The Dark Knight Rises


We've gone on holiday by mistake
There are some and they're not even obscure. Many people think Red is the best part of Kieslowski's Trois Couleurs trilogy. Return of the King can easily trade blows with Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers. The Last Crusade is terrific; I personally think it's every bit as good as Raiders of the Lost Ark. Toy Story 3 is arguably the best in the trilogy.

And then there's one that completely blows its predecessors out of the water. And those predecessors were bloody excellent films themselves.

Didn't get round to seeing Three Colours trilogy yet. It's defo on my list as Ive seen people discuss it before.

I could write an essay on why Return of the King is not as good as Fellowship or Towers. Not even close. Moments of genius but too much messing with the narrative.

The Last Crusade, I'll give you that although I still think Raiders just pips it.

Toy Story 3 was amazing. Certainly stands equal to first two, perhaps above.

I am shamed to admit that I didn't even realise Good Bad Ugly was part of a trilogy. I thought it was a one off with Clint playing his usual Man with No Name.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Towers is the WORST out of the three. Fellowship, ROTK, then Towers.

I still have not watched the trailer for this flick yet, and I'm hoping to keep it that way until release. It's killing me though.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Think ran an article on why Batman dies relating Nolan's discography to the principles of 'The Prestige'

thought this was hilarious.

lol :d
LOLd - Online Ouija Board

After I saw the new trailer for TDKR, I watched Batman Begins and TDK 3 times each the last 2 days lol can't wait for July 20th!

It is sad that after this, there are no more Batman flicks from Nolan

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Just a random thought, but definitely thought-provoking....

According to Nolan's The Prestige, there are 3 steps to performing an illusion:

- The Pledge: We are presented with something ordinary that is most likely not ordinary at all...Batman Begins.

- The Turn: The ordinary 'something' becomes extraordinary, something completely unexpected...The Dark Knight.

- The Prestige: The extraordinary 'something' is then turned on its head, making you believe in magic...The Dark Knight Rises.'m excited
somebody has been reading Cracked
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
So Batman and Bruce Wayne were really twins all along.

Bane will kill one of them then the other will turn up at the end to kill Bane.

If you look really closely at Morgan Freeman through the makeup you can tell that he really is.............

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Catwoman reveals a scene from TDKR

Dec 29, 2011

The one person we haven’t heard anything from on Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises was Anne Hatheway who is portraying Selina Kyle/Catwoman. But Hatheway was interviewed by Hero Complex about her take on the character, and was even able to give description of a brief scene:
“Gotham City is a war zone. A ruthless madman named Bane has ripped away any sense of security and the citizens, haggard and clutching suitcases with refugee anxiety, sit behind barbed wire waiting to see what will blow up next. A hooded prisoner is dragged in – it’s Bruce Wayne, one of Gotham’s most famous faces – but the eyes of the crowd go instead to the woman in black standing at the top of the staircase.
“Sorry to spoil things, boys, but Bane needs these guys himself,” says sultry Selina Kyle, played here by actress Anne Hathaway, navigating the steps with stiletto heels that, on closer inspection, turn out to have serrated edges capable of leaving nasty claw marks in a fight. She also wears night-vision goggles that, when not in use, flip up and resemble feline ears.”
That description answers alot of questions were generated after the recent trailer (here). But it also creates all new ones as well. Does Catwoman’s words in the trailer imply that Bane (Tom Hardy) will turn Gotham upside down? Locking up the rich while letting the criminals run free? It certainly seems that way, and it would make more sense for Batman to return. Not to mention that it would reflect Ra’s Al Ghul’s plan in Batman Begins to have Gotham tear itself apart, and we’ve already heard The League of Shadows will return in this film.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Im so looking forward to seeing this, the night before we go to the cinema to see this im going to watch Begins and TDK, I hope this lives up to my expectations
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Nolan reworked TDKR prologue (UPDATED)

Jan 3, 2012

So, we’ve all heard all the controversy over the voice of Bane (Tom Hardy) in Christpher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises. Some have no problem understanding him, but many seem to. Well, we’ve also heard that Nolan has no intention of tweaking the character’s voice (here), but rumor has it that he did make changes to the prologue to make Bane more clearer. A source told Collider that IMAX theaters were sent a new version of the prologue to play in front of Mission: Imposible – Ghost Protocol that has the background noise reduced so that we can hear Bane’s voice more clearer.
This is just a rumor for right now, but it’s definitely a problem that needs to be fixed. I’m not one to go around saying, “In Nolan We Trust”, but Nolan has his reasons for not wanting to tweak his voice. Having said that, this is still an issue. Just imagine if Nolan made it to where you couldn’t understand The Joker’s voice in The Dark Knight. All those wonderful lines of dialogue would be ruined, and empty.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Okay so this does not really have to do with TDKR but I didn't know where else to put it.

Reverend believes Ledger was possessed while making The Dark Knight
Jan 6, 2012

It’s no question that Heath Ledger was absolutely incredible as The Joker in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight. I’m not going to lie, I really never cared for Ledger as an actor, and he was rather hit or miss when it came to pulling off a good performance, in my opinion of course. However, he just blew it out of the water with his performance in The Dark Knight. Sadly, the actor passed away before that role could shoot him to stardom.
Well, Reverend Bob Larson believes the performance wasn’t all due to Ledger’s acting ability, but that a demon was possessing him at the time. “I would say…something overtook that man. There is a strong possibility that somehow, he just took on too much of the evil of this character. After all, whether it was psychological or spiritual, he could not draw that distinction anymore. That is not the first time I’ve had an actor tell that sort of thing to me. When they are called onto portray that role. With this movie here, though, I don’t see that happening,” he said. Larson does make a strong point. Anyone that knows me knows that I’m a huge fan of Ledger’s performance as The Joker, and he truly was terrifying in his performance. Ledger was able to pretty much capture the insanity of the character. And While it’s too late to really know if Ledger was possessed or not, it does make one think about the possibility of it.
Of course, there’s many out there that don’t believe in demonic possession, but after hearing a couple of stories from friends on the topic, it’s hard for me not to believe it. And this certainly wasn’t the first time for Reverend Larson either. “I have. There have been instances of that. Obviously, I deal with political figures, business people, as well as ordinary people…A lot of people in the entertainment industry. But I am sworn to secrecy on that. Clergy confidentiality doesn’t allow me to discuss anything about that. But…There is that danger. I wouldn’t say that it is a common danger. But it certainly is at work out there,” he said when asked if he’s experienced it before.
Whether or not Ledger was possessed or not remains to be seen or proven, but it does make one wonder about this sort of thing. Heck, even Jack Nicholson warned Ledger not to make the film because what the role will do to him. Perhaps the character of The Joker is just too insane for any person to mess with? But given the importance of the character in the Batman mythology you can bet that we’ll see the Clown Prince of Crime on the big screen again when the studio reboots the franchise after The Dark Knight Rises.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
^ Someone talking out of their arse there...


Don't underestimate the psychological effect of portraying someone like "The Joker".

I'm not saying he was possesed as in "The Exorcist" but some actors are method actors. They literally become their role, and for months at a time, are you suggesting that it is impossible for some sort of trace of the role to remain with Heath Ledger both during and post filming.

For the very best actors there is no ACTING, there is only BECOMING the character that you portray. In a way a little like schizophrenia. Not everyone is going to be able to deal with that. Hence why a lot of actors turn to drugs.

There's a pretty big difference between saying "trying to imitate a psychopath with method acting can mess with your head" (which I'd say is true) and "dude was possessed by a demon."

Also, it might have the cart before the horse. The guy died abusing (accidentally, it seems) prescription drugs, so it might not have been that the performance messed him up, but that he was already a little messed up and it made the performance that much more natural for him. We'll never really know, though.

^ Indeed, already had problems before the role of the Joker.

Don't underestimate the psychological effect of portraying someone like "The Joker".
I don't disagree, my post was towards the demonic possession.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
The Dark Knight Rises already selling out in IMAX
Jan 10, 2012

It was reported yesterday that advanced tickets to see Chrisopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises in IMAX on opening were being sold six months before the film is released on July 20th (here). And as you may have guessed, those tickets sold fast, very fast. Entertainment Weekly is reporting that IMAX for the film have already sold out. It’s unusual for tickets to sell this early before a film’s release, seeing as how fans are highly anticipating Nolan’s final Batman film, it should come to now shock. It’s unknown when tickets for regular theaters will go on sale, but you can probably expect them to be sold out just as quickly.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog

The copper color belt looks a bit ugly to me, honestly I can't remember if it was that color in the other movies but for some reason it really stands out in this picture.