The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame


yeah i’ll waive the time limit rule and my lists are up to date. my criticker profile in my signature also includes every movie i’ve ever seen and my score for it if that’s more helpful
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Unless of course we’re making the rule that it has to be on a MoFo list.
That's the rule, but fortunately for you there's a crapload of great selections.
It would be cool if we could at least get two more people to join, for an even 10. @gbgoodies @anybodyelse

Thanks for the invite, but while I think this HoF is a great idea, I don't think it's a good idea for me to join.

The main reason is because of the rule (quoted above) that the nominations must be picked from the MoFo lists. There are just too many movies on those lists that I have no interest in watching. (Most of the movies on the MoFo lists that I want to see, I've already seen.)

Plus, I'm terrible at picking movie recommendations for other people.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Unfortunately there's no other way to really do this besides picking from the lists. If I have to ask you if you've seen something, that would sort of give it away. And even though you think there's not many on the lists you would like, there's still a much better chance of you watching movies that you like than a regular HoF, and no chance that you'll watch something you've already seen and didn't like.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

To be fair, though, the only one of my recommendations that I'm confident about is the one for edarsenal and that's only because he so rarely dislikes movies that I like.
yeah, pretty much lol

I've gotten ones for cricket and john-conner so far. My choice for John was after perusing his favorite 250 List. And cricket's I'm kinda doubtful, since he's nearly cleared out most of his and I have NO IDEA if he'll like it or not. Depending on which of the two choices i go with.
I was waiting on CR to clear his and then I see that we have quite a number of others joining in, which is pretty cool.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Unfortunately there's no other way to really do this besides picking from the lists. If I have to ask you if you've seen something, that would sort of give it away. And even though you think there's not many on the lists you would like, there's still a much better chance of you watching movies that you like than a regular HoF, and no chance that you'll watch something you've already seen and didn't like.

I understand the reason for using the lists to pick the nominations. Unfortunately I just don't think it will work for me.

The trick is not minding
So I may understand this better, is it all 10 (assuming there are 10 other people who join) participants select a film for me to watch? And then I select a film for the other 10 participants?

It bugs me that I still haven't reached 100% completion on any of the forum lists, despite having seen thousands of movies in my lifetime. I keep meaning to seek out more titles from the lists instead of watching whatever random crap I come across. This HOF seems like the perfect impetus to do just that. Count me in.

As for length, I can probably handle anything under 10 inches. Oh, wait . . . you mean run-times? 210-minutes is probably my max. People can nominate whatever the hell they want, though, regardless of whether they think I'll like it or not. My taste is usually all over the place.

I'll try to resist the urge to force everyone to watch The Devil's Rejects, but I make no promises.

I'll be spending Friday, Saturday, and possibly Sunday in Monterey with friends, so I may not be around for the reveal. I'm really curious to see what films people will think I'll like though. I hope at least a few of you are right.

So I may understand this better, is it all 10 (assuming there are 10 other people who join) participants select a film for me to watch? And then I select a film for the other 10 participants?

So you'll need to go through the lists section of each person's profile and choose one film from the lists for each of the other participants. Right now we have 10 people signed up. You would make 11. So you will have to choose 10 nominations from the lists and assign one to each person. Your choices have to be from the lists section and must not be something the person has already seen. If more people join, then you'll need to choose a nomination for each of them as well.

Hopefully that clears it up.

So I may understand this better, is it all 10 (assuming there are 10 other people who join) participants select a film for me to watch? And then I select a film for the other 10 participants?
Yes, you thinking of joining now?

It bugs me that I still haven't reached 100% completion on any of the forum lists, despite having seen thousands of movies in my lifetime. I keep meaning to seek out more titles from the lists instead of watching whatever random crap I come across. This HOF seems like the perfect impetus to do just that. Count me in.

As for length, I can probably handle anything under 10 inches. Oh, wait . . . you mean run-times? 210-minutes is probably my max. People can nominate whatever the hell they want, though, regardless of whether they think I'll like it or not. My taste is usually all over the place.

I'll try to resist the urge to force everyone to watch The Devil's Rejects, but I make no promises.
Sent mine in for you!!!

Trouble with a capital "T"
So I may understand this better, is it all 10 (assuming there are 10 other people who join) participants select a film for me to watch? And then I select a film for the other 10 participants?
Cool if you can join. Unlike other HoFs which aren't about winning but about nominating a film that we think is worthy of induction into the HoF...This one is about winning! It's about who can have the most insight and/or luck in choosing movies for other people.

The trick is not minding
So I may understand this better, is it all 10 (assuming there are 10 other people who join) participants select a film for me to watch? And then I select a film for the other 10 participants?
Yes, you thinking of joining now?
I am....😳

The trick is not minding
It bugs me that I still haven't reached 100% completion on any of the forum lists, despite having seen thousands of movies in my lifetime. I keep meaning to seek out more titles from the lists instead of watching whatever random crap I come across. This HOF seems like the perfect impetus to do just that. Count me in.

As for length, I can probably handle anything under 10 inches. Oh, wait . . . you mean run-times? 210-minutes is probably my max. People can nominate whatever the hell they want, though, regardless of whether they think I'll like it or not. My taste is usually all over the place.

I'll try to resist the urge to force everyone to watch The Devil's Rejects, but I make no promises.
I’m in the same boat. When I first went through the lists I was surprised by how little I’ve seen. And I’ve seen well over a thousand as well, I'd wager. But to be fair I don’t ever really plan on watching every single one of them in those lists. Some just don’t appeal to me.

The trick is not minding
Ok, I’m going to reconsider this. I have until Sunday, right? That’ll give me some time to go over everyone’s lists. That’s the daunting part....cross checking everyone's rather lengthy amount of lists and coming Up with a suitable film for all involved.
Although I’m pretty sure I already know why I’ll pick for Citizen Rules if I join.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ok, I’m going to reconsider this. I have until Sunday, right? That’ll give me some time to go over everyone’s lists. That’s the daunting part....cross checking everyone's rather lengthy amount of lists and coming Up with a suitable film for all involved.
Although I’m pretty sure I already know why I’ll pick for Citizen Rules if I join.
I have a zillion unchecked films on my list that I would like to see, it's not like I watched up all the good stuff and the rest is crap