Suspect's Top 26 TV Shows


Welcome to the human race...
It's The Wire - amorality and incompetence abound in the show. In Herc's defence he's too much of a moron to seriously hate - not to mention his interplay with Carver is amusing as hell. Marlo, on the other hand, is a character you'd be hard-pressed to like even by The Wire's standards.

I understand that, I just couldn't stand Herc. I'll take cold blooded murderers over annoying, incompetent twats every time. That is to say, I liked Marlo a lot more than I liked Herc.

I can see both points of view on this one. I didn't hate Herc, I just wanted to slap some sense into him. He's not malicious, just horrendously incompetent. Anyway, anyone who hated him must have changed their tune a tiny bit near the end; as bad as he messed things up, he did have a moment of clarity when...

WARNING: "The Wire" spoilers below
...he completely owned up to Internal Affairs and took the entire rap for all the nonsense with the camera and the fake CI, rather than drag Sydnor and Duze (sp?) through the investigation with him. When he got canned, he seemed to actually accept that he deserved it.

Herc still can't hold a candle to the Clay Davises and the Maurice Levys of the show, even beyond the Marlos, because the former two seem to stand just above and outside of The Game enough to really know better and understand precisely what they're doing, and why.

By the by, I completely agree with honeykid about ranking The Wire as one of the best shows, but not necessarily a favorite. I'd actually have it high on both lists (hell, it'd probably be #1 if I were making a "best" list), but I can definitely see why someone would find it impressive, but not especially enjoyable all the time. I thought it had just enough humor to make it pretty entertaining, too. The only time the series felt like work to me was 1) near the very beginning, when you're still getting your bearings, and 2) early on in season 2.

Great list so far. Can't wait to see the last few shows. Though I think you've got some serious 'splainin' to do, having The Simpsons that low.

Well I completly agree with most of your Choices but Family Guy should be in the Top 10 but it is your own opinion and I agree with that.

My post about The Simpsons wasn't explanation enough?
No, it was, but...all the series' ridiculously funny lines start flowing through my head and I become a Simpsonic zealot. At it's best, I really don't think there's ever been a funnier show. And my goodness, the sheer breadth, not only in the duration of the series (which still cranks out some pretty good episodes each year), but in the ability to be funny both through absurdity, wit, and genuine satire. I'm just in awe of the whole thing. So it's entirely possible there's nothing anyone could say that would ever satiate me if it weren't, if not the top show, among the one or two top comedies.

Then again, I might end up contradicting myself if I ever make a similar list. Don't mind me, just felt like waxing on about how awesome The Simpsons is. I never get tired of it, and I get a lot of practice, because my brother claims Futurama is better.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Ha, well I did say how utterly ridiculous it is how long the show has been on for and what it has accomplished within our culture. It also did make my top ten shows of all time.

If I were still watching it today, it could easily be in the top 5, but to be honest, I haven't seen a new Simpsons episode in years.

No, it was, but...all the series' ridiculously funny lines start flowing through my head and I become a Simpsonic zealot. At it's best, I really don't think there's ever been a funnier show. And my goodness, the sheer breadth, not only in the duration of the series (which still cranks out some pretty good episodes each year), but in the ability to be funny both through absurdity, wit, and genuine satire. I'm just in awe of the whole thing. So it's entirely possible there's nothing anyone could say that would ever satiate me if it weren't, if not the top show, among the one or two top comedies.

Then again, I might end up contradicting myself if I ever make a similar list. Don't mind me, just felt like waxing on about how awesome The Simpsons is. I never get tired of it, and I get a lot of practice, because my brother claims Futurama is better.
The Simpsons has been on the slide for years though. The new episodes aren't half as good as the old ones.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
4. Arrested Development

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the smartest comedy to ever grace television. Arrested Development had a short lived 3 season arc on Fox, with each season getting less and less episodes. The show was strong with critics and audiences who watched it. It never managed to grasp the big massive numbers that Fox apparently wanted. The show was cancelled and it knew it was coming, so it poked fun at the fact that they didn't know if they would be back or not. This is one of the many reasons the show was cancelled. The show respected the viewer so much that you had to see every episode to get the jokes.

This show was the smartest and dumbest thing Fox has ever done. Smartest because it gave Mitchell Hurwitz the opportunity to give us the show. Dumbest for canceling before it should have been. The last season feels incredibly rushed.

The cast ensemble is utter genius, Jason Bateman, Portia de Rossi, Will Arnett, Michael Cera, Tony Hale, David Cross, Jeffrey Tambor, Jessica Walter and narrated by Ron Howard. The show is about the dysfunctional Bluth family. George Bluth is sent to prison for fraud, treason, among other things and the lavish lifestyle that the family has lived with is falling apart. It's up to Michael to keep the family business running, keep his family in check and remain sane. It doesn't help that his brother thinks he's a magician, his brother-in-law is a never nude who leaves his profession as the world's first analrapist to become an actor, a son who is in love with his cousin and a twin sister who thinks she is saving the planet, but can't hold a job. Let's not forget his younger brother who lives with their mother and loses his hand.

"I Just Blue Myself"

The series has so many inside jokes that if you watch the series over again you will pick up on new jokes every time. I love the winks and nods to the audience. A friend of mine watched 3 random episodes and was totally lost, which is why you need to watch this show as if it were a serialized drama. Most sitcoms you don't need to keep continuity with other episodes. Arrested Development does, not just with story but with the jokes. Something that pops up in the third episodes will be referenced 3 or 4 times throughout the series. Those who notice the jokes give themselves a pat on the shoulders.

There are numerous guest actors on the show, such as Carl Weathers as Carl Weathers. Liza Minnelli, Judy Greer, Jeff Garlin, Charlize Theron, Amy Poehler, Dave Thomas, Mo Collins, John Michael Higgins, Ben Stiller, Jane Lynch, James Lipton, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jamie Kennedy, Scott Baio as Bob Loblaw who owns a Law Blog, which is called Bob Loblaw's Law Blog.

I can't recommend this show enough. It's one of the funniest shows to ever grace the television screens it helped launch Jason Bateman and Michael Cera's career. If they were to make a movie, I would be first in line. If they don't, I am perfectly content with how the show has ended.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds


Anyone who was watching the show and kept up to date in the LOST thread here had to see this one coming.

I was introduced to LOST through a friend in highschool, the first season was almost over and she was raving about it. I trusted her judgement and decided to watch an episode, I was immediately enthralled with it. So much, that I bought the first season when it came out on DVD, sat down and caught up in like 3 days. I eventually got my entire family hooked on the show and my girlfriend, who watched it from season 2 on and had me filling in some bits that she had no idea about.

No other show has had me so wrapped up in the mystery and mythology that is offered. LOST was a show that was a game changer, not only for me but for television. After every episode I would online and discuss what I had just watched and dissect every little detail with thousands of other fans. Yeah, I was THAT GUY. I stopped doing that after Season 3 when I had the finally spoiled for me. Let me just saw that I was and still am pissed at the fact that it was spoiled for me, so I vowed to stop doing that and I enjoyed the surprises the Season 4-6 had to offer.

Season 1, to me was one of the best seasons. It set up the mysteries, introduced us to the characters and got us all hooked on what the show was going to put us through. What was in the hatch? A debate I and many people had over the course of the summer when it wasn't revealed at the end of season 1. The idea that they weren't the only people on the island was great and the mystery and danger surrounding the OTHERS was present.

Season 2 opened with a character named the hatch. Brilliant opening and still one of my favourite moments of LOST, something that was ruined for me again because the premiere in Hawaii before the Canadian one. Season 2 explored the DHARMA Initiative and introduced us to the TAILIES. A slew of characters who would all meet their demise, with the exception of Bernard. It sucks when actors want out of their contract, which was the case with Mr. Eko. Season 2 had high points, but a lot of low points in my opinion and has a weak finale. It remains as one of my least liked seasons, they felt like they were stalling with a lot of material. But it does introduce us to BEN.

Season 3 had a rocky start and I was starting to get annoyed with the show. The scenes on Hydra island were boring and the scenes back at the camp were dreadful. I wasn't a fan of the mini-season opening for this season. But when they came back off the hiatus, the season ended up being one of the best. We were treated to Desmond having special powers, which would be huge later on in the season, then ignored after that. He as a character and him being special was still significant though. Charlie is on the road to redemption, after becoming absolutely dreadful in season 2. His best episode is of course Greatest Hits, in which he counts the top 5 moments in his life.

Then we are given the finale, which was epic, for lack of a better word. It could be a film, that's how well done it was. It gave viewers a new look at the series and writers a new device to play with.

Season 4 had the problem of dealing with the Writer's Strike that plagued many shows that year. Despite that fact, it still managed to be a gripping season. The show had set and end date and with the episode count cut in half, they had less 'filler' episodes and it felt more tense. We were give a slew of new characters, The Freighter Folks. Many became fan favourites, like Faraday and Lapidus. The season also gave us the frozen donkey wheel, which made the island disappear. This season took the show in a more science fiction direction. Mainly due to the addition of Faraday, who added a lot of scientific elements to the show.

The Constant, which is not only my favourite episode, but also a fan favourite, is showcased in this season. It was Desmond centric and was the first big push into the Time Travel aspect the show would really dive into the following season.

Speaking of which, season 5 is one of my personal favourites. A lot of people hate it because it has the most confusing aspects of the show to date. It deals with two timelines. The characters off the island are in the present day, while the people on the island are skipping through time and ultimately end up back in the 70's. We learn that things that happened in prior seasons are because of their acts back in the 70's. I loved the idea and the rules they gave us regarding time travel...other people didn't.

Season 5 ended with the detonation of a bomb. Season 6 started with a new timeline, one in which the characters we have come to love never crashed on the island. Did Jughead split the timeline into two?

Season 6 is probably my least favourite season. Why? Well, we are introduced to these two characters at the very end of season 5, then season 6 takes us down a road that had no prior purpose. We followed these characters for 5 years, had confusing plotlines, characters and what not...then we are given season 6 which felt like a completely different show. It felt like it ignored all prior events and was it's own story. It wrapped up a few questions here and there, but ends on a low point. I loved the idea behind it, but not the execution. The reveal of the flash sideways was my least favourite aspect of the show, as is the case with a lot of other people.

I love the ending of the show, just not the sequences in the Church and their explanation of it all. Again, the idea is interesting, but not for this show.

LOST was a show that really got me involved with other fans of the show. I've never debated over elements of a show as much as this one. It's fan involvement was insane and the show took advantage of this. I think as a whole, this series is an accomplishment beyond words. It's been copied to death, unsuccessfully mind you. Will I find a show like this again? Who knows. Shows that have tried (Flashforward, The Event) have failed beyond belief.

I cried, I laughed, I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. It's not a perfect show, but I've never been so involved and 'glued' to the screen as much as I have with LOST.

I can't understand the appeal of Lost. I watched that show for the first two and a half season and I actually stopped watching halfway through the third season, because I felt that it was going nowhere. Two and a half season in and apart from some fatalities, things were still mostly the same. Even as early as season 2, I felt like the writers had to pull multiple rabbits out of their hat to keep the show going. Lost could've easily been wrapped up in 2 seasons. By the third season, it felt extremely stretched out to me. I can't believe it ran for 6 seasons. I wonder what kind of bullsh!t the creators pulled out of their ass to keep it running for that long, but I don't fancy finding out. Oh yeah and I couldn't give two sh!ts about the characters. The only one I liked was Sawyer, because he was so damn unlikeable.

Arrested Development on the other hand is an excellent pick. There is some off the charts madness and humour in that show, especially from Gob, Tobias and Lucille

Tobias: "I'm afraid I just blue'd myself"

Lucille: "I will have the Ike and Tina tuna"
Waitress: "Plate or platter?"
Lucille: "I don't understand the question and I won't respond to it"

My favourite has to be Gob. The stuff that guy says are so out-of-this-world weird.

Michael: So is this the trick?
Gob: Illusion, Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money.
*Michael looks at kids who are standing next to Gob. Gob looks at them too.*
Gob: Or cocaine!

Michael: We'll just have to honest with these Japanese investors. They come from a culture what values honesty and respect...
Gob: And Godzilla. *starts acting like Godzilla*

I can't understand the appeal of Lost. I watched that show for the first two and a half season and I actually stopped watching halfway through the third season, because I felt that it was going nowhere.
I did that after 9 episodes of season 1. It just felt like a programme that would end up being nothing. That had no idea where it was going or how it would get there. It built up a myth so large that it couldn't possibly deliver a satisfactory ending for most of its audience. Much like 24, it felt like an exercise in creative writing for its writers.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
I loved Lost for the first season, got a bit bored and annoyed during season 2 and finally just gave up halfway through the 3rd.

Big for Arrested Development though

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That's a really good point about participation being important in Lost.

Which is why the horrible ending felt all that much worse: so much time reading theories thinking "man, the producers have something, like, fifty times better".

"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

I'm surprised when you praise Lost you don't mention how superbly they develop all the characters throughout the run and all the philosophical and theoretical undertones of little things, such as their names etc. If I want to sell someone on Lost who perceives it as 6 seasons of nonsense that goes nowhere, i'll focus them on the characters and the intelligence, if not foresight, of the writers

One thing I found interesting about The Wire the second time round was how funny it was. Incredibly