Suggestions for future countdowns


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I am sure we could come up with plenty of things to countdown. No reason it needs to be genre related.

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Keeping my fingers crossed for th Foreign list still. There's so much I need to uncover yet from that and it would be fun to see

Just had an idea... talk in the All Time thread with @seanc about Blade Runner and BR: 2049...

A Sequels List.

Greatest Sequels Of All Time
I like this idea as long as each ballot sticks to that 2nd movie of that said series or franchise, I wonder if it should be a 50 or 100 list.
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Sequels list ..... meh

If I remember right we did something like that anyways.
I don't think there was a countdown for that yet, I mean there was sequels added on the all time 100 countdown list and some on the horror one also

I don't think there was a countdown for that yet, I mean there was sequels added on the all time 100 countdown list and some on the horror one also
For good reason

Yea no problem with that just saying, there was sequels in other countdown lists

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yea no problem with that just saying, there was sequels in other countdown lists
A Sequels Countdown could be done as an individual countdown, as opposed to an official MoFo countdown.

Welcome to the human race...
Out of the current suggestions, I'm leaning most towards a general foreign-language countdown - not sure about the idea of doing countdowns for specific countries/languages/regions but maybe you can do one for each continent if you want to get a little more specific without having to go too specific. Have to agree with Holden on the genre thing where it's hard to know where to draw the lines regarding seemingly precise genres like noir or war (and you only have to look at some of the titles on the unofficial "action" countdown to see how broad people's definition can get). As for a sequels countdown, I think the idea with countdowns is that part of the reason we make these lists is to create a canon of sorts that can serve as a primer for people who are looking to explore different decades and genres so I figure a list's criteria has to draw a cinephile's interest. Even the "directed by women" countdown works in this regard because it is about giving attention to a sub-section of cinema that gets comparatively lower attention (especially since several users argued against the idea on the grounds that they didn't care that much about a director's gender in the first place), but the end result acknowledged numerous classics that tend to get left out of the other countdowns so I think that's a valid criteria for a list. A sequels list is intriguing in the abstract, but they are still films that are by and large dependent on the goodwill generated by their originals more so than their own strengths and neophytes aren't necessarily going to be seeking out sequels for their own sake. Besides, if that did happen then only allowing "part 2" sequels would be a limiting decision.

If I have to throw in my own suggestion, I'd probably suggest an LGBTQ-themed countdown - with these films, it's just a matter of determining which of the main characters fit the criteria. Maybe that involves a little extra research, but then again so does looking up genre tags on IMDb or RT.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

A Sequels Countdown could be done as an individual countdown, as opposed to an official MoFo countdown.
True it could be done there

How about a countdown list of movie remakes? I wouldn't mind that but I'm still holding out for the 2000's list, that's the one that I really want to do the most

Welcome to the human race...
Remakes sound intriguing, but would you limit it to direct remakes (e.g. Scarface) or allow multiple adaptations of the same source material (e.g. The Thing)?

Shorts might be fun.
Any film would be eligible as long as one of the characters wore shorts.

Remakes sound intriguing, but would you limit it to direct remakes (e.g. Scarface) or allow multiple adaptations of the same source material (e.g. The Thing)?
It depends if we do 100 movies probably do multiple adaptations which allow more choices, if we do 50 then direct remakes, I can't really think of 100 good direct remakes (only a few) so I think that would be hard to do

I think a non-English Language list is overdue. I don't know many surprises there will be, other than gripes about the order, but it is still a worthy exercise. If you look at what foreign language titles placed on the previous decade lists you can already see the groundwork for what it will be...

MoFo Millennium (15): City of God, Amélie, Pan's Labyrinth, Old Boy, Spirited Away, The Lives of Others, Talk to Her, Let the Right One In, Downfall, Battle Royale, Werckmeister Harmonies, Hero, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...and Spring, and Brotherhood of the Wolf

MoFo '90s (18): Princess Mononoke, Chunking Express, Man Bites Dog, Sonatine, Hana-bi, Three Colours: Rouge, Underground, The Double Life of Veronique, Whisper of the Heart, Three Colours: Blue, La Haine, All About My Mother, Life is Beautiful, A Brighter Summer Day, Fallen Angels, Close-Up, Farewell My Concubine, Fu*king Åmål, and The Hole (1998)

MoFo '80s (21): RAN, Fanny & Alexander, Come and See, Grave of the Fireflies, My Neighbor Totoro, Das Boot, Cinema Paradiso, Jean de Florette, Akira, The Sacrifice, Au Revoir les Enfants, Castle in the Sky, A City of Sadness, Wings of Desire, Spoorloos, A Time to Live, a Time to Die, Three Crowns of the Sailor, Shoah, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, The Decalogue, and A Visitor to a Museum

MoFo '70s (17): Stalker, Aguirre the Wrath of God, Enter the Dragon, Solaris, The Mirror, Cries & Whispers, Le Cercle Rouge, The Spirit of the Beehive, Suspiria, The Conformist, Hausu, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, Autumn Sonata, Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles, The Holy Mountain, and Fantastic Planet

MoFo '60s (35): Persona, 8½, Yojimbo, Woman in the Dunes, High & Low, Le Samouraï, La Dolce Vita, Harakiri, Playtime, The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, Pierrot Le Fou, Last Year at Marienbad, Z, Le Trou, An Autumn Afternoon, Andrei Rublev, Army of Shadows, Breathless, Red Beard, Repulsion, Onibaba, L'avventura, Contempt, The Virgin Spring, The Battle of Algiers, Belle de Jour, Late Autumn, Through a Glass Darkly, La Jetée, Red Desert, My Night at Maud's, Viridiana, Knife in the Water, The Human Condition III: A Soldier's Prayer, and Black Sunday

MoFo '50s (29): The Seven Samurai, Rashōmon, The Seventh Seal, Ikiru, The 400 Blows, Tokyo Story, Wild Strawberries, Sansho the Bailiff, Throne of Blood, Pather Panchali, Le Strada, Ordet, The Wages of Fear, Rififi, Night & Fog, Smiles on a Summer Night, Les Diaboliques, Umberto D, Mon Oncle, Ugestu, The Hidden Fortress, A Man Escaped, Nights of Cabria, Hiroshima Mon Amour, Floating Weeds, The Music Room, Tokyo Twilight, The Human Condition I: No Greater Love, and The Cranes Are Flying

MoFo '40s (8): Bicycle Thieves, Late Spring, Day of Wrath, Children of Paradise, Drunken Angel, Stray Dog, Rome Open City, and Le Corbeau

MoFo '30s (18): M, The Grand Illusion, The Rules of the Game, Trouble in Paradise, Vampyr, The Blue Angel, The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum, Olympia, Port of Shadows, Pépé le Moko, The Testament of Dr. Mabuse, Le Jour se Lève, L'Atalante, Humanity and Paper Balloons, I Was Born But..., La Bête Humaine, A Day in the Country, and Á Nous La Liberté

That is 161 titles right there, without even getting into the question of whether Silent films made in other countries count as foreign language entries. I could see Parasite and four or five others from the past ten years or so added into that mix, but that gives you a baseline idea of MoFo's general knowledge and taste when it comes to foreign language films. Yes, "only" twelve non-English films made the refreshed Top 100 (Stalker, Seven Samurai, Spirited Away, Persona, Come and See, City of God, Andrei Rublev, Pan's Labyrinth, 8½, Akira, Ikiru, and Suspiria), but to say that means MoFo doesn't have a wide variety of support for foreign films is incorrect.

I'm still game to do one, even though extrapolating from the previous decade lists you can pretty much see where this is heading. Still should be done, for the record.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Remakes sound intriguing, but would you limit it to direct remakes (e.g. Scarface) or allow multiple adaptations of the same source material (e.g. The Thing)?
Problem with remakes is exactly this ^

If you count examples like The Thing, The Fly, or Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers as remakes... then Captain America: The First Avenger and Man Of Steel have to be classed as remakes as well.

Also, even Scarface (1983) isn't a remake.
Both movies are based on a novel.

Another problem with remakes though, is there's simply not enough genuine, actual, proper remakes that are any good.

I think a non-English Language list is overdue. I don't know many surprises there will be, other than gripes about the order, but it is still a worthy exercise. If you look at what foreign language titles placed on the previous decade lists you can already see the groundwork for what it will be...

MoFo Millennium (15): City of God, Amélie, Pan's Labyrinth, Old Boy, Spirited Away, The Lives of Others, Talk to Her, Let the Right One In, Downfall, Battle Royale, Werckmeister Harmonies, Hero, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring, and Brotherhood of the Wolf

MoFo '90s (18): Princess Mononoke, Chunking Express, Man Bites Dog, Sonatine, Hana-bi, Three Colours: Rouge, Underground, The Double Life of Veronique, Whisper of the Heart, Three Colours: Blue, La Haine, All About My Mother, Life is Beautiful, A Brighter Summer Day, Fallen Angels, Close-Up, Farewell My Concubine, Fu*king Åmål, and The Hole (1998)

MoFo '80s (21): RAN, Fanny & Alexander, Come and See, Grave of the Fireflies, My Neighbor Totoro, Das Boot, Cinema Paradiso, Jean de Florette, Akira, The Sacrifice, Au Revoir les Enfants, Castle in the Sky, A City of Sadness, Wings of Desire, Spoorloos, A Time to Live, a Time to Die, Three Crowns of the Sailor, Shoah, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, The Decalogue, and A Visitor to a Museum

MoFo '70s (17): Stalker, Aguirre the Wrath of God, Enter the Dragon, Solaris, The Mirror, Cries & Whispers, Le Cercle Rouge, The Spirit of the Beehive, Suspiria, The Conformist, Hausu, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, Autumn Sonata, Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles, The Holy Mountain, and Fantastic Planet

MoFo '60s (35): Persona, 8½, Yojimbo, Woman in the Dunes, High & Low, Le Samouraï, La Dolce Vita, Harakiri, Playtime, The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, Pierrot Le Fou, Last Year at Marienbad, Z, Le Trou, An Autumn Afternoon, Andrei Rublev, Army of Shadows, Breathless, Red Beard, Repulsion, Onibaba, L'avventura, Contempt, The Virgin Spring, The Battle of Algiers, Belle de Jour, Late Autumn, Through a Glass Darkly, La Jetée, Red Desert, My Night at Maud's, Viridiana, Knife in the Water, The Human Condition III: A Soldier's Prayer, and Black Sunday

MoFo '50s (29): The Seven Samurai, Rashōmon, The Seventh Seal, Ikiru, The 400 Blows, Tokyo Story, Wild Strawberries, Sansho the Bailiff, Throne of Blood, Pather Panchali, Le Strada, Ordet, The Wages of Fear, Rififi, Night & Fog, Smiles on a Summer Night, Les Diaboliques, Umberto D, Mon Oncle, Ugestu, The Hidden Fortress, A Man Escaped, Nights of Cabria, Hiroshima Mon Amour, Floating Weeds, The Music Room, Tokyo Twilight, The Human Condition I: No Greater Love, and The Cranes Are Flying

MoFo '40 (8): Bicycle Thieves, Late Spring, Day of Wrath, Children of Paradise, Drunken Angel, Stray Dog, Rome Open City, and Le Corbeau,

MoFo '30s (18): M, The Grand Illusion, The Rules of the Game, Trouble in Paradise, Vampyr, The Blue Angel, The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum, Olympia, Port of Shadows, Pépé le Moko, The Testament of Dr. Mabuse, Le Jour se Lève, L'Atalante, Humanity and Paper Balloons, I Was Born But..., La Bête Humaine, A Day in the Country, and Á Nous La Liberté

That is 161 titles right there, without even getting into the question of whether Silent films made in other countries count as foreign language entries. I could see Parasite and four or five others from the past ten years or so added into that mix, but that gives you a baseline idea of MoFo's general knowledge and taste when it comes to foreign language films. Yes, "only" twelve non-English films made the refreshed Top 100 (Stalker, Seven Samurai, Spirited Away, Persona, Come and See, City of God, Andrei Rublev, Pan's Labyrinth, 8½, Akira, Ikiru, and Suspiria), but to say that means MoFo doesn't have a wide variety of support for foreign films is incorrect.

I'm still game to do one, even though extrapolating from the previous decade lists you can pretty much see where this is heading. Still should be done, for the record.
Yeah, I'd be cool with doing that one next provided that enough people are interested as well.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah, I'd be cool with doing that one next provided that enough people are interested as well.
Guarantee a lot of MoFos want to do a Foreign Language Countdown. It's always been a popular countdown idea ever since I joined. But when?..That will be up to the votes we cast when Yoda puts the polls up.

Guarantee a lot of MoFos want to do a Foreign Language Countdown. It's always been a popular countdown idea ever since I joined. But when?..That will be up to the votes we cast when Yoda puts the polls up.
Do the polls go up in this thread, or elsewhere on this forum?