Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Branded to Kill (1967)

What did I just watch.

This was the reaction of one of the producers once the film was released:
"Suzuki makes incomprehensible films.
Suzuki does not follow the company's orders.
Suzuki's films are unprofitable and it costs 60 million yen to make one.
Suzuki can no longer make films anywhere. He should quit.
Suzuki should open a noodle shop or something instead."

The Japanese are batsh*t crazy, it's official.
Rice is one hell of a drug.

Haha! You seen Tokyo Drifter yet?

Gooble gobble, one of us!
The Night of the Hunter (1955, Charles Laughton)

This has to be one of the greatest films ever made! I think it might be a new all-time favourite. **** this is good man, I'm so pumped I just wanna watch the film again. Why oh why did he only make one film! WHYYYY!! ****

Non-Stop (2014)

This movie got a fairly severe beating from critics, but I'm not sure how it did at the box office. Either way, I found it immensely enjoyable. It played out as a "who-done-it" on a airliner or rather a "who-is-doing-it," and it kept me guessing all the way. Liam Neeson did a fine job as an alcoholic air marshal trying to keep people from dying and trying to find the perpetrator at the same time. Julianne Moore does very well as a passenger who helps Liam and is a person of interest in Liam's investigation. The beautiful Michelle Dockery lends support as a flight attendant. Great fun all the way.

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Finished here. It's been fun.

The Master [rewatch]

Gets better each time I see it. The cinematography and visual beauty of this film is out of this world, the Johnny Greenwood score is sublime, and the performances are some of the best my little eyes have ever seen. Definitely one of the best character-study films of the modern age and i'm sure this will go down as a classic sometime down the line.

Miami Vice [rewatch]

Yeah I'm definitely in the minority when it comes to my adoration of this film. Most of you Mofo's might think i'm crazy but oh well. The plot is completely irrelevant to me here honestly, it's the films' hypnotic and gorgeous visual style that keeps on bringing me back. The action is stunning as is expected with Mann. This movie is dope lol.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
An Autumn Afternoon

I usually wait for the movie tab to post about films I just watched, but I knew Cobpyth would be curious about my thoughts. I find it awesome that Ozu was able to use the same trademarks as in his black and white films but expand it to the next level with his color films. He used a lot of red color to pull his viewers in. I noticed this and ironically Roger Eberts review says the same very thing. The acting is great, the story is solid (although the theme has been used before, but Ozu generally tends to use many of the same themes) and the camera work is admirable. and the ending to the film like with the other films of his ive seen, is really captivating. Ozu is 3 for 3, and while this is really good, it is a notch below Tokyo Story and Late Spring, which are the other too I've seen. But don't take that as a diss, think of it like Gran Torino being a notch below Unforgiven and Mystic River for me .

Miami Vice [rewatch]

Yeah I'm definitely in the minority when it comes to my adoration of this film. Most of you Mofo's might think i'm crazy but oh well. The plot is completely irrelevant to me here honestly, it's the films' hypnotic and gorgeous visual style that keeps on bringing me back. The action is stunning as is expected with Mann. This movie is dope lol.
Man, I so wanted to enjoy this one. Dug some of the action sequences near the end but it's otherwise pretty forgettable for me. Been listening to some of its soundtrack though (it even made me listen to the music of the series, which I find superior)

Finished here. It's been fun.
Man, I so wanted to enjoy this one. Dug some of the action sequences near the end but it's otherwise pretty forgettable for me. Been listening to some of its soundtrack though (it even made me listen to the music of the series, which I find superior)
I feel you. Hope you understand why I dig the film though. It's an audiovisual triumph in my eyes and there are some damn stunning sequences scattered throughout it. The opening boat race, trailer park rescue, final shootout(In the air tonight ),etc. I think Mann was really onto something here as the digital photography is used to full effect. I have no problem with the plot in honesty. It's melodramatic for sure, but it's no poorer than other action films out there.

The film just works for me.

I feel you. Hope you understand why I dig the film though. It's an audiovisual triumph in my eyes and there are some damn stunning sequences scattered throughout it. The opening boat race, trailer park rescue, final shootout(In the air tonight ),etc. I think Mann was really onto something here as the digital photography is used to full effect. I have no problem with the plot in honesty. It's melodramatic for sure, but it's no poorer than other action films out there.

The film just works for me.
I can definitely see why you like it. I also agree about the visuals, the film has quite a few stunning shots but the camerawork mostly bothered me, I've no idea why Mann used so much handheld. Collateral looks just as stunning (if not more), but I find that one to be way more taut and focused in terms of narrative and everything else. I'll be checking out Thief pretty soon, that looks like something I might love

Finished here. It's been fun.
Yeah definitely check out Thief, damn good film. I can't wait to check out Blackhat when it comes out on Blu-Ray. I know it got crapped on by critics but it seems that among Mann fans that its actually considered quite good. Definitely curious where I stand on that one. I still think you should maybe one day give Miami Vice another shot though. Btw did you watch the director's cut or the theatrical cut. I roll with the director's cut.

Finished here. It's been fun.
BlueLion, check out the director's cut in a few years. I prefer it to the theatrical cut, it has a much better pace and there's better characterization.

Samurai Rebellion (1967) - Masaki Kobayashi

DIdn't like it as much as the reviews about it went...the final obvious showdown seemed far too dragged, those zoom ins seemed absolutely unnecessary and unfitting with the rest of the scheme and the end, for me, was much too melo...Toshiro Mifune was, as always, excellent though and the build up (till a point) was astonishing...but it is the last 30 minutes that pulled it down for me...

7 out of 10

Lord High Filmquisitor

The Lazarus Effect - 5/10

This is the first real let-down for the otherwise immaculate Blumhouse Productions. It's like their version of Pixar's Cars: not strictly speaking terrible, but certainly bad enough to destroy the myth of unerring perfection that they've cloaked themselves in thus far. It was an unfrightening string of missed opportunities populated by poorly rendered and developed characters. It could have been extraordinary, and yet feels like a somewhat better version of Event Horizon / darker version of Lucy.

For anybody who's interested, I have a full review of the film up here.
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