
It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I mentioned this to Yoda earlier that I thought it would be neat if there was some type of discussion for the club members.

I just had a new idea about that...what if each Director's Club had one thread that was pinned to the top of the thread list...and that pinned thread would be open for all MoFos to post on (as all the threads are on the main MoFo site anyway).

That thread could be a welcome/home thread and a place for club members to post and 'hang out' ..and as all MoFos could post to it, it could also serve to create interest in new members joining the club.

An example I made:
Love this.

Home Base threads sounds like a solid idea, and I'm not just saying that because it sounds easy to implement.

Only thing we'd need to decide: should they exist here, or should I house them in a hidden folder so they're only visible from that page? I can see reasons to do either. Thoughts?

I reckon a hidden folder visible only in the fan club.

That way, the fans themselves and visitors to the club can see it, but on the regular forum it's not a thread that will get jacked or packed with non-subject filler.
You'll need to make a conscious effort to go to the club, go to the thread, and post... so basically the members who go in there won't be going in for nothing.

Crap, I was hoping you'd say the other one, since that way is harder.

Maybe I can find some way to kinda-sorta fake it. I mean, I've been kinda-sorta faking everything on this site for 16 years, so what's one more thing?

I know how you like a challenge

How about adding one more challenge... make it visible to only the members of said club?

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Only thing we'd need to decide: should they exist here, or should I house them in a hidden folder so they're only visible from that page? I can see reasons to do either. Thoughts?
I'm not sure how to visualize both ways? and not sure what the differences would look like?

I think they should be visible on the Now Playing and New Post areas of MoFo, so that everyone can see them and reply...and hopefully even join a club or two. And also be pinned to the top of each Directors Club. What ever way would make that happen would seem to be the best.

How about adding one more challenge... make it visible to only the members of said club?
Nah - should be visible to all (from within the club) but only club members may post to it ..... way more fun

Hang about...

Citizen is right... the Now Playing would be useful for said threads.

How about... a separate subforum...

In said sub-forum, let's call it "MoFo Clubs" or something, is a link to the Clubs Page... and a list of the Master Threads for each director.
Those Master Threads are, as Citizen pointed out, pinned at the top of each Club's page respectively.

I think they should be visible on the Now Playing and New Post areas of MoFo, so that everyone can see them and reply...and hopefully even join a club or two. And also be pinned to the top of each Directors Club. What ever way would make that happen would seem to be the best.
Yeah, that's the difference I'm thinking of: whether or not it shows up in all the places threads currently do: New Posts, Now Playing, etc. It's a LOT easier to let it do that than to not, for what it's worth.

Also, I've had several different people suggest only letting club members post, but I'm pretty certain I don't want to do that. I think we'd need a really good reason to restrict access to discussions, and the goal isn't actually to persuade people to join: the goal is to have a cool feature people want to join. More carrot than stick, in other words. We could obviously get lots of people joining clubs if we made it a prerequisite for something else, but merely amassing club memberships isn't an end in and of itself.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah, that's the difference I'm thinking of: whether or not it shows up in all the places threads currently do: New Posts, Now Playing, etc. It's a LOT easier to let it do that than to not, for what it's worth.
Easier is good! Makes sense too.

Also, I've had several different people suggest only letting club members post, but I'm pretty certain I don't want to do that. I think we'd need a really good reason to restrict access to discussions, and the goal isn't actually to persuade people to join: the goal is to have a cool feature people want to join...
I agree the more the merrier...and the thing is if only club members can post on a pinned home thread, the conversation would eventually get stale and fall off as it takes more than just a couple of people to keep a thread topical.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yeah, that's the difference I'm thinking of: whether or not it shows up in all the places threads currently do: New Posts, Now Playing, etc. It's a LOT easier to let it do that than to not, for what it's worth.

Also, I've had several different people suggest only letting club members post, but I'm pretty certain I don't want to do that. I think we'd need a really good reason to restrict access to discussions, and the goal isn't actually to persuade people to join: the goal is to have a cool feature people want to join. More carrot than stick, in other words. We could obviously get lots of people joining clubs if we made it a prerequisite for something else, but merely amassing club memberships isn't an end in and of itself.

I think it's a bad idea to only let members read and/or post in the club threads. As a non-member of a club, I might want to read the threads in the club to decide if I might want to watch some of their movies, or I might watch one of their movies, and want to post about it and discuss it with club members, but if the clubs are restricted, it might limit my desire to watch and/or discuss their movies.

The idea of the clubs is to increase interest in these directors, but restricting the clubs might actually do the opposite. The people who aren't as familiar with these directors might decide to just watch other movies instead.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Okay, added a few more Clubs (for Lynch, Kurosawa, and Cronenberg). The Curators have been notified so they should be tagging discussions soon.

I'd like to add Spielberg, Capra, and Kubrick as well before shifting onto features for a bit. Any takers for any of those? It won't be a lot of work, but I will need you to do it pretty quickly after I add it.


That wouldn't be too hard to implement, but my concern is that it would almost never get used, seeing as how even the regular Shoutbox isn't used much right now.

Joined the Kurosawa one - any idea when the free tee-shirt and board game might arrive?

I love the alliteration that exists in a Cosmic-curated Cronenberg Club

Were there any plans to have custom club banners, similar to profile banners? Would that make the club pages too cluttered?

Were there any plans to have custom club banners, similar to profile banners? Would that make the club pages too cluttered?
That's actually a really nice idea. I think it didn't occur to me because I wanted the setup to be easy, so we've been using preeexisting portraits and the like. But I'm very open to this if the Curators, by and large, would be willing to take on the responsibility of finding or making them.

'Scuse me if I'm being even more ignorant than usual and they already are ... but will the curators of each of the clubs be shown anywhere?
Might be nice just in case in the future they have a level of autonomy over club happenings.

'Scuse me if I'm being even more ignorant than usual and they already are ... but will the curators of each of the clubs be shown anywhere?
Might be nice just in case in future they have a level of autonomy over club happenings.
Right now the curators are marked on each club's member list as well as on the clubs sections of that member's profile.