It will also help with all the editing I'm doing on the list. It sure has grown a lot. It's amazing how it took off this time around. Not a soul was interested the first time I mentioned it, a couple or so years ago, and now we already have 30 plus members involved. Very nice!